Lines, shapes and units of measurement in Japanese

In this article, we are going to share a list of Japanese lines, shapes, and units of measurement. Hope you like this list of Japanese words. Learn at once to say square, meters and others similar words In japanese.

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Lines, shapes and units of measurement in Japanese

Lines and Shapes in Japanese

Below we will share a list of words related to lines and shapes in Japanese:

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square (m)正方形seihōkei
right angle (m)直角chokkaku
center (m)中心chūshin
circle (m)円形enkei
circumference (f)円周enshū
contour (m)輪郭rinkaku
cube (m)立方体rippōtai
curve (f)曲線kyokusen
diameter (m)直径chokkei
sphere (f)kyū
thin (line ~a)細いhosoi
globe (m)球体kyūtai
horizontal水平のsuihei no
intersection (f)交点kōten
side (of a triangle, etc.)hen
line (f)sen
oval卵形のrankei no
oval (f) - oval卵形rankei
parallel (f)平行heikō
parallel平行のheikō no
perimeter (m)周長shū chō
pyramid (f)角錐kakusui
prism (m)角柱kakuchū
square正方形のseihōkei no
radius (m)半径hankei
round円形のenkei no
straight (f)直線chokusen
rectangular長方形のchōhōkei no
rectangle (m)長方形chōhōkei
rhombus (m)ひし形hishigata
segment (m)弓形kyūkei
sector (m)扇形senkei
dash (m)一画 ikkaku
trapeze (m)台形daikei
triangular三角形のsankakkei no
triangle (m)三角形sankakkei
vertical垂直のsuichoku no

Japanese units of measurement

Below we will share a list of words related to units of measure in Japanese:

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height (f)高さtaka sa
ampere (A)アンペアanpea
angle (m)kaku
horsepower (m)馬力 bariki
centimeter (m)センチメートルsenchimētoru
length (m)長さnaga sa
dimension (f)大きさōki sa
dozen (f)ダースdāsu
scale (f)縮尺shukushaku
gram (m)グラムguramu
degree (m)do
yard (914.383 mm)ヤードyādo
width (f)haba
pound (453.6 grams)ポンドpondo
liter (m)リットルrittoru
bigger最大の saidai no
maximum極大のkyokudai no
medium中位のchūi no
smaller最小のsaishō no
half (f)半分hanbun
meter (m)メートル mētoru
square meter (m)平方メートルheihō mētoru
mile (f)マイルmairu
milligram (m)ミリグラムmiriguramu
millimeter (m)ミリメートルmirimētoru
Minimum極小のkyokushō no
ounce (f)オンスonsu
foot (304.74 mm)フィートfīto
piece (f)一個ikko
weight (m)重さomo sa
inch (f)インチinchi
depth (f)深さfuka sa
quantity (f)数量sūryō
kilogram (m)キログラムkiroguramu
kilometer (m)キロメートルkiromētoru
ton (f)トンton
a bit of …少しsukoshi
volt (m)ボルトboruto
volume (m)体積taiseki

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