What Does Sate Mean in Japanese?

"Sate Sate Sate" is one of the famous expressions mentioned by Melodias in Nanatsu no Taizai. What would be the real meaning of the expression sate [さて] in the Japanese language?

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Sate translates to "then" in English.

Sate [偖, 扨, 扠] is a conjunction or interjection (kandoushi) that conveys the idea of good, now and then. Usually used at the beginning of a sentence, before talking about a certain subject.

Sate can often be used before the sentence to focus on the subject at hand, without necessarily having a meaningful translation in the text.

If the conversation gets out of focus, or if we need to change the topic of the subject, or if it is necessary to highlight information, we can use “Sate”.

In short, it is a conjunction to indicate a change of topic or a transition in a conversation. It is usually written in hiragana as a particle, without the use of kanji.

What does Sate Sate Sate mean?

The repetition "Sate Sate Sate" and its translation greatly resembles the English expression "Well, Well, Well" used when something surprising is discovered, caught someone in the act or does something before others imagine.

Not common in Japanese, more common would be the double repetition (さてさて) used to express feelings of surprise or being impressed by something.

It might indicate something like No, not at all. My God. Repetition is often used to increase the power and emphasis of the word, in Japanese it is called Jougo [畳語].

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Sate Alternatives and Variations

Below we will list some related words derived from or dependent on sate, their meaning as well as some alternatives.

  • さては – and also, moreover, then, in that case, if so;
  • さて置く - Leave aside;
  • 扨も - My, dear me, wow, in fact, truly;
  • さてこそ - Just as I thought; as expected;

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Expressions that use さて

Here are some examples of phrases that use "さて":

さて、それでは新しい話題に移りましょう。 Sate, soredewa atarashī wadai ni utsurimashou.

Well, now let's switch to a new topic.

Sate, ano kudan ni tsuite kangaeta koto wa arimasu ka?

Well, have you thought about that matter?

さて、今度の週末は何か予定がありますか? Sate, kondo no shūmatsu wa nani ka yotei ga arimasu ka?

Well, do you have any plans for next weekend?

Sate sate, kondo no shūmatsu wa doko ni ikou ka na

Well, well, where should we go this weekend?

Sate sate,-banashi ga kawatte, anata wa saikin dōshiteru no?

Well, well, changing the subject, how have you been lately?

Sate sate, sono-wa wa mō jūbunda. Tsugi no wadai ni utsurimashou.

Well, well, we've said enough about that. Let's move on to the next topic.

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