What does Subarashii mean in Japanese?

Ever wondered what the word really means subarashii [素晴らしい] In japanese? In this article, we will do a complete analysis on this word and understand its meanings, meme, etymology, history, phrases, synonyms, inflections, uses and others.

The word subarashii could mean "wonderful; splendid; supreme; great; amazing; excellent; glorious; fantastic; magnificent; admirable“. Depending on the situation, it can also mean something like impressive, not bad, or cool.

It is an adjective of type i [い] that is composed of the kanji [素] which means elementary, principle, naked and uncovered, along with the ideogram [晴] which means to clean. What the hell do these ideograms have to do with the word?

Several characters, especially some villains, often use this word at some point, when they succeed in their plots. One of the antagonists Dragon Ball Super, Goku Black, often uses this word several times.

Etymology and origin of subarashii

The word subarashii is originally derived from the verb subaru [窄る] which means to shrink or decrease. The word comes from the junction of shii [しい] which is an adjective suffix. This adjective literally describes "that which makes a person shrink."

The initial meaning of the word was strongly negative (something like extreme and terrible), and this usage continued until the mid-1800s in the Edo period, since when did the meaning change to a strong positive. Something similar happened in English with the word terrific.

Kanji spelling is an example of ateji [当て字], a word written with certain ideograms, but which currently has absolutely no relation to the meaning of the word or the original word [窄る].

What is the meaning of "subarashii" in Japanese?

Synonyms and related

Awesome [すごい] also means something like amazing, great, wonderful, magnificent. The word suck it is mostly used to tell your friend or people close to you and also used to be used with exclamation. Already subarashii it is more formal and complete.

Another similar adjective is suteki [素敵] meaning "charming; wonderful; pleasant; great; fantastic; excellent; cool". The word also has an alternative spelling [素晴しい], it still has the [ら], but it's in the kanji reading.

We also recommend reading articles that talk about the word omoshiroi which means fun, interesting and fascinating. also the words ureshii and tanoshii which means something fun, joyful and happy. Very common and similar adjectives.

A few words opposite subarashii are hidoi [ひどい] which means cruel; severe; unfair; kitanai [きたない] which means dirty; filthy; iyashii [いやしい] which means vulgar; rude; rough; minikui [みにくい] which means ugly; unattractive; indecorous.

What is the meaning of "subarashii" in Japanese?
A beautiful image that causes delight and envy!

Inflection and Conjugation

the adverb of the adjective subarashii é "subarashiku" [素晴らしく] which means something like wonderfully; splendidly; magnificently. Below we will leave the possible inflections of the word "subarashii" for you to examine:

Responsive Table: Scroll the table sideways with your finger >>
Imperfect (未然形)素晴らしかろsubarashikaro
I continue (連用形)素晴らしく"subarashiku"
Terminal (終止形)素晴らしいsubarashii
Attributive (連体形)素晴らしいsubarashii
Hypothetical (仮定形)素晴らしけれsubarashikere
Imperative (命令形)素晴らしかれsubarashikare
Informal negative素晴らしくないsubarashiku nai
Informal past素晴らしかったsubarashikatta
Past negative informal素晴らしくなかったsubarashiku nakatta
Formal素晴らしいですsubarashii desu
Formal negative素晴らしくないですsubarashiku nai desu
Formal past素晴らしかったですsubarashikatta desu
Past negative formal素晴らしくなかったですsubarashiku nakatta desu

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Example Sentences of Subarashii

Anata no seiseki wa subarashīdesu Your grades are amazing
Are wa subarashī sakuhindesu ne This is wonderful work
Yōsuruni, sono pātī wa subarashikatta. In short, the party was great.
Hontōni subarashīdesu ne. It's really wonderful.
Fujisan ga subarashī nagamedatta. Mount Fuji had a wonderful view.
Kanojo wa subarashī joseida She is a wonderful woman
Kare wa totemo subarashī tenisu senshudesu. He is a very good tennis player.
Subarashī hanashi o futatsu shōkai shimasu I can tell you two great stories.

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