Japanese Opposites List - Opposite Words

Have you ever thought about increasing your vocabulary 2x faster using opposite words? In this article, we are going to share a list of opposites in Japanese for you to learn two words at once and memorize more easily.

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List of Opposites in Japanese - Opposite Words

Japanese opposites

Responsive Table: Scroll the table sideways with your finger >>
poorbinbō [貧乏]ricoyūfuku [裕福]
lowhikui [低い]altotakai [高い]
punishmentbatsu [罰]crime tsumi [罪]
startsaisho [最初]fimsaigo [最後]
cowardokubyō [臆病]valenteyūkan [勇敢]
curtomijikai [短い]longonagai [長い]
rightmigi no [右]esquerdohidari no [左]
in silencedamatte [黙って]em voz alta (ler)koe ni dashi te [声に出して]
weak, feebleyowai [弱い]fortetsuyoi [強い]
coldsamui [寒い]tépidoatatakai [暖かい]
helljigoku [地獄]paraísogokuraku [極楽]
youngwakai [若い]idosotoshiue [年上]
widehiroi [広い]estreitosemai [狭い]
slowlyosoku [遅く]rapidamentehayaku [早く]
slowosoi [遅い]rápidohayai [速い]
leanyase ta [痩せた]gordodebu [でぶ]
badwarui [悪い]bom, bondosoyoi [良い]
badwarui [悪い]bomyoi [良い]
softyawarakai [柔らかい]durokatai [硬い]
dieshinu [死ぬ]nascerumareru [生まれる]
notīe [いいえ]simhai [はい]
newatarashī [新しい]velhofurui [古い]
to obeyshitagau [従う]ordenar meirei suru [命令する]
smallchīsai [小さい]grandeohkī [大きい]
to allow kyoka suru [許可する]proibir kinjiru [禁じる]
nearchikaku ni [近くに]longetōku ni [遠くに]
little backgroundasai [浅い]profundofukai [深い]
nextchikaku [近く]distantetōku [遠く]
arekenkō [健康]doentebyōki [病気]
separatelybetsubetsu ni [別々に]juntosissho ni [一緒に]
singledokushin [独身]casadokikon [既婚]
sadkanashī [悲しい]alegreureshī [嬉しい]
lastsaigo [最後]primeirodai ichi [第一]

You can see other opposite words in our article about adjectives in japanese.

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