Fukushi - List of adverbs in Japanese


Per Kevin

Do you know the adverbs of the Japanese language? In this article, we will see a complete list of the most popular adverbs in Japanese. Adverbs in Japanese are called Fukushi [副詞] and there are two types of adverbs in the Japanese language.

Adverbs are words that indicate a circumstance such as time, place, manner, intensity, etc. This circumstance can modify a verb, an adjective or an adverb.

The function of adverbs is to describe verbs, in the same way that adjectives describe nouns. Japanese adverbs can also be used to turn a word into an adjective.

In this article we will have a complete list of adverbs at the end, plus some explanations and adverbs separated by category. To facilitate navigation, we will leave an index below:

The first part of the article is without romanization (romaji) but the list of adverbs at the end of the article has them all with their romanization.

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Japanese adverbs by category

Japanese adverbs of time

  • 今 - Ima - now, in this moment
  • 今日 - Kyõ - Today, on this day
  • 昨日 - Kino - Yesterday
  • 明日 - Ashita - Tomorrow
  • まだ - But still, so far, in spite of that, nevertheless
  • もう - Previously, before a while, already, right now
  • いつ - when, then, while

Japanese adverbs of place

  • 下に - shitani - under
  • 上に - ueni - over
  • そばに - close to, next to
  • 前に - maeni - In front of, in front of
  • 後ろに - ushironi - behind, behind

Japanese adverbs of manner

  • きっと - Certainly
  • ゆっくり - slowly
  • どんなに - how, in what way

Japanese adverbs of quantity

  • よく - How much, well, good, enough
  • 何 - nani - Which
  • いくら - How much, how much, how much
  • とても - Much
  • 大変 - taihen - very, extremely, serious
  • たくさん - very, quite, extremely
  • 十分 - juubun - enough
  • だけ - only
  • 少し- sukoshi - A little
  • ちょっと - A little, especially, preferably, particularly
  • もっと – Most

Other Japanese Adverbs

  • いつも - always, constantly
  • 何度も - nandomo - Repeatedly, many times, often
  • 大きに - Very (Thank you very much, Great)
  • どうして - why?, how?, in what way?
  • どこか - in/to some or any place / Somehow
  • 又 - mata - again, too, but
  • 例えば - For example

How to use adverbs in Japanese

Normally Japanese adverbs are used before the verbs or adjectives they refer to. For example, in たくさん食べる the Japanese adverb (たくさん - bastante) appears before the verb (食べる - taberu - to eat). Below are a few more examples.

  • 私はテレビをテーブルの前におく。/ Watashi wa terebi o tēburu no mae ni oku;
  • 私はゆっくり歩きます。/ Watashi wa yukkuri arukimasu;
  • ちょっと待ってください。/ Chottomatte kudasai;
  • 彼は静かに勉強します。/ Kare wa shizuka ni benkyō shimasu;

Turning adjectives into adverbs

Many adverbs can be created from Japanese adjectives. The method is very similar to what we do in English.

In many Portuguese words, we just need to add the ending -mente, after an adjective. In this way, the adjective easy becomes the adverb, fast becomes quickly, and so on.

In the Japanese language, you just need to add the ending [く] to Japanese [い] adjectives, or the particle [に] to Japanese [な] adjectives. This way, we can create Japanese adverbs for each type of adjective. Let's see the examples:

  • 新しい > 新し [Atarashii > Atarashiku]
  • 強い > 強く [Tsuyoi > Tsuyoku]
  • 簡単な > 簡単に [Kantanna > Kantanni]
  • 便利な > 便利に [Benrina > Benrini]

Now you can practice turning all the adjectives you know into adverbs in Japanese.

With the suffix tekini

Some words can be turned into adverbs by adding the suffix tekini.

具体 se transforma em 具体的に

具体 Gutai / Concrete, specific > 具体的に Gutaitekini / Specifically

Shitsumon no naiyō ga gutaitekini tsutawaru yō ni kaite kudasai;

Verbs with Japanese adverb function

Some verbs, when used in the form you/from, may occasionally be used as adverbs.

  • 喜ぶ changes to 喜んで
  • 喜んで行きます。
  • 喜んでお手伝いしますよ。

Repeating and creating adverbs

Some Japanese adverbs can be created from the repetition of a word or sound. Many students tend to confuse these expressions with onomatopoeias, but it is worth remembering that onomatopoeias are usually written in katakana and have a different context.

しばしば - Frequentemente, muitas vezes…

Kare wa shibashiba koiniochiru.
Dēta wa shibashiba fuseikakuda

いちいち - Um por um, cada, cada um, tudo…

Kare no iu koto wa ichīchi atama ni kuru.

時々 - Tokidoki - Algumàs vezes, ocasionalmente, às vezes, frequentemente, com frequência…

Tokidoki terebiwomiru.
Kare wa tokidoki kibō o ushinau.

The Japanese letter 々 is used to indicate the repetition of the same kanji. It's like 時々 is 時時.

Os advérbios intraduzíveis

There are adverbs that do not have a clear translation to a word in the Portuguese language. See four common cases.

やっぱり - This word is just a colloquial form of やはり. It is an adverb used with the meaning of "Just as I thought", "As expected" or "Despite everything".

See the example: I knew he was gay.

Kare wa yappari geidesu ne

まさか - This Japanese adverb has a similar meaning to "don't tell me!", "impossible!", "It's got to be a joke!", "Unbelievable!" or "Are you kidding me?!". As far as I could tell, this adverb has a somewhat negative connotation.

See the example: Don't tell me Cris is a criminal?

Masaka han'nin wa Kurisu?

Sasugani [流石に] - Some approximate translations of this Japanese adverb would be "as should be expected", "this is something very natural", "in fact" or "no doubt".

Sasuga ni kare wa hayakuhashiru;

とにかく - Tonikaku can mean "in any way", "in any way", "in general", "in one way or another", "in any case"…

Tonikaku ie e kaeru;

Complete list of adverbs in Japanese

どこに?doko ni?Where?
右にmigi nion the right
左にhidari nito the left
前にmae niforward
手でte dethe hand
ところで、tokorode, …by the way, …
それにsorenifurthermore, …
何かnani kasomething
誰かdare kasomebody
ある人aru hitosomeone (had an idea)
何かnani kasomething
近くにchikaku nibeside
窓辺にmado beniby the window
近くでchikaku fromat the foot of…
の周りを…no mawari woaround (look)
にもかかわらず… ni mo kakawara zuin spite of…
後ろにushiro nibehind…
yakuabout (10 kg)
前のmae nofrom the front
ここからkoko karafrom here
誰かのdare ka nosomeone
どこからでもdoko kara demosomewhere
中からnaka karafrom the inside
そこからsoko karafrom there, from there
側面からsokumen karabeside
誰のでもないdare no… de mo nainobody's
新たにarata niagain
わざとwazatoon purpose
急にkyū nisuddenly
どこからかdoko kara kaof a place
すぎる… suggesteddemasiado, muito
右のmigi noright
真っ直ぐにmassugu nidirectly
and (you ~ me)
可能なkanō nait's possible
どこかでdoko ka desomewhere
前方へzenpō heforward (forward)
どこにもdoko ni monowhere
第一にdai ichi niin the first place
第二にdai ni niin second place
第三にdai san niin third place
どこでもdoko demoeverywhere
引き換えにhikikae niin exchange
の返礼として…no henrei toshitein exchange for …
あのときano tokithen
kanin between
の間で… on woodenter (in the middle of)
特にparticularly especially
左のhidari noleft
正確にseikaku niexactly
のおかげで… in the okage ofthanks to …
遠くにtōku nifar away
でもdemobut however)
中央chūōhalf (m), half (f)
多くの人々ōku no hitobitomany people
非常にhijō nimuito
多量のtaryō nomuito
かなり前に... kanari mae nilong before…
多くのōku nomany
何もないnani mo naianything
誰もないgive me… nainobody
初めはhajime waat first
中央にchūō niin the middle
一度もichi do moNever
もう一方のmōippōnothe other (second)
またはmatawaor (be ~ not be)
のために… no tame nito (~ my mother)
どこかへdokoka heyto somewhere
こちらへkochira heyHere
右へmigi heyto the right
左へhidari heyto the left
そこへsoko hefor there
どこへもdoko heyto nowhere
どちらへ?dochira huh?Where?
永遠にhey niforever
後ろへushiro heyback
初めてhajimetfor the first time
そばにsoba ni near
近くchikakuClose of …
遠くないtōku naiclose, not far
偶然にgūzen ni by accident
なぜか[何故か]naze kaFor some reason
後ろからushiro karafrom behind (come ~)
例えばtatoebafor example
従ってshitagattetherefore …
何らかの理由でnanrakano riyū defor whatever reason
なぜならnazenarawhy …
ほとんどないhotondo … naiunlikely
どれでもdore demoany
ということ… toyu kotothat (conjugation)
nanithat (pronunciation)
残りnokorirest (m)
ことによるとkotoni yoru toperhaps
moalso (~ me)
またWoodsalso (would like to ~…)
たくさんtakusanso much
あらゆる人arayuru hitoall
至急にshikyū niurgently
普通はfutsū wausually

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