Seisho no shomei - Books of the Bible in Japanese


Per Kevin

In this article we bring you the books of the Bible in Japanese language, which are called “Seisho no Shomei” [聖書の署名]. See how the names of the books of the Bible in Japanese are interesting and completely different from Portuguese.

Even if you are an atheist, or a non-Christian, we notice an importance of reading such an article. With the list of Bible books below you will see differences and improve your Japanese language learning.

We can notice the use of Katakana for names of people and nations. Even if it is not in the table, remember that books with the name of nations use the “jin” [人]. Example: Romans in Japanese and roomajin [ローマ人].

We also recommend reading:

Seisho no shomei - Japanese bible books

List of Japanese Bible Books

Soosei-ki創世記 Gênesis
Shutsu-Ejiputo-ki出エジプト記 Exodus
Rebi-kiレビ記 Leviticus
Minsuu-ki民数記 Numbers
Shimmei-ki申命記 Deuteronomy
Yoshuaヨシュア Josué
Sabakibito裁き人 Judges
Rutsuルツ Ruth
Samueru-daiichiサムエル第一 1 Samuel
Samueru-dainiサムエル第二 2 Samuel
Retsuoo-daiichi列王第一 1 kings
Retsuoo-daini列王第二 2 Kings
Rekidai-daiichi歴代第一 1 Chronicles
Rekidai-daini歴代第二 2 Chronicles
Ezuraエズラ Ezra
Nehemiyaネヘミヤ Nehemiah
eutherusエステル Ester
Yobuヨブ job
Shihen詩編 Psalms
Shingen箴言 proverbs
Dendoo-no-sho伝道の書 Ecclesiastes
Soromon-no-utaソロモンの歌 Song of Solomon
Izayaイザヤ Isaiah
Eremiyaエレミヤ Jeremiah
Aika哀歌 Lamentations
Ezekieruエゼキエル Ezekiel
Danieruダニエル Daniel
Hoseaホセア Hosea
Yoeruヨエル Joel
Amosuアモス Amós
Obadayaオバデヤ Obadiah
Yonaヨナ Jonah
Mikaミカ Micah
Nahomuナホム No
Habakukuハバクク Habakkuk
Zepaniyaゼパニヤ Zephaniah
Hagaiハガイ Haggai
Zekariyaゼカリヤ Zechariah
Marakiマラキ Malachi
killマタイ Matthew
Marukoマルコ Mark
Rukaルカ Lucas
Yohaneヨハネ João
Shito使徒 acts
Roomaローマ Romans
Korinto-daiichiコリント第一 1 Corinthians
Korinto-dainiコリント第二 2 Corinthians
Garateaガラテア Galatians
Ephesusエフェソス Ephesians
Firipiフィリピ Philippians
Korosaiコロサイ Colossians
Tesaronike-daiichiテサロニケ第一 1 Thessalonians
Tesaronike-dainiテサロニケ第二 2 Thessalonians
Temote-daiichiテモテ第一 1 Timothy
Temote-dainiテモテ第二 2 Timothy
Tetosuテトス Titus
Firemonフィレモン Philemon
Heburaiヘブライ hebrews
Yakobuヤコブ Tiago
Petero-daiichiペテロ第一 1 Peter
Petero-dainiペテロ第二 2 Peter
Yohane-daiichiヨハネ第一 1 John
Yohane-dainiヨハネ第二 2 John
Yohane-daisanヨハネ第三 3 John
Yudaユダ Judas
Keiji ou Yohane no mokushiroku啓示 [ヨハネの黙示録] Revelation of John (Revelation)

Thanks for reading this article. The Japanese Bible is a very complex book and full of complex words that we don't know, if you are interested, I recommend it as a good book to improve your nihongo.

The video below shows a little about the Japanese Bible and the writings. Finally, I also invite you to read our other related articles below:

Analyzing the Japanese Bible

As mentioned, the bible in Japanese is called a seisho [聖書]. Japanese chapter is sho [章] and verse is setsu [節]. Watch the video below where we talk more about it:

Meaning and Definition: toritateru
Meaning and Definition: kanren