Takotsubo Syndrome - The Broken Heart Syndrome

Have you heard about Takotsubo? This disease is one of the few that bears its Japanese name, but it is also known as broken heart syndrome, which party, which consists of a stress cardiomyopathy that affects our body after a great emotional stress.

This Syndrome happens mainly because of tragedies such as the death of a loved one, the end of a relationship or any other thing that causes a lot of anxiety and emotional weakening. That's why this disease is also called Broken Heart Syndrome.

As a consequence, people who have lost a close relative and end up having this sadness in the form of a syndrome may end up dying sooner. Things involving danger, harm, threats, grief and even happy situations that cause a lot of anxiety can cause takotsubo (wedding, victory).

It's not just emotional sadness or despair, it's a real illness that physically affects the shape of the heart. His musculature is quite weak causing even heart failure.

History of Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy

Stress cardiomyopathy or broken heart syndrome is called Takotsubo [蛸壷] because of a trap the Japanese use to catch the octopus. This trap looks like a pot, where the name tako [蛸] means octopus and [壷] means pitcher and pot.

Literally the disease got the name of octopus in the pot! The schematic representation of takotsubo cardiomyopathy is really reminiscent of the octopus being caught in a pot. Our heart expands so much with this stress, that we can hardly get out of this pot.

Takotsubo - broken heart syndrome - octopus in the pot

Since 1967, influential people of the time have claimed that the loss of a relative or a situation of extreme stress could negatively affect a person's health. Cebelin and Hirsch were one of the first to write about human stress cardiomyopathy in 1980.

The first confirmed case of Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy was in Japan in 1991, soon after several other cases appeared in the country, but it was only around 2001 that Westerners recognized this syndrome, which ended up keeping the Japanese name.

The main characteristic of takotsubo is the sudden and transient dysfunction of the left ventricle (it becomes dilated).

INFORMATION ABOUT Broken Heart Syndrome

Many end up thinking that diseases caused by emotion do not affect our body, but Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy can result in heart failure, arrhythmias and ventricular rupture.

Consequently, this stress can even cause death. Things like asthma, surgeries, chemotherapy and stroke are also largely responsible for takotsubo.

Takotsubo it is just one of the existing forms of cardiomyopathies. There are some of inflammatory, alcoholic, hypertensive, ischemic, nutritional origin and many others.

Takotsubo - broken heart syndrome - octopus in the pot

Broken heart syndrome is considered a transient disorder, but it doesn't mean that everyone who experiences great stress goes through takotsubo. Few people who experience this situation are at risk of death (5%).

This disease affects only 2% of the Japanese and 3% of the population of other countries. Not to mention that 90% of the people who suffer from this syndrome are women. This disease occurs most often among people aged 58 to 75 years.

How to Infentify Takotsubo Syndrome

Even today it is difficult to identify this disease, since its duration can be short if the stress is eliminated. Many end up being diagnosed when they go to a cardiologist because of heart failure.

Doctors end up diagnosing this syndrome when there is transient left ventricular hypokinesia, akinesia, or dyskinesia. Also with the absence of arterial pathology, pheochromocytoma and myocarditis.

Takotsubo - broken heart syndrome - octopus in the pot

The patient also has a sudden onset of congestive heart failure along with electrocardiogram changes that suggest myocardial infarction and evidence of acute plaque rupture.

Although stress is responsible for 85% of cases of stress cardiomyopathy, there are other causes such as transient vasospasm, microvascular dysfunction, midventricular obstruction and catecholamines.

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How to treat Stress MYOCARDIOPATHY

There is no specific treatment for takotsubo, the heart muscle usually recovers in a few weeks. The drugs used usually fight the symptoms resulting from the syndrome that is usually heart failure.

What we can do is avoid stress and heart overload as much as possible. Some turn to psychologists to vent, others simply turn to nature, a great help is the shinrin-yoku forest bathing practice.

Takotsubo - broken heart syndrome - octopus in the pot

There are countless things we can also do to lessen emotional stress and help get through the loss of a loved one or the end of a great relationship. Below we will list these things:

  • Maintaining a good diet will help you deal with stress or grief;
  • Caminhar e fazer exercícios alivia as emoções negativas;
  • Não tenha pressa ao tomar decisões;
  • Getting enough sleep is good for lessening sadness and killing tiredness;
  • Evite hábitos prejudiciais como bebidas ou drogas;
  • Distraia com amigos e coisas novas;
  • Tenha uma rotina e mantenha-se sempre ocupado;
  • Don't try to force your brain to forget the reason for stress or sadness;
  • Ajudar outras pessoas pode te dar alegria e satisfação;
  • Lute contra a vontade de se isolar;

CautionAlthough many patients present low blood pressure, the use of inotropic agents can intensify and exacerbate stress-induced cardiomyopathy.

We also recommend reading our article on Japanese techniques to relieve stress and relax by clicking here.

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