Dating a Japanese woman: Tips and Curiosities

Have you met a Japanese woman and have no idea how to win her over? Have no idea how Japanese dating works? In this article, we are going to see all the details of how you can conquer and date a Japanese woman.

The tips in this article will not only help men to conquer Japanese girls, but can also help women understand how a Japanese mind works. Girls just reverse engineer this article and apply some of the advice written here. Girls can read our article about how to win japanese men.

Ever wondered why Japanese women don't shave their pubic hair? Click below to also read our article: Why Japanese women don't usually shave.

Definitive guide on how to conquer and date a Japanese woman

This is not a flirting guide

I want to make it clear that no human being is the same, we don't want you to create expectations and stereotypes with this article. Many end up being disgusted with this type of article and guide, not understanding the true intention of the article.

The purpose of this article is to specify how Japanese dating works and how you can delve into Japanese customs and make things as correct and appropriate as possible. We use the term conquer Japanese to attract more readers, but it is not our intention to support this type of flirtatious content.

Keep in mind that many Japanese women or descendants who live in Brazil do not have knowledge of the Japanese culture or language. Don't imagine that we're creating a foolproof guide or saying that all girls are created equal.

Sometimes you'll need to use the standard methods to win over a girl who probably doesn't have any interest in Japan, let alone anime and manga.

I don't want you to think I'm stereotyping Japanese women, there is no rule book or guide to winning specific girls. I still need to use the term conquer Japanese otherwise readers won't find the article.

Although there are specific cultures, the tips may or may not work for any girl, regardless of nationality. On the contrary, this guide is about scientific and cultural studies of common behaviors, not generalizations or machismo.

What do you need to know before conquering a Japanese woman?

The first thing you need to know is that many Japanese are extremely shy. This is the main factor that prevents many relationships from happening. Things happen as slowly as possible in Japanese relationships, maybe your Brazilian socializing skills can make you stand out or put the girl away altogether.

If you are interested in just hooking up with or getting a Japanese girl, I think you better be aware that most Japanese women are delicate and tend to have a good time moral. In this guide you will understand that conquering a Japanese girl requires effort and having real love and not just desires.

Definitive guide on how to conquer and date a Japanese woman

Japanese culture is often extremely shameful when it comes to public affection. Things like kissing, hugging, and even holding hands can be difficult at the beginning of the relationship due to the couple's shyness.

Of course, you will find japanese women bold and shameless, in the same way that you will find japanese women who only have sex after marriage, even though there is no religious law. Let it be clear in your mind that no woman is the same don't stereotype women just because they are Japanese or because there are certain cultural customs in Japan.

It is impossible to write a guide to conquering Japanese women because even if they follow a cultural pattern, there are still sub-cultures like moekei, tsundere, burikko, kigatsuyoi, gyaru and many others. Not to mention descendants, and the country's regional cultural differences. A girl from Osaka is totally different from a girl from Tokyo or Okinawa.

The best and main tip is: Meet the girl, show interest in her and be friends with her. Only by knowing each girl individually will you be able to win her over! Still, I hope the tips in this article will help you get an idea of what to do when trying to conquer a Japanese woman.

Top myths in Japanese relationship

A lot of people think that the Japanese are cold people, one of the greatest myths of humanity. This certain coldness that some Brazilians believe exists is one of the results of extreme shyness and Japanese customs. The great truth is that the Japanese have always been taught to put others before themselves.

Hardly a Japanese girlfriend will explode and expose her feelings and her anger. You have to be very observant to know what the girl is thinking of you. When interacting with a Japanese woman, you will understand that even if she is very angry about something, she will hardly expose it. As this is just a stereotype, maybe you have a chance to win over a Japanese woman who speaks her mind.

Definitive guide on how to conquer and date a Japanese woman

Another mistake is thinking that you don't stand a chance with a Japanese girl because you're not Japanese. This old-fashioned idea of Japanese dating Japanese no longer exists. On the contrary, Japanese women end up preferring foreigners precisely because they are not so shy.

Is it true that Japanese parents don't approve of relationships with foreigners? It is true that many parents are conservative, but most of the time parents look to see if the suitor is properly prepared for a relationship. They often look at your job, your financial condition, your customs and your culture. Just be respectful like a Japanese!

Despite the custom of not showing affection in public, it doesn't mean you don't find it on the streets. It is much rarer than in Brazil but you will find affection in public on the streets with kisses and hugs. This is yet another stereotype that people create about Japan, there is no law prohibiting public affection.

How to conquer and date a Japanese woman - tips and curiosities

The article is still halfway through, but we recommend also reading:

Tips on how to seduce a Japanese girl

You should be aware of the traditional tips to conquer a girl regardless of your nationality. Girls have similar traits like running her hand through her hair and pointing her legs at you when she's interested. You should always be an observer and try to pick up these signals in a conversation.

You should take into account the famous cliché tips like being elegant, gentlemanly and sociable. You must put the shame aside, create opportunities and make the girl laugh (that's the key). Don't try too hard to scare the girl, know how to talk and take at least 30 seconds before viewing and replying to a message.

Some Japanese girls like to be treated like a princess, in a sweet and gentle way. Of course you shouldn't do this in a scary way, don't be touchy-feely and don't overdo it, just do simple things and gentlemanly gestures like opening the door, carrying something heavy or sending a message asking how your day was. Even because, being a gentleman is the obligation of every respectful man.

There are things that can make a Japanese woman's heart flutter (doki-doki) like roll up her shirt sleeves, take something from a high shelf for her and even pat her on the head. Of course, to make these gestures it is good to have a certain intimacy and to do it at the right time. These are simple gestures you can do to impress any girl.

Definitive guide on how to conquer and date a Japanese woman

Meeting and talking to a Japanese woman

First, be yourself! Nobody likes someone impersonating someone else. Then try to find out what the Japanese likes. Try looking at your social networks like Instagram to look for commonalities and try to apply them in a conversation. Having a basic knowledge of Japanese culture and the Japanese language is essential if you want to win over a native Japanese woman who follows cultural customs.

One of the great difficulties of conquering a Japanese is that she will almost never show interest first. Unless you're a Japanese woman in her 30s, which culturally is the age where some are desperate for a husband (I'm not saying that, just watch a drama), I say from experience.

Never try anything in front of other people, some Japanese women just hate feeling pressured. For example, trying something in front of her friends is one of the worst things you can do. No woman likes to be smothered or uncomfortable, so wait for her to be alone before trying certain moves.

Definitive guide on how to conquer and date a Japanese woman

When talking to a Japanese woman alone, it can be much easier for her to expose herself and talk about things she likes or certain subjects that she would hardly talk about in public. Always remember to take it slow, shy women don't appreciate certain gestures or attitudes that are too direct. Trying to rush things is digging your own grave and scaring the girl.

Saying he likes the girl and asking her out

You need to show more confidence, show that you are a determined and friendly man. Japanese women prefer people close as a friend, perhaps the friend zone is not a dangerous place as it seems. Once you have a friendship, lots of conversations in common, and clues that she is interested, you can try to declare yourself or ask her on a date.

The Japanese usually declare their love (kokuhaku) before they started dating or even dating. Of course, to do this you need to be completely sure that you want to expose your feelings and find the right moment to do so. If you conquer the girl, it may happen that she confesses her love for you. Make sure you spend time with her.

Definitive guide on how to conquer and date a Japanese woman

Culturally, Japanese women are extremely polite and can easily accept your request to go out on a date. That doesn't mean she's interested in you, maybe she just didn't want to say no. Others refuse to go out, but that doesn't mean she doesn't like you, she could just be scared and shy.

Some Japanese women wait for the right date to enter a relationship or go on a date. The end of the school year, Valentine's Day and Christmas are the main dates for having romantic encounters. Just be careful not to go out asking the girl without understanding how these dates work culturally.

Other Japanese relationship tips

Don't think about asking her to live with you unless you want to get married. If you live together without getting married, the parents must already be preparing the wedding ceremony and the girl is probably thinking about the baby's names. This is a joke, but it's good to make sure or make your intentions in the relationship clear.

How to conquer and date a Japanese woman - tips and curiosities

In Japan, girls give gifts at Valentine's Day on February 14th. On March 14, the boys must return this gift on a holiday called white day. The real valentine's day just like in the west happens in Christmas Eve. Remember to spend it with your girl and not your family.

Of course, things don't stop there are several articles on our site that go deeper into the subject of relationships with Japanese people. Below we will leave a list of articles that you can read later.

Definitive guide on how to conquer and date a Japanese woman

Points to succeed in a Japanese relationship

I want to end this article by making a checklist of points we have covered. So you can make a quick summary of the main points that you should keep in mind when conquering and dating a Japanese girl or any other girl regardless of nationality.

  • Be yourself;
  • Use common sense, be moderate;
  • No girl (o) is the same, adapt;
  • Japanese women are shy, timid, and fearful;
  • The parents are not a difficulty;
  • Japanese women do not usually express their feelings;
  • You need to understand and respect Japanese culture.
  • You need to learn the basics of the Japanese language;
  • You need to know what she likes;
  • You need to be patient and take it slow;
  • Treat the girl like a princess, make small gestures;
  • Declare yourself in the Japanese way (kokuhaku);
  • Spend a lot of time with the girl, become a friend;
  • Don't pressure the girl.
  • Don't forget about important dates;
  • Don't try too hard to scare the girl;

To end the article I will leave a nice video of a foreigner interviewing Japanese people about relationships and marriages with foreigners. Just activate the youtube subtitles to understand what they are saying in English:

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