Plastic Surgery in Japan - Stats and Facts

Strolling through the website of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, we can easily find a specific ranking. In it we can notice the presence of Japan always among the countries at the top of the ranking.

This ranking is that of countries that perform the most plastic surgeries and aesthetic procedures in the world. And it's normal anywhere in the world to try to correct your appearance.

And it is a fact that this number has been growing continuously, whether among men or women. Whether in the world or in a country like Japan or Brazil, the demand for these procedures increases every day.

Plastic surgery in japan

Índice de Conteúdo


The most common surgeries are surgeries that modify the face and head. These are surgeries like:

  • lift the eyebrows;
  • ear surgery (otoplasty)
  • eyelid surgeries
  • hair transplant
  • rhinoplasty

In this ranking, Japan was ranked in 2016 a total of 165,496 surgical procedures. Behind Brazil, USA, Russia, Mexico and India. And had a total of 3.9% of all surgeries of this type in the world.

Don't ask me why, but the most sought after surgery in Japan is eyelid surgery. Or rather, it seems that having that crease in the eyelid is a kind of beauty standard there.

So much so that the country is already one of the experts in the technique. The number of procedures performed in the year 206 reached the incredible number of 106,177. This means more than 60% of the total number of surgeries of this type.

It is followed a little further by Rhinoplasty, which is surgery to thin the nose. With just over 23,000 procedures. Anyway, the other surgeries have much smaller numbers so it's not worth mentioning them here.

eyelid surgeries

Plastic surgery

Seeing that these surgeries are performed a lot in Japan, let's explain it.

Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, is aimed at improving the appearance of the eyelids. Surgery can be done on the upper, lower, or both eyelids. It promises to rejuvenate the area around the eyes. remembering that Japan is famous for its older population.

This surgery can treat, among other cases:

  • Loose or sagging skin that creates folds or disturbs the natural contour of the upper eyelid
  • Fatty deposits that appear as swelling on the eyelids
  • bags under the eyes
  • Droopy lower eyelids that reveal white below the iris
  • Excess skin and fine wrinkles of the lower eyelid

And so it is better explained what this surgery is about, which is so sought after in Japan. Remembering that the purposes of the procedure may vary more than those presented here.


Surgeries are a big dilemma for many people. Some think that what nature has created should not change, while others think that everything counts for the sake of beauty. This is all relative, but the important thing is to always look for accredited and professional doctors.

The data was not presented here, but the number of deaths in surgical procedures is huge. And the overwhelming majority come from unaccredited or illegal clinics. So safety always has to come first. After all, the surgery has a price, but the life do not.

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