In this article we bring you the books of the Bible in Japanese language, which are called “Seisho no Shomei” [聖書の署名]. See how the names of the books of the Bible in Japanese are interesting and completely different from Portuguese.
Even if you are an atheist, or a non-Christian, we notice an importance of reading such an article. With the list of Bible books below you will see differences and improve your Japanese language learning.
We can notice the use of Katakana for names of people and nations. Even if it is not in the table, remember that books with the name of nations use the “jin” [人]. Example: Romans in Japanese and roomajin [ローマ人].
We also recommend reading:
- KANA: Definitive Guide to Hiragana and Katakana - Japanese Alphabet
- Hito [人] How do you say Person in Japanese?
- Are Anime Dangerous? influence? Devils?

Table of Content
List of Japanese Bible Books
Soosei-ki | 創世記 | Gênesis |
Shutsu-Ejiputo-ki | 出エジプト記 | Exodus |
Rebi-ki | レビ記 | Leviticus |
Minsuu-ki | 民数記 | Numbers |
Shimmei-ki | 申命記 | Deuteronomy |
Yoshua | ヨシュア | Josué |
Sabakibito | 裁き人 | Judges |
Rutsu | ルツ | Ruth |
Samueru-daiichi | サムエル第一 | 1 Samuel |
Samueru-daini | サムエル第二 | 2 Samuel |
Retsuoo-daiichi | 列王第一 | 1 kings |
Retsuoo-daini | 列王第二 | 2 Kings |
Rekidai-daiichi | 歴代第一 | 1 Chronicles |
Rekidai-daini | 歴代第二 | 2 Chronicles |
Ezura | エズラ | Ezra |
Nehemiya | ネヘミヤ | Nehemiah |
eutherus | エステル | Ester |
Yobu | ヨブ | job |
Shihen | 詩編 | Psalms |
Shingen | 箴言 | proverbs |
Dendoo-no-sho | 伝道の書 | Ecclesiastes |
Soromon-no-uta | ソロモンの歌 | Song of Solomon |
Izaya | イザヤ | Isaiah |
Eremiya | エレミヤ | Jeremiah |
Aika | 哀歌 | Lamentations |
Ezekieru | エゼキエル | Ezekiel |
Danieru | ダニエル | Daniel |
Hosea | ホセア | Hosea |
Yoeru | ヨエル | Joel |
Amosu | アモス | Amós |
Obadaya | オバデヤ | Obadiah |
Yona | ヨナ | Jonah |
Mika | ミカ | Micah |
Nahomu | ナホム | No |
Habakuku | ハバクク | Habakkuk |
Zepaniya | ゼパニヤ | Zephaniah |
Hagai | ハガイ | Haggai |
Zekariya | ゼカリヤ | Zechariah |
Maraki | マラキ | Malachi |
kill | マタイ | Matthew |
Maruko | マルコ | Mark |
Ruka | ルカ | Lucas |
Yohane | ヨハネ | João |
Shito | 使徒 | acts |
Rooma | ローマ | Romans |
Korinto-daiichi | コリント第一 | 1 Corinthians |
Korinto-daini | コリント第二 | 2 Corinthians |
Garatea | ガラテア | Galatians |
Ephesus | エフェソス | Ephesians |
Firipi | フィリピ | Philippians |
Korosai | コロサイ | Colossians |
Tesaronike-daiichi | テサロニケ第一 | 1 Thessalonians |
Tesaronike-daini | テサロニケ第二 | 2 Thessalonians |
Temote-daiichi | テモテ第一 | 1 Timothy |
Temote-daini | テモテ第二 | 2 Timothy |
Tetosu | テトス | Titus |
Firemon | フィレモン | Philemon |
Heburai | ヘブライ | hebrews |
Yakobu | ヤコブ | Tiago |
Petero-daiichi | ペテロ第一 | 1 Peter |
Petero-daini | ペテロ第二 | 2 Peter |
Yohane-daiichi | ヨハネ第一 | 1 John |
Yohane-daini | ヨハネ第二 | 2 John |
Yohane-daisan | ヨハネ第三 | 3 John |
Yuda | ユダ | Judas |
Keiji ou Yohane no mokushiroku | 啓示 [ヨハネの黙示録] | Revelation of John (Revelation) |
Thanks for reading this article. The Japanese Bible is a very complex book and full of complex words that we don't know, if you are interested, I recommend it as a good book to improve your nihongo.
The video below shows a little about the Japanese Bible and the writings. Finally, I also invite you to read our other related articles below:
Analyzing the Japanese Bible
As mentioned, the bible in Japanese is called a seisho [聖書]. Japanese chapter is sho [章] and verse is setsu [節]. Watch the video below where we talk more about it: