Fowl and Birds in Japanese - Vocabulary


Per Kevin

In this article, we're going to look at a list of Japanese words related to birds. I hope you enjoy this extensive list of birds in Japanese. As well as birds in Japanese, at the end of the article we'll have a list of onomatopoeia and related words.

It is worth remembering that although the names of the birds in Japanese are written with kanji (ideograms). It turns out that it is more common to write them with katakana or sometimes hiragana. This happens a lot with names of animals and birds.

  • Bird in Japanese is called tori [鳥].

We also recommend reading:

Birds in Japanese

List of birds and birds in Japanese

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vulture ハゲワシhagewashi
albatross アホウドリahōdori
swallow tsubame
swift 雨燕ama tsubame
ostrich 駝鳥dachō
the color taka
Hummingbird 蜂鳥hachidori
canary 金糸雀kanaria
Stork シュバシコウshubashikō
great-tit 四十雀shijūkara
swan 白鳥hakuchō
quail ウズラuzura
condor コンドルkondoru
owl トラフズクtorafuzuku
owl snort ワシミミズクwashi mimizuku
Raven 渡鴉watari garasu
lark 雲雀hibari
cuckoo 郭公kakkō
bullfinch uso
starling ムクドリmukudori
faisão キジkiji
Hawk hayabusa
flamingo フラミンゴfuramingo
Seagull kamome
wild-hen エゾライチョウezo raichō
goose ガチョウgachō
heron sagi
gray jaykarasu
bald-rook 深山烏miyama garasu
gray-necked-rook ニシコクマルガラスnishikokumaru garasu
crane tsuru
blackbird クロウタドリkurōtadori
parrot オウムōmu
sparrow suzume
pato kamo
peacock 孔雀kujaku
magpie kasasagi
pelican ペリカンperikan
gray-partridge ヨーロッパヤマウズラyōroppa yamauzura
woodpecker キツツキkitsutsuki
Penguin ペンギンpengin
pigeon hato
nightingale サヨナキドリsayonakidori
finch ズアオアトリzuaoatori
capercaillie ヨーロッパオオライチョウyōroppa ōraichō
grouse クロライチョウkuro raichō
song thrush 歌鶫uta tsugumi
thrush ノハラツグミnohara tsugumi
águia washi
Birds in Japanese

Japanese bird sounds

To finish off the article, let's complement it with some bird sounds in Japanese. If you liked this article, share this amazing website that teaches Japanese for free with your friends.

  • cluck - kokkotto naku [コッコッと鳴く]
  • sing – kokekokkō to naku [コケコッコーと鳴く]
  • sing - saezuru [さえずる]
  • chirp - saezuru [さえずる]
  • cocorocó - kokekokkō [コケコッコー]
  • croak - kākā to naku [カーカーと鳴く]
  • quack - gāgā naku [ガーガー鳴く]
  • to scream - naku [鳴く]
  • chirp - pīpī naku [ピーピー鳴く]

We also recommend reading: Japanese Animal Name – Doubutsu

Meaning and Definition: damu