6 Japanese tips to make your hair thicker

Many people are looking for some different treatments to strengthen the wires, and what is known is that the eastern people of the nascent land have wires aligned for the most part, this is due to the reason that, they have great techniques to be followed, these techniques have based on the use of natural products and has many positive effects on the hair.

Of course, there is Vitamin to strengthen hair, but it goes far beyond that, so to show you what these tips would be, we researched and tested the ones that work the most on the hair and we separate 6 of them in this article.

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First of all, what makes hair thick?

In most cases, the hair is already thick from birth, and it may have genetic causes for it to grow and remain in such a way. But it tends to change over time, external factors, cuts and chemicals applied to the thread can change the hair structure of the person in question, so much so that it can also get thicker using techniques and hydrations.

Knowing that, now follow the tips:

6 Japanese tips to make your hair thicker

Tip 1: Add B vitamins to your menu

This rule is one of the main ones, when it comes to vitamin to strengthen hair.

Foods such as rice, vegetables, seafood and fruits are heavily included in Eastern culture. Because these foods have Vitamins B6 and B12, they end up benefiting the hair, and a positive addition is that they are foods that are easy to find in markets, as they are also included in Brazilian cuisine.

An example of a meal rich in these vitamins: rice, tuna, potatoes and spinach, a simple, everyday and effective dish for the hair.

6 Japanese tips to make your hair thicker

Tip 2: Wash your hair daily

Japanese women have a more frequent habit when it comes to hair washing, they usually wash their hair every day, which results in luminosity and softness.

It is worth remembering that washing the wires too often can dry them out, and also, as a consequence, dry the skin. To avoid this problem, camellia oil is used, which is made in a very simple way, check it out:

  • Aqueça 1 colher de sopa do óleo de camélia;
  • Aplique nos fios ainda úmidos;
  • Enxague após 30 minutos;

The camellia has oleic acid, which gives protection and volume to the hair. It is also possible to replace the camellia with olive oil, which also has the same benefit and is easier to find.

6 Japanese tips to make your hair thicker

The article is still halfway through, but we recommend also reading:

Tip 3: Rinse your hair with tea

A great vitamin to strengthen hair is to rinse using tea, as tea provides a more vivid color to the hair, in addition to giving them more strength and thickness.

This technique is widely used by the Japanese and can be applied using any type of tea, as long as it is natural, and does not cause a reaction to your cup, check it out:

  • Just prepare the tea of your choice, waiting for its infusion;
  • Após pronto, aguarde esfriar ao ponto de temperatura ambiente;
  • Use to rinse the wires.
6 Japanese tips to make your hair thicker

Tip 4: Take care of your sleep

This tip is not exactly a recipe for a vitamin to strengthen hair, or something that you have to pass on the wires, but a routine to be improved.

The Japanese have a habit of using a pillow with silk pillowcases to rest, however, dried herbs are placed inside them, such as lavender for example, this ends up contributing to better sleep and relaxation of the body and ends up helping to thicken the wires.

6 Japanese tips to make your hair thicker

Tip 5: Mix apple cider vinegar in your shampoo

Apple cider vinegar fights dandruff and oiliness at the root of the hair.

The Japanese mix it with shampoo and base from this vinegar. Of course, you can use it in some alternative ways, for example, by mixing a few drops of vinegar with nettle oil you can have a powerful skin care product, a homemade face lotion!

Tip 6: Use combs with organic materials

Another oriental custom, which is almost a vitamin to strengthen hair, is to comb the strands very often.

To prevent this process from damaging or injuring the scalp, you must use a comb with organic materials, a wooden comb is a great option, as they do not pass static energy to the hair and also prevent frizz.

These combs and brushes with organic materials help prevent dandruff on the hair, facilitate growth and thicken the hair over time.

That's it, if you liked the article send it to a friend, so she can learn about the natural power of the vitamin to strengthen hair found in natural nutrients, and how to thicken hair the oriental way!

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