Hojicha Roasted Chiffon Cake Recipes and curiosities

On this page you will learn the recipe and some information about the Japanese dish Hojicha Roasted Chiffon Cake Also known as houjicha shifonke-ki.

Table of Content
- About
- Origin
- Information
- Ingredients
- Preparation
- Related

All about houjicha shifonke-ki

The Hojicha roasted green tea chiffon cake is a Japanese dish that combines the French technique of preparing a chiffon cake with a traditional ingredient of Japanese cuisine: Hojicha green tea.

The chiffon cake is known for its lightness and sweetness, resulting from the addition of snow clarins to the pasta. Hojicha green tea is made from roasted green tea leaves, which gives it a milder and more steady taste compared to traditional green tea.

The combination of these two elements results in a cake of unique and delicate taste, with a smooth and moist texture. In addition, the Hojicha roasted green tea chiffon cake is a very versatile dish, and can be served as a dessert or accompaniment to the afternoon tea.

To prepare this dish, it is necessary first to make Hojicha green tea and let it cool down. Then the cake mass is made with ingredients such as wheat flour, sugar, vegetable oil, eggs and yeast powder. The difference is that instead of using only water or milk to give consistency to the pasta, Hojicha green tea is added.

After baking the cake, it is possible to finish it with a chantilly cream cover or even with a Hojicha green tea bowl. The result is a cake with a slightly greenish color and a delicate, balanced taste.

In addition to being a delicious option for green tea lovers, Hojicha roasted green tea chiffon cake is also a healthier alternative to traditional chocolate or vanilla cakes, as green tea is rich in antioxidants and has beneficial health properties.

In short, the Hojicha roasted green tea chiffon cake is a dish that combines the tradition of Japanese cuisine with the sophistication of French cuisine, creating a unique and delicious gastronomic experience

Origin and history of Hojicha assada chiffon bolo de chiffon

The origin and history of the Hojicha roasted green tea chiffon cake are unknown. It is known that it is a chiffon cake made with roasted green tea (hojicha), but there is no information about its specific origin or how it became popular. It is possible that it was created by a chef or baker somewhere in Japan, where hojicha tea is commonly consumed, but there are no historical records about it. Today, the roasted green tea chiffon cake is appreciated for its light texture and unique taste, and can be found in confectioneries and cafes around the world.

About the recipe

  • Name of the plate: Hojicha Roasted Chiffon Cake
  • Name of the dish in English: Hojicha roasted green tea chiffon cake
  • Name of the plate in Japanese: ほうじ茶シフォンケーキ
  • Name of the Romanian dish: houjicha shifonke-ki

Information about preparation

  • Time to prepare: 20 minutes
  • Time of Cooking: 40 minutes
  • Difficulty: SIMPLE
  • It suits: 4-5 people
  • Occasions:

Ingredients – Ingredients

Check out the necessary and optional ingredients Hojicha Roasted Chiffon CakeIt makes sense to improvise

  • 6 eggs, clear and separate gems
  • 120 g of sugar
  • 120g of flour
  • 100 ml of milk
  • 2 tablespoons of Hojicha green tea
  • 40 ml of oil
  • The Optional Ingredients:
    • 1 tablespoon of baking powder
    • Rice of lemon
    • Cover of White Chocolate

Watch a video of the recipe:

Recipes - How to Prepare

Now that you know the ingredients to make the recipe Hojicha Roasted Chiffon Cake. Follow the instructions below in the preparation mode or step by step.

Preparation of Hojicha Green Tea Chiffon Cake

Preheat the oven to 170°C.

In a microwave bowl, cover 100 ml of milk and 2 tablespoons of hojicha with adhesive film and heat for 20 to 30 seconds.

In another bowl, beat 6 egg whites gradually adding 120g of sugar until rigid peaks form.

In a separate bowl, mix the gems, 40 ml of oil and milk with hojicha infusion.

Add 120g of flour to the gems and mix gently.

Then add 1/3 of the clear mixture to the flour and gem mixture and slowly mix. Add the rest of the mixture and mix until incorporated.

Pull the pasta into a pot of cake ointed with butter and vinegar for 40 minutes. Do the spit test to ensure that the cake is completely cooked.

When ready, let the cake cool from head down to prevent it from sinking.Cut into slices and serve with cream for a delicious dessert or as a perfect finish for a meal.