4 ways to immerse yourself in Japanese culture

The globalized world allows us to travel without leaving home: we can learn many details about countries and cultures from other corners of the world only with technology and the other resources we have at our disposal.

Japanese culture is one of the most appreciated by Brazilians not only because of the large number of descendants of immigrants who live in our country, since immigration recently turned 113, as well as its richness and diversity. From cuisine to cinema and from literature to language, there are many aspects we can fall in love with.

If you want to immerse yourself in Japanese culture without leaving your home, check out some tips that will allow you to discover different aspects of the land of the rising sun:

1. Enjoy the culinary wealth

In Brazil and in the world, Japanese cuisine is extremely popular. Rich in hot and cold dishes, with or without meat, savory and sweet, it has several characteristics capable of pleasing all types of palates.

Appreciation for Japanese cuisine is one of the most common ways to immerse yourself in the culture of the eastern country. If you enjoy cooking, one option is to learn how to prepare some of the wonderful meals available.

Even beginners can enjoy Japanese cuisine without leaving home, as there are some pretty easy to follow recipes!

4 ways to immerse yourself in Japanese culture

2. Discover the fantastic Japanese cinema

Japanese cinema is one of the most acclaimed and awarded in the world. Its success still goes back to the beginnings of the seventh art, with impressive filmmakers like Yasujiro Ozu and Kenji Mizoguchi, and continues to this day, as major titles are released every year.

It is easy to follow successful Japanese movies as they are present on streaming platforms like Netflix, MUBI and Telecine Play. Recent hits often appear at film festivals, which increasingly have online versions.

Second BluRay Hunt experts, a portal aimed at DVD and BluRay collectors, there are also special editions of Japanese classics that cannot be missed on the shelves of movie fans in the land of the rising sun, with emphasis on the “boxes” with the work of Ozu released by the versatile.

Do you know the history of cinema in Japan?

3. Japanese literature deserves to be highlighted

With literature, we can imagine landscapes, get to know places, customs, habits and traditions, understand in depth how a society works and discover details that we would hardly know otherwise.

Japan also has its renowned authors: Haruki Murakami is one of the main names in world literature today and his books, published in Brazil by Companhia das Letras, are easy to find. We also highlight Yasunari Kawabata and Kenzaburo Oe.

Study guide to learn Japanese

The article is still halfway through, but we recommend also reading:

4. Learning the language brings you closer to Japan

Japanese is not one of the easiest languages to learn, but there are more and more efficient methods of being able to understand it in a short amount of time.

Online language course apps like Duolingo and memory, allow you to know at least the basics of the language with a few hours of practice a day and without having to leave your home.

To learn more about the language, there are specific options like Kanji Study and Tae Kim.

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