Hakata Tonkotsu Pork Stock Ramen Recipes and curiosities

On this page you will learn the recipe and some information about the Japanese dish Hakata Tonkotsu Pork Stock Ramen Also known as Hakata tonkotsu ra-men.

Table of Content
- About
- Origin
- Information
- Ingredients
- Preparation
- Related

All about Hakata tonkotsu ra-men

The Hakata tonkotsu pork stock ramen is a traditional dish of Japanese cuisine, known for its unique combination of flavors and textures. It is one of the most popular types of ramen in Japan, especially in the Fukuoka region, where it originates. The name of the dish comes from the Hakata region, which is known for its pork bouillon.

Pork bouillon is the basis of tonkotsu ramen and is made from boiled pork bones for hours until collagen dissolves and creates a thick, creamy bouillon. This slow cooking process is essential to the characteristic taste of the dish. In addition to pork bones, the bouillon can also include other ingredients such as chicken, garlic, ginger and onions.

In addition to the broth, tonkotsu ramen consists of thin, straight pasta, known as "chijire", which is cooked al dente to maintain its firm texture. The pasta is then placed in pork bouillon along with a variety of accompanying ingredients, such as cooked pork slices, beans, onions, seaweed and a soft cooked egg.

One of the most striking features of tonkotsu ramen is its creamy white color, resulting from the pork bouillon and fat that are mixed with the pasta. The taste is rich and intense, with a touch of salt and umami from the bouillon and other ingredients. It is a comforting and perfect dish for cold days or when you want a comforting and tasty meal.

Tonkotsu ramen is a dish that can be found in many Japanese restaurants around the world, but it is in their homeland that one can enjoy the true and authentic experience. Each region of Japan has its own version of tonkotsu ramen, with variations in ingredients and flavors.

For lovers of Japanese cuisine, tonkotsu ramen is a must-see dish. Its unique taste and the combination of ingredients make this dish a true gastronomic experience. So the next time you’re in a Japanese restaurant, don’t forget to try tonkotsu ramen and delight in this Japanese delight.

Hakata tonkotsu pork stock ramen

Origin and history of Hakata Tonkotsu Pork Stock Ramen

The Hakata tonkotsu pork stock ramen is a Japanese delicacies that originated in the city of Fukuoka, on the island of Kyushu. The dish is made with a pork bone buldozer, known as tonkotsu, and fine, wave-shaped pasta, as well as served with various accompanying ingredients, such as sliced pork, onions, beans, among others. It is believed that tonkotsu ramen was created in the early twentieth century, when a chef from Fukuoka adapted the Chinese ramen recipe to the Japanese taste, using local ingredients. Over the years, the dish became popular throughout Japan and the world, being considered one of the best types of ramen available.

About the recipe

  • Name of the plate: Hakata Tonkotsu Pork Stock Ramen
  • Name of the dish in English: Hakata tonkotsu pork stock ramen
  • Name of the plate in Japanese: 博多とんこつラーメン
  • Name of the Romanian dish: Hakata tonkotsu ra-men

Information about preparation

  • Time to prepare: 10 minutes
  • Time of Cooking: 10 minutes
  • Difficulty: SIMPLE
  • It suits: 2 people
  • Occasions: Main meals, winter, fall

Ingredients – Ingredients

Check out the necessary and optional ingredients Hakata Tonkotsu Pork Stock RamenIt makes sense to improvise

  • Hakata Tonkotsu Pork Stock Ramen
  • 1 DIY Kit Shoryu - Ganso Ramen
  • Eggs (optional)
  • Shoryu DIY Kit includes:
    • Shoriyu Signature 12 Hour Tonkotsu Soup
    • 2 bundles of original ramen noodles
    • Tagged BBQ Bulry
    • Beni Shoga Red Ginger
    • Spring Onions
    • Kikurage mushrooms
    • Nitamago egg marinade
    • 4 folhas de algas nori

Watch a video of the recipe:

Recipes - How to Prepare

Now that you know the ingredients to make the recipe Hakata Tonkotsu Pork Stock Ramen. Follow the instructions below in the preparation mode or step by step.

Preparation mode:

Cook the eggs (optional)

If you want marinated eggs with ramen, let them marinate for 1 hour before you start cooking. In a pot, boil enough water to cover the eggs and cook for 8 minutes on medium fire. Then, soak the eggs in ice water and let them rest for 5 minutes.

Marking the eggs:

Carefully rinse the eggs while still in the water. Place them in a sealable container or bag and completely cover them with the marinade. Let them rest in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Heat the stock of Tonkotsu:

Boil 400 ml of water in a small pot and add the Tonkotsu bouillon. Mix well and let it boil. Take care not to boil too much.

Prepare the ingredients:

While the stock boils, cut the Nitamago egg in half, the pork meat in slices and spit the spring onion.

Cook the pasta:

While the meat is golden, boil water in another pot and add the pasta. Cook for 45 seconds and mix to separate it.

Set up the ramen:

Stir the pasta and divide it into two bowl. Throw the hot bouillon over and mix well. Then add the ingredients in the bowl, such as onion, ginger, mushrooms and pork.

Add the other ingredients:

Put the marinated egg and nori alga leaves in each ramen bowl.

Serve and enjoy:

Your Tonkotsu Hakata Pig Stock Ramen is ready to be tasted! Mix all the ingredients in the bowl and enjoy this delicious meal.