Finance in Japanese: Essential Vocabulary for Investing in the Japanese Market

If you are interested in investments, personal finance or the financial market in Japan, it is important to have a basic knowledge of financial vocabulary in Japanese. In this article, we have listed a series of Japanese words related to the financial niche in Japan. These words are essential for understanding financial news, investment reports and documents related to the financial market in Japan.

In addition, we'll explore some finance-related high-search words frequently searched for by Japanese investors and consumers. With this vocabulary guide, you will be able to improve your knowledge of finance in Japanese and feel more confident when reading and discussing financial topics with other Japanese speakers.

In this article, we'll cover words related to banking, brokerage, investing, insurance, and more. We'll also highlight finance-related words such as loans, credit cards, cryptocurrencies, and taxes. Ready to learn a little more about finance in Japanese?

Top Japanese words about finance

  • 証券会社 (Shouken gaisha) - Stock Brokerage
  • 投資信託 (Toushi shintaku) - Investment fund
  • 銀行 (Ginkou) - Bank
  • 金利 (Kinri) - Interest rate
  • 株式市場 (Kabushiki shijou) - Stock market
  • 為替相場 (Kawase souba) - Foreign Exchange Market
  • ファイナンシャルプランナー (Fainansharu puranna) - Financial Planner
  • 保険 (Hoken) - Safe
  • リスク管理 (Risuku kanri) - Risk management
  • インフレーション (Infureeshon) - Inflation
  • 経済成長 (Keizai seichou) - Economic Growth
  • 企業会計 (Kigyou kaikei) - Business accounting
  • 国際金融 (Kokusai kin'yuu) - International Finance
  • 財政 (Zaisei) - Public finances
  • 貯蓄 (Chochiku) - Savings
  • クレジットカード (Kurejitto kaado) - Credit Card
  • 消費税 (Shouhizei) - consumption tax
  • 住宅ローン (Jyuutaku roon) - real estate loan
  • キャッシュレス決済 (Kyasshu ressu kessai) - Cashless payment
  • 仮想通貨 (Kasou tsuuka) - Cryptocurrency
Kakebo – Japanese method to save money

Banks and banking services

When it comes to banks and financial institutions in Japan, there are many important words to learn. Some of these words include 預金 (Yokin) for deposit, 融資 (Yuushi) for loan, and 金利 (Kinri) for interest rate.

With these words in your vocabulary, you will be able to better communicate with your bank or financial institution, as well as better understand the terms and conditions of their products and services. Other words are:

  • 預金 (Yokin) - Bank deposit
  • 口座 (Kouza) - Bank account
  • ATM (エーティーエム, E-ti-e-mu) - Cash machine
  • キャッシュカード (Kyasshu kaado) - bank card
  • 通帳 (Tsuuchou) - Bank book
  • ローン (Roon) - Loan
  • 金融機関 (Kinyuu kikan) - Financial institution
  • インターネットバンキング (Intaanetto bankingu) - Online Banking
  • 普通預金 (Futsuu yokin) - checking account
  • 定期預金 (Teiki yokin) - fixed term deposit
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Securities and Investment Brokers

When it comes to investing and financial dealings in Japan, it is important to have a good understanding of the vocabulary used. Some of the most important words include 株式市場 (Kabushiki shijou) for stock market, 仲介業者 (Chuukai gyousha) for broker, and 為替相場 (Kawase souba) for exchange rate.

With these words in your vocabulary, you will be able to better understand Japanese financial market movements and make more informed decisions about your investments. Other words are:

  • 株 (Kabu) - Actions
  • 投資 (Toushi) - Investment
  • 株式投資信託 (Kabushiki toushi shintaku) - stock investment fund
  • 投資信託 (Toushi shintaku) - Investment fund
  • 銘柄 (Meigara) - stock securities
  • 株価 (Kabuka) - Share price
  • 業績 (Gyouseki) - financial performance
  • 株式市場 (Kabushiki shijou) - Stock market
  • 取引 (Torihiki) - Negotiation
  • 値動き (Nechigawari) - Price change
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Insurance and Pensions in Japanese

With these words in your vocabulary, you will be able to better understand the insurance and pension options available in Japan and how they work.

  • 保険 (Hoken) - Safe
  • 自動車保険 (Jidousha hoken) - car insurance
  • 生命保険 (Seimei hoken) - Life insurance
  • 医療保険 (Iryou hoken) - Health insurance
  • 年金 (Nenkin) - Retirement, Pension
  • 個人年金 (Kojin nenkin) - private pension
  • 生命保険証券 (Seimei hoken shouken) - life insurance certificate
  • 保険料 (Hokenryou) - Insurance premium
  • 被保険者 (Hi hokensha) - Insured
  • 保険金 (Hokenkin) - insurance indemnity
  • 公的年金 (Koutei nenkin) - Social Security
  • 企業年金 (Kigyou nenkin) - Private pension offered by companies
  • 自動車保険 (Jidousha hoken) - Car insurance

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Taxes and Taxes in Japanese

Taxation in Japan can be complex and confusing for anyone unfamiliar with Japanese financial vocabulary.

Some important keywords include 所得税 (Shotokuzei) for income tax, 消費税 (Shouhizei) for sales tax, and 税務署 (Zeimusho) for tax office.

With these words in your vocabulary, you'll be able to better understand how Japan's tax system works and properly prepare to pay your taxes. Other words are:

  • 税金 (Zeikin) - Taxes
  • 所得税 (Shotokuzei) - Income tax
  • 消費税 (Shouhizei) - Consumption tax
  • 課税所得 (Kazei shotoku) - taxable income
  • 務署 (Zeimusho) - tax office
  • 納税 (Nouzei) - Tax payment
  • 源泉徴収 (Gensen choushuu) - Withholding
  • 税制改正 (Zeisei kaisei) - Tax reform
  • 法人税 (Houjinzei) - corporate income tax
Finance in Japanese: Essential vocabulary for investing in the Japanese market

Economy and Public Finance

When it comes to Japan's economy and public finances, it's important to be aware of specific financial vocabulary. Some of the more important words include 国内総生産 (Kokunai soushousan) for gross domestic product, 財務省 (Zaimu shou) for ministry of finance, and 財政政策 (Zaisei seisaku) for fiscal policy.

With these words in your vocabulary, you'll be able to better understand the Japanese government's economic policies and how they can affect your everyday life. Other words are:

  • GDP (国内総生産, Kokunai soushousan) - gross domestic product
  • 外貨 (Gaika) - Foreign currency
  • 為替相場 (Kawase souba) - Exchange rate
  • 財政 (Zaisei) - Public finances
  • 赤字 (Akaji) - Déficit
  • 黒字 (Kuroji) - Surplus
  • 財務省 (Zaimu shou) - Finance Ministry
  • 財政政策 (Zaisei seisaku) - tax policy
  • 中央銀行 (Chuou ginkou) - Central bank
  • 財政赤字 (Zaisei akaji) - fiscal deficit

Learning Japanese with finance?

Now that you have a comprehensive list of Japanese words related to the world of finance, we hope you will feel more confident when dealing with financial matters in Japan.

Learning these keywords can help you better understand Japanese financial vocabulary and allow you to communicate more effectively with professionals in the finance and banking industry.

If you're planning to invest, do business, open a bank account, apply for a loan, pay your taxes, or even consider insurance and pension options in Japan, these words will come in handy. Be sure to study them carefully and practice your pronunciation to feel more confident using them.

We hope that this list of Japanese keywords is useful and that you can apply them in your financial life. Good luck! If you want to learn more Japanese, we recommend visiting our course.

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