How do Japanese women fight wrinkles and aging?

we already talked how the japanese manage to stay so young through good nutrition, climate and genetics. Today we are going to talk about the products that the Japanese use against signs of expression, wrinkles, sagging of the face, etc. From creams to bizarre inventions.

We have written several articles on skin care and aging. However, none of them were specific about how Japanese women fight wrinkles and aging, sometimes even bizarrely. Can the Japanese escape this calamitous age?

Why am I writing about anti-wrinkle?

The idea of writing this article came from spying on some enemy sites (brinks) looking for interesting topics to write about here. I have found that people's interest in creams and beauty products is numerous and profitable.

How do Japanese women fight wrinkles and aging?

Using the Google ADS tool I came across the following Google searches:

  • best cream for expression lines;
  • best creams for facial sagging;
  • best product for facial sagging;
  • best anti-aging;
  • cream to removef wrinkles;
  • What is the best anti-aging cream?
  • anti-aging face cream;
  • cream to alleviate expression wrinkles;
  • anti-aging face cream;

These are just some of the keywords I found while doing my research. Of course, I personally don't really believe in most of the products sold, but the Japanese know the real secrets of anti-aging.

How do Japanese women avoid aging?

As I mentioned in another article, cold weather is a big contributor to preserving the skin. In Brazil we are used to getting a strong sun most of the time, causing stains and wrinkles on the skin.

How do Japanese women fight wrinkles and aging?

Brazilian food is also one of the worst in the world. While Japanese food is rich in Magnesium, they feed on fish rich in omega 3, eat misoshiru daily and even nonsense does less harm than in Brazil.

Not to mention that the Japanese have the custom of bathing in hot springs with water rich in magnesium and other minerals. Virtually everything in Japan is done to keep the Japanese young and beautiful.

Of course, unfortunately there is no way to escape old age, many try, but around 40 things get worse, makeup is part of the daily life of Japanese women and the desperation for beauty products increases even more.

How do Japanese women fight wrinkles and aging?

Do Japanese women use anti-aging creams?

Some people may imagine that Japan, its climate, customs and cuisine is largely responsible for the fact that Japanese women are 40 years old and 20 years old. This is not always true, a lot of makeup and beauty products are involved.

Some Japanese women focus on maintaining their beauty and need to follow a very strict diet and skin cream routine. We have already written an article talking about the creams and beauty products that Japanese women use to take care of their skin.

How do Japanese women fight wrinkles and aging?

This time, let's get more specific and talk about extreme ways Japanese women use to maintain their youthful appearance, fight wrinkles, and prevent aging. From creams to bizarre contraptions.

The article is still halfway through, but we recommend also reading:

anti-wrinkle creams from japan

Talking about anti-wrinkle creams, against expression lines or sagging is something quite complicated. There are thousands of Japanese creams, oils, serums, lotions, scrubs and products to fight aging or skin problems.

DHC and SHISEIDO brand products are the most famous in Japan when it comes to skin. It is not recommended to use too many products or use heavy creams during the day. This can have the opposite effect and cause pimples, oily skin, and block pores.

How do Japanese women fight wrinkles and aging?

Cream treatments should be done overnight meticulously after washing your face. At night, your body temperature rises while you sleep, which means your product will penetrate a little more.

Below I will leave a list of Japanese products recommended by my-best. I recommend researching each one of them in detail to understand their main function and use.

  1. Beauty Mall Premium APPS + E Fullerene Serum (ビューティーモールAPPS+E(TPNa)フラーレン美容液)
  2. RISOU Repair Gel (リソウリペアジェル)
  3. Sofina Lift Professional EX (ソフィーナリフトプロフェッショナルハリ美容液EX)
  4. Dr.Ci:labo Super White 377VC (ドクタ ドクタ シ シ ボ ス パ パ ホワイト ホワイト 377VC)
  5. Melano CC Medicated Blemish Prevention W Vitamin Serum (メラノCC 薬用しみ集中対策 Wビタミン浸透美容液)
  6. POLA BA Prislumina Serum (POLA BA セラムプリズルミナ)
  7. SHISEIDO Ultimune Power Infusing Concentrate N (SHISEIDO アルティミューンパワライジングコンセントレートN)
  8. Albion Upsurge Solution (アルビオンアップサージソリューション)
  9. Elixir enriched serum (エリクシールシュペリエルエンリッチドセラム)
  10. MUJI Aging Care Moisturizing Essence ( 無印良品エイジングケアプレミアム美容液)
  11. MAIHADA KATSUJUN Lift Essence (米肌活潤リフトエッセンス)
  12. HAKU melanofocus V 45 Whitening Serum (HAKU メラノフォーカス V 45 美白美容液 )
  13. SK-II Genoptics Spot Essence (SK-II ジェノプティクススポットエッセンス)
  14. ORBIS Lift Bright Essence (オルビスリフトブライトエッセンス )
  15. NOV L&W Lift Essence (ノブ L&W リフトエッセンス)

Beauty Treatment Clinics in Japan

Japanese women usually get some professional treatment from a few specialists. There are specialized beauty clinics in several places. Some resort to simple treatments or even surgery after a certain age.

You can do a simple skin cleaning, buy some strong medication, do treatments that remove wrinkles, sagging skin, pores or a whitening. These treatments can easily exceed the value of 10,000 yen.

How do Japanese women fight wrinkles and aging?

In addition to skin cleansing clinics, Japanese women have a very common habit of going to massage parlors that often include facial massages with oils that help to hydrate and treat the skin. A relaxation that turned into a treatment.

Sauna is another very popular thing in Japan and can be found in all the onsen and spas across the country. Some Japanese women go to the bathroom daily and naturally take care of their skin through these and other means provided.

Adhesives, MASKS and anti-wrinkle bands

Now let's get into the weird stuff. The Japanese invent so many things that go unnoticed by the population or attract the attention of the whole world. One of these things is the stickers, masks or bands to eliminate expression wrinkles.

How do Japanese women fight wrinkles and aging?

They invent stickers and masks of all kinds and shapes. Some are usually made of silicone, but there are others even made of aluminum. Some promise to maintain the shape of the face to avoid wrinkles and expression lines.

I don't even know which mask to recommend you, there are thousands of them and you can take a long look at the weird stickers and masks on the website Japan Trend Shop. There you can see detailed information about these stickers and masks, in addition to purchasing them.

Anti-wrinkle oral and nasal devices

Believe it or not, there are nasal and oral devices that promise to eliminate wrinkles. They promise to shape your face, nose, and mouth in a way that avoids wrinkles and even improves the appearance of your face. The Japanese have no limits to what they invent...

How do Japanese women fight wrinkles and aging?

Some of these products are made to train your smile and facial expressions. Others even promise to change their voices. There are thousands of products that are horrendous from afar, but that can have some result. Don't forget that you also have anti-wrinkle glasses.

Other Bizarre Japanese Anti-Aging Products

In addition to masks, patches, bandages, mouthpieces, glasses and nasal devices, there are also other unusual devices that promise to help Japanese women avoid aging and eliminate wrinkles and expression lines.

One of the most bizarre products I found when browsing the site Japan Trend Shop it was the ReFa Carat Platinum Electronic Roller. Things already start strange in the shape of the device that promises to treat your skin with microcurrent therapy.

How do Japanese women fight wrinkles and aging?

In addition to this metal roller, we have a product that looks more like a rice cooker made by Panasonic. O Panasonic Nano Care Night Beauty Face Steamer promises to care for and moisturize your skin and hair while you sleep.

In case you want to browse and find bizarre skin care products like this. We recommend going to the store Japan Trend Shop by clicking here.

These are some of the bizarre ways the Japanese use to take care of their skin. Of course, most normal Japanese women only use creams and medical treatments, but have you ever met a brave girl who used such a bizarre product?

If you liked the article, share it and leave your comments. Finally, we recommend reading our complementary article that talks about japanese skin care ways.

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