250 Japanese Female Names with Meanings


Per Kevin

Looking for a complete list of Japanese female names with meanings and ideograms (Kanji)? Suki Desu has just shared one of the best lists you will find in your life, with great names to give to your daughter or pet.

It is worth mentioning that despite presenting a meaning, it is shallow and superficial. If you research the ideogram deeply using a dictionary, or even change the ideograms used in the writing of the name, it can gain a new and different meaning.

If you want to examine Japanese names in depth, let's leave our article: See how to write your name in Kanji – Ideograms!

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Unfortunately our List is limited and does not include neither 5% of the existing female Japanese names nor specify details of their meanings.

How to find out the meaning of a female Japanese name

We created an article that serves as a Japanese Names Guide where we talk all about Japanese names, their origin and how to discover the meaning and choose a name. Let's briefly talk about Japanese female names in this article.

Read our: Japanese Female and Male Names Guide

Before the list begins, we recommend watching our Japanese names video that can help you choose other names you might not find on the list, as well as delve into the meaning of each of the Japanese female names.

Japanese Female Names By Period or Era

Taisho period [1912-1926] – The most popular Japanese female names of the Taisho Era were Chiyo and Fumiko.

Showa period [1927-1980] – Kazuko and Sachiko were among the top picks in the Showa Period. By 1958 the names Kumiko, Yumiko and Keiko were the most commonly placed names on female babies in Japan. Around 1965 we had Mayumi, Naomi and Akemi. In the 80's we had many babies named Ai which means love.

Heisei Era or Period [1989-2019] – At the beginning of Emperor Akihito's Heisei Era, the choices were between Narumi, Noriko and Saki. In the 2000s, most of the children were named Sakura, Haruna and Yuzuki.

Female Japanese Names Inspired by Nature

Let's start our list by mentioning Japanese female names inspired by nature such as flowers and natural elements.

Female Japanese names with meanings of flowers

See below a list of Japanese female names of flowers and their meanings:

  • Sakura (桜): Cherry blossom, symbol of ephemeral beauty and renewal.
  • Hana (花): Flower, representing beauty and delicacy.
  • Kiku (菊): Chrysanthemum, symbol of longevity and nobility.
  • Rika (莉花): Jasmine, flower associated with sweetness and femininity.
  • Ayame (菖蒲): Iris, flower symbolizing courage and hope.
  • Sumire (菫): Violet, flower associated with modesty and simple beauty.
  • Momo (桃): Peach, flower that symbolizes longevity and femininity.
  • Yuri (百合): Lily, flower that represents purity and innocence.
  • Kaede (楓): Bordo, tree whose red autumn leaves are a symbol of ephemeral beauty.
  • Ran (蘭): Orchid, a flower that symbolizes rare and exotic beauty.

Female Japanese Names of Natural Elements

The following list presents female Japanese names with meanings of natural elements such as Moon and sky:

  • Amaya (雨夜): Rainy night, a name that evokes the beauty and mystery of rain.
  • Sora (空): Sky, representing vastness and freedom.
  • Hotaru (蛍): Firefly, symbol of light and hope.
  • Mizuki (水樹): Tree by the water, a name that refers to the beauty and serenity of nature.
  • Tsuki (月): Lua, associated with beauty, mystery and femininity.
  • Inazuma (稲妻): Lightning, a name that evokes the strength and energy of nature.
  • Kasumi (霞): Mist, a name that suggests mystery and ethereal beauty.
  • Arashi (嵐): Storm, a name that represents the strength and unpredictability of nature.
  • Niji (虹): Rainbow, symbol of hope and joy after the rain.
  • Yukina (雪奈): Snow and beauty, a name that combines the beauty of snow with feminine grace.
  • Suzume (雀): Sparrow, a bird that symbolizes joy and simplicity.
  • Hoshi (星): Star, a name that represents the beauty and mystery of the night sky.

Popular Japanese Female Names

See below popular Japanese female names and their meanings:

  • Yui (結衣): Clothesline, a name that symbolizes unity and connection. It is a very popular name in Japan, often associated with beauty, grace, and kindness.
  • Emi (恵美): Blessed beauty, a name that expresses grace and beauty. It can also be interpreted as "adorable smile," adding a touch of joy and charm to the name.
  • Akari (明里): Bright light, representing joy and hope. It is a name that evokes a radiant and optimistic personality.
  • Haruka (遥): Distant, a name that suggests mystery and distant beauty. It can also be interpreted as "spring", adding a touch of freshness and renewal.
  • Kaori (香織): Fragrance, a name that evokes beauty and delicacy. It is a name that suggests a sweet and kind personality.
  • Sakura (桜): Cherry blossom, symbol of ephemeral beauty and renewal. It is a very popular name in Japan, especially in spring, when cherry blossoms bloom.
  • Hana (花): Flower, representing beauty and delicacy. It is a simple yet elegant name that evokes the beauty of nature.
  • Aoi (葵): Malva, a plant that symbolizes perseverance and strength. It is a name that suggests a strong and determined personality.
  • Hinata (日向): Sunny place, name that evokes the joy and warmth of the sun. It is a name that suggests a cheerful and optimistic personality.
  • Rin (凛): Dignidade, a name that suggests a strong and independent personality. It can also be interpreted as "cold", adding a touch of mystery and elegance.
  • Aoi (葵): Malva, plant that symbolizes perseverance and strength. It is a name that suggests a strong and determined personality.
  • Ayumi (歩美): Beauty Path or Beauty in Motion, representing a journey of personal growth and development.
  • Kanon (花音): Sound of the flower or music of the flower, a name that evokes the beauty and harmony of nature.
  • Mao (真央): True center or center of truth, a name that suggests an honest and authentic personality.
  • Nana (七海): Seven seas, a name that represents the vastness and depth of the ocean.
  • Rio (莉緒): Jasmine and thread, a name that combines the beauty and delicacy of jasmine with the strength and connection of a thread.
  • Yuna (優奈): Kindness and apple tree, a name that suggests a gentle and compassionate personality.
  • Momoka (桃花): Peach blossom, a name that symbolizes longevity, femininity, and beauty.
  • Mei (芽衣): Sprout and clothing, a name that represents the beginning of life and growth.
  • Rina (莉奈): Jasmine and apple tree, a name that combines the beauty and delicacy of jasmine with the strength and nutrition of the apple tree.

Japanese female names with dark meanings

Although the list below presents gloomy names, it is worth noting that these names are likely to be written with other ideograms and may have different meanings.

  • Shizuka (静): Quiet, calm. Can evoke an aura of mystery and introspection.
  • Tomoko (朋子): Friend of wisdom. Despite the positive meaning, the name can be associated with a dark or hidden wisdom.
  • Reika (麗華): Beautiful flower. Beauty can be associated with seduction and danger.
  • Rin (凛): Cold, dignified. The name may suggest a distant and enigmatic personality.
  • Mei (冥): Darkness. A name that is concise and direct, evoking the dark side.
  • Kurumi (胡桃): Nogueira. The walnut tree is associated with wisdom and the underworld in some cultures.
  • Yoru (夜): Night. Night is often associated with mystery, the unknown and danger.
  • Tsubaki (椿): Camellia. The red camellia is a symbol of love and sadness in some Japanese traditions.
  • Ayako (綾子): Drawing of colored silk. It can suggest a complex and multifaceted personality, with a hidden side.
  • Misaki (岬): Cape, promontory. It can evoke a sense of isolation and loneliness.

Rare Japanese female names

Below we will see rare Japanese female names, but they are real proper names and can be found in some regions of Japan.

  • Himiko (卑弥呼): Child of the sun. Name of an ancient shaman queen from Japan, shrouded in mystery and legends.
  • Umeko (梅子): Plum blossom. Represents beauty, resilience, and hope that flourishes even in harsh winter.
  • Koharu (小春): Little spring. Suggests the beginning of something new and promising, a fresh start.
  • Chinatsu (千夏): A thousand summers. Evokes the idea of a long and prosperous life, full of joy and warmth.
  • Noa (乃愛): From love. A name as unique and simple, but with a deep meaning of love and affection.
  • Hotaru (蛍): Firefly. Symbolizes light in the darkness, hope, and ephemeral beauty.
  • Saya (紗綾): Fine silk and design. Sugere elegance, delicacy and beauty artistic.
  • Akemi (明美): Brilhante beleza. Evokes a radiant, joyful and full of life personality.
  • Hikaru (光): Light, brightness. Represents hope, joy, and positivity.
  • Izumi (泉): Source, spring. Symbolizes life, purity, and renewal.

Japanese Female Names of Virtues and Feelings

The names listed below mean virtues and feelings:

  • Ai (愛): Amor.
  • Aika (愛佳): Love song.
  • Aiko (愛子): Child of love.
  • Aimi (愛美): Love and beauty.
  • Akemi (明美): Brilliant beauty.
  • Aki (秋): Bright or autumn.
  • Akiko (秋子): Child of autumn or bright child.
  • Asami (麻美): Beauty of the morning.
  • Chie (恵): Sabedoria.
  • Chieko (恵子): Wise son.
  • Etsuko (悦子): Cheerful child.
  • Hiro (裕): Abundant.
  • Hiroko (裕子): Abundant child.
  • Hiromi (裕美): Abundant beauty.
  • Hisako (久子): Long life child.
  • Hisoka (密): Reserved.
  • Junho (順): Obedient.
  • Junko (順子): Obedient child.
  • Kei (恵): Blessing, luck.
  • Keiko (恵子): Blessed child.
  • Kou (幸): Happiness.
  • Kyo (杏): Damascus.
  • Kyoko (恭子): Son of the city.
  • Madoka (円): Circle.
  • Mana (愛): Affection, love.
  • Manami (愛美): Affectionate beauty.
  • Masako (雅子): Stylish child.
  • Masami (雅美): Elegant beauty.
  • Masuyo (益世): Benefit the world.
  • Megumi (恵): Blessing.
  • Mi (美): All good.
  • Akira (明): Bright, clear.
  • Atsuko (篤子): Child + type.
  • Chikako (千香子): Very fragrant child.
  • Etsuko (悦子): Cheerful child.
  • Gina: Silver (compare with other forms of Gina).
  • Harumi (春美): Spring + beautiful.
  • Hideko (秀子): Magnificent child.
  • Hisoka (密): Reserved.
  • Kimi (君): Sir, noble (originally "you").
  • Masayo (益世): Benefit the world.
  • Nobuko (信子): Faithful son.
  • Sachiko (幸子): Happy child.
  • Shigeko (成子): Lush child.
  • Sumiko (澄子): Child with clear, pure thoughts.
  • Susumu (進): Progressing.
  • Yasuko (康子): Peaceful child.
  • Yoshie (佳江): Rio bonito.

Artes e Estética

  • Kotone (琴音): Som da harpa.
  • Mai (舞): Dance.
  • Maiko (舞子): Dance + child.
  • Shiori (詩織): Poem; weaving.

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