Temaki is nothing more than a type of sushi in the form of a cone, rolled by hand with the nori (algae leaf). This sushi is usually 10 centimeters long and is eaten with the hands.
This dish has an immense variety of flavors, being able to be filled with different fish like salmon and tuna. The Japanese name temaki [手巻き] literally means hand-rolled, due to its preparation and appearance resembling a cone.
You will know in this article the main types of temaki, the origin of this delicious dish, some side dishes and at the end we will teach you a recipe for you to make at home, if you have access to the ingredients.

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The origin of Temaki
The temaki is a type of sushi in the shape of a cone that is made and eaten by hand. This dish originated in the 19th century as a fast food option for the Japanese living in Edo, a city that later became the capital Tokyo.
At the time, sushi kiosks were the most popular option, because of the ease and speed of preparation and consumption. The conical shape came about so that the soy sauce, which was served with the temaki, wouldn't drip on people's clothes.
Temaki became very successful at that time precisely because it was quickly prepared, since this dish is prepared and consumed with your own hands, because it was very difficult to get it with chopsticks.

The different types of Temaki
There are a multitude of temaki flavors and fillings, but we'll show you just a few of the options available here:
Salmon and Ricotta Temaki: This mixture of salmon and ricotta cream may seem a little strange, but the result is very tasty. Also, this dish doesn't have a lot of calories.
Salmon and Chive Temaki: This is a more traditional option for temaki, as it is prepared only with nori, salmon and chives. Despite having few ingredients, this is a great option for those looking for a good temaki.
Salmon and Cucumber Temaki: This is the perfect temaki for those looking for a recipe that takes salmon, but that is more incremented. This filling is made with salmon, cream cheese, chives and cucumber, and is a nutritious option that combines several different textures.
Salmon Temaki with Cream Cheese: In this dish, the filling is composed of pieces of salmon, chives and lots of cream cheese. This combination, although a little short, is very tasty and can please many types of palates.
Temaki skin: Skin can be a great option for those who don't like to eat raw fish, as this temaki is stuffed with fried salmon skin. This fried skin gives a very crispy touch to the dish, leaving the final result very tasty.
Carrot and Cucumber Temaki with Miso: For those who like vegetables, it can be a good option to prepare this temaki that has carrot and cucumber as its main ingredients, but with a touch of miso that makes a difference in the final flavor.
Shimeji Temaki: Another alternative for those who want to leave the fish aside is to prepare the temaki with shimeji. This well-seasoned mushroom gives the dish a really nice flavor and doesn't take long to prepare.
Salmon Temaki with Kale: Perhaps the most unusual option on this list, this recipe uses fried cabbage, with the idea of giving the dish a crunchy touch. This temaki has with main ingredients rice, cabbage, salmon and cream cheese.

Temaki Experience - Make the best Temaki
Despite the recipe and videos teaching how to make Temaki in this article, we want to say that the world of temaki goes far beyond that. Temaki Experience is specialized training in making Temaki of different types and in the correct and professional way.
The Temaki Experience Online Sushi Course is a methodology created and presented by Hiro C. Ozono through his experience training more than 3,500 students in his In-person Sushi Course.
In this Program the student will learn to make 10 types of temakis in a short time. In other words, the student effectively learns to elaborate Temakis.
This Training is aimed at people with no culinary skills, people who want to know Japanese cuisine through therapy or as a hobby, people who want to please their girlfriend or wife with a special dinner.
The Training is also aimed at people who intend to work with sushi orders earning an extra income from R$ 1,500.00 to R$ 2,000.00 and entrepreneurs who want to enter the Delivery market.
The Training was divided by topics where students will learn:
- What are the utensils and products used to prepare sushi;
- How to make Su Sauce;
- How to prepare Gohan (Japanese-style rice);
- How to prepare Shari (Spiced rice for preparing Sushi);
- Tips on how to sharpen a Japanese-style knife;
- How to make Hot Roll (breaded sushi);
- How to make hossomaki;
- How to make Temaki with Grilled Salmon;
- How to make Temaki with Salmon and Crean;
- How to make Temaki with Shimeji;
- How to make Temaki California;
- How to make Temaki with Japanese Omelette;
- How to make Empanado Temaki;
- As a Courtesy, you will receive updates to the course for a period of time;
To learn about and purchase the Temaki Experience, just click the button below. Remember that if you wish, the Sushibilidade Program also comes with the Temaki Experience as a bonus, it might be more advantageous for you.
Salmon temaki with shiitake and chives recipe
As promised, we are going to teach you a recipe so you can prepare your temaki in your own home, we hope you enjoy this delicious dish.
Temaki Ingredients:
- 1 seaweed leaf for temaki;
- 1 hand of Gohan
- 1 tablespoon cubed raw salmon
- 1 tablespoon shitake (sautéed in butter and soy sauce)
- 1 teaspoon of cream cheese
- 1 teaspoon finely chopped chives
- 1 teaspoon teriyaki sauce
- A little water (to get your hands wet)
- Shoyu to taste
Temaki preparation method:
1st step: Cut the seaweed sheet in half.
2nd step: Then, make a mixture with the salmon, the shitake, the cream cheese and the chives.
3rd step: Wet one hand with water
4th step: Pour the mixture made above over the rice
5th step: On the lower left door of the seaweed, carefully roll it up making an upward movement and at the same time squeezing the mixture, until it forms a cone, wet the end of the seaweed to close it.
6th step: And to finish, throw some chives on top, the TERIYAKI sauce and the SHOYU to taste.
Temaki Recipe Videos
If this recipe is not enough, you might prefer to watch Temaki recipe videos: