Fries Recipes and curiosities

On this page you will learn the recipe and some information about the Japanese dish Fries Also known as Wafuu fisshu & chippusu.

Table of Content
- About
- Origin
- Information
- Ingredients
- Preparation
- Related

All about Wafuu fisshu & chippusu

Tempura is a traditional dish of Japanese cuisine that consists of frying vegetables and seafood in a light and crooked mass. One of the most popular variations of this dish is the tempura of bacon and sweet potatoes.

The combination of pieces of bacon with sweet potato chips is a tasty and balanced combination that provides a mixture of unique flavors and textures. Bacon, a fish of soft and delicate taste, is immersed in the tempura mass and fried in hot oil until it becomes crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. Now the sweet potatoes, with their soft and sweet texture, are cut into thin, fried slices until they become crispy and golden.

The tempura is a very versatile dish, and can be served as an entry or main dish. In addition, it is a great option for those looking for a lighter meal, as the tempura mass is lighter and less fatty than other forms of fried.

In addition to being a delicious option, bacon tempura and sweet potatoes are also a very healthy meal. Bacon is an excellent source of lean protein and omega-3, while sweet potatoes are rich in nutrients such as vitamins A and C, potassium and fiber.

To accompany this dish, it is common to serve shoyu or ponzu-based sauces, which add a touch of more flavor and acidity. Another option is to spray a little sea salt or pepper on the tempura before serving, to further highlight the flavors.

In short, the tempura of bacon and sweet potatoes is a delicious and healthy option of Japanese cuisine that combines the taste of fish with the sweetness of potatoes. With its light and crisp mass and the mixture of textures and flavors, this dish is a great choice for lovers of Japanese cuisine.


Origin and history of Tempura com Fritas

Tempura dish with bacon and sweet potato chips is of Japanese origin and is a very popular dish around the world. The technique of frying vegetables and seafood was introduced to Japan by the Portuguese in the 16th century, during the invasion of the country. Originally, Tempura was made only with vegetables, but over the years, the dish has been adapted and started to be made with different types of fish, including bacon. Already, sweet potato chips are a variation of the traditional accompaniment of fried potatoes, popularized in the United States, but with the addition of the typical ingredient of Japanese cuisine. Today, Tempura cod and sweet potato chips are a delicious combination and highly appreciated for their crocance and unique taste.

About the recipe

  • Name of the plate: Fries
  • Name of the dish in English: Tempura cod and sweet potato chips
  • Name of the plate in Japanese: 和風フィッシュ&チップス
  • Name of the Romanian dish: Wafuu fisshu & chippusu

Information about preparation

  • Time to prepare: 30 minutes
  • Time of Cooking: 10 minutes
  • Difficulty: COMPLEX
  • It suits: 4 people
  • Occasions: Main meals, autumn, spring, summer, winter

Ingredients – Ingredients

Check out the necessary and optional ingredients FriesIt makes sense to improvise

  • 4 Cucumbers of Cucumbers
  • 200g of tempura flour
  • 2 large sweet potatoes
  • A little flour simple to squeeze
  • 2 tablespoons of kewpie mayo and a stretch of wasabi paste, mixed
  • 1 teaspoon of curry powder per person, for diving or spraying
  • 1 teaspoon of yuzu flakes and 1 teaspoon of sea salt, mixed for diving or spraying
  • Salt or vegetable oil

Watch a video of the recipe:

Recipes - How to Prepare

Now that you know the ingredients to make the recipe Fries. Follow the instructions below in the preparation mode or step by step.


1.Cut and cut the sweet potatoes into round slices of 1/2 cm thick, keeping the skin.

Wash and dry the white fish and cut into pieces of 6x3cm or leave whole as you prefer. Keep the ingredients in the refrigerator until cooking time.

Mix 200g of tempura flour with 320ml of frozen water to make the pasta. Keep the pasta and ingredients refrigerated to get a lighter and crisp tempura.

Heat a pot with oil at medium to high heat until it reaches 160-170°C.

Spray the ingredients with a little flour and soak them into the tempura paste, completely covering.

First cook the sweet potatoes to keep the oil temperature, and then cook the pieces of fish.

Freeze the ingredients for about 1 minute on each side until the pasta is golden.

Remove the ingredients from the oil and place them on a staircase to leak.

Serve hot with ketchup or sauces of your preference.