Brazil has a history of fights between soccer fans in stadiums since the 1970s. While the fights used to be hand-to-hand, today they are becoming increasingly violent with the use of cold weapons and even firearms. One question that cannot be ignored: Why fight over soccer or another sport? There is no reason other than stupidity; today we will use Japan as a great example.
Unfortunately, many Brazilians were not properly educated, which created this unnecessary wave of fights between idiot fans. Nowadays I can't even go to a stadium without witnessing violent scenes or at least cursing. Sometimes I even think that these fanatical fans don't have a brain.
Of course we can't generalize, but any intelligent human being wouldn't start a fight for any reason, least of all because of cheerleading or sports. People who fight or get angry easily have problems and need to be dealt with. The main reason Brazil is in the shit is this aggressive and violent attitude of Brazilians.
Why do people fight? Jealousy? Envy? Humiliation? insults? It doesn't matter what reason someone gave you to fight, if you get into it you're just putting yourself down and showing yourself to be a big idiot. Especially if it's because of sports or people who have no idea of your existence. The best thing to do in a fight is to run away!
I wish that was the only problem, since Brazilians don't know how to throw garbage in the trash. Fortunately you must be tired of knowing that Japan takes its own garbage and still cleans the garbage of others in the football/soccer stadiums.
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The great example of fans in Japan
Humility is a word that represents the Japanese well. It doesn't matter if your team lost, or if an enemy fan is making fun of you or celebrating in your face. The Japanese are humble, patient and above all respectful. In Japan, you don't usually hear an insult, let alone someone hit you because of football/soccer or other sports.
It is no longer enough for Japan to set an example of cleaning the stadiums in the World Cup that took place in Brazil, they also show politeness in their homes. Below you can see the ironic video of our friend Caipira in Japan, showing how a decent football/soccer crowd leaves the stadiums in Japan:
Note in the video that Japanese fans of enemy teams leave the same side of the stadium, no fights and no arguments. Some even converse amicably with each other. Even without a fight, note that not even shouting or crying happens! This shows that there are still intelligent human beings in our world.
Soccer is not the predominant sport in Japan. They value baseball, basketball, and even golf much more. Schools encourage children to explore a wide variety of sports through the gakuen kurabu system.
football/soccer fans don't lose their spirit!
Fans take the sport seriously, I understand that some might feel stressed out because of enemy fans. Now resorting to violence or name calling doesn't show that you're defending your team, it just shows that you're a big idiot! As stressful as it can be, take a deep breath and calm down, don't hurt your team's name fighting!

The fact that there are no fights between Japan fans does not mean that there were no precautions. The fans are separated in the stands, there are classes and special places for fans who belong to the fan club. Largely responsible for the education of the Japanese is the strict and enforced laws of Japan.
In Brazil there were supposed to be laws and education, but they are not enforced. Fortunately the Japanese strive to obey the laws and the punishments and fines are heavy. Those Japanese fans who can't hold back need to think twice before doing any shit in a stadium in Japan.
If you have any details to add to the article, feel free to express them in the comments. Let's share this article to show the great example that Japan has to teach these fans from Brazil. Education and Humility! Congratulations to the Brazilians who follow these principles! We also recommend reading: