Ai no Katachi - MISIA ft. HIDE/GReeeeN - Translating Songs

Nihongo, Media

Per Kevin

In this article, we will translate and break down the song Ai no Katachi (アイノカタチ) by the singer MISIA in collaboration with Hide and GReeeeN.

This romantic song is very popular in Japanese playlists of 2018. A single of this song was released on August 22nd in celebration of 20 years of their debut album.

The name of the song Ai no Katachi [愛の形] literally means the shape of love... You can listen to the music video of Ai no Katachi by MISIA below: 


Before we start translating the song, let's leave an index for those interested who are just wanting to read the lyrics of the romanized or Japanese song that is at the end of the article.


Now it's time to translate the song ai no katachi into English, sentence by sentence by sentence, word by word, ideogram by ideogram. Remembering that this translation is done literally and may not make much sense in English.

I won't put the romanization on the words I translated, because there is already a romanization below the sentence. In reality, we strongly recommend staying away from romanization. If we put romanization on everything, you won't learn Japanese.

Sometimes song lyrics want to convey different ideas in a single word, this makes Japanese music beautiful and romantic. So don't get stuck on literal translation and try to understand details of each word. Music will only make sense if you think like a Japanese.

あのね いつの間にか 気づいたんだ 愛に もし カタチがあって
Ano ne itsu no manika kidzuitanda ai ni moshi katachi ga atte

I realized a little while ago that love has its shape

  • あのね - Wait, look here, I'll tell you, I say;
  • いつの間にか - before you know it;
  • 気づいたんだ - I noticed, I noticed, I recognized;
  • もし - if, case, supposing;
  • カタチ - form;
  • あって = exists, verb aru;
それがすでに わたしの胸に はまってたなら
Sore ga sudeni watashi no mune ni hamattetanara

If this was already embedded in my heart

  • それが - yes, actually, now that we say it;
  • すでに - already, too late
  • わたしの - In my (pronoun I + possession particle);
  • 胸 - literally chest, can refer to the heart;
  • はまってた - fit, be fit, enter, fall into (verb 嵌まる in the past tense);
きっとずっと 今日よりもっと あなたのことを知るたびに
Kitto zutto kyou yori motto anata no koto o shiru tabi ni

Every time, always, I know you more than today.

  • きっと - definitely, without a doubt, with certainty;
  • ずっと - forever, continuously;
  • 今日 - today;
  • より - from, since, than, except, more;
  • もっと - more, even more;
  • あなたのこと - about you, things about you;
  • 知る - know, know;
  • たびに - every hour, every time, always, occasionally;
そのカタチはもう あなたじゃなきゃ きっと隙間を作ってしまうね
Sono katachi wa mō anata janakya kitto sukima o tsukutte shimau ne

I'll definitely make a difference as long as that shape is already you

  • そのカタチ - this form;
  • もう - now, soon, yet, until now, already;
  • あなたじゃなきゃ - I must be yours;
  • きっと - definitely, without a doubt, with certainty;
  • 隙間 - crack, crack, gap, interval, pause, weak point;
  • produzir, fabricar, fazer, preparar (作る) - produce, manufacture, make, prepare
  • まう - finish, do, complete;
あのね 大好きだよ 
Anone daisukidayo

Hey, I love you

  • あのね - ei;
  • 大好きだよ - I love you very much (大 - big);
あなたが心の中で 広がってくたび
Anata ga kokoro no naka de hirogatte ku tabi

You are in my heart, spreading always;

  • あなたが - About you;
  • 心の中で - In the middle of the heart;
  • 広がって - spread, extend, reach, fill;
  • たび - number of times
愛が 溢れ 涙こぼれるんだ
Ai ga afure namida koboreru nda

Love is overflowing and tears are spilling

  • 愛 - amor;
  • 溢れ - overflowing, flooding;
  • 涙 - tears;
  • derramar [零れる ou 溢れる];
これから沢山の 泣き笑いを 知るたびに増えていくの
Korekara takusan no nakiwarai o shiru tabi ni fuete iku no

Now that I know, a lot of laughter and crying will increase

  • これから -after that, from now on;
  • 沢山 - many, a large number, sufficient;
  • 泣き笑い - smiling while crying, crying and laughing, sadness and joy;
  • 増えて - increase, multiply;
  • いく - some, many, several;
飛び出たとこ へこんだとこ 二人になってく
Tobideta toko hekonda toko futari ni natte ku

Jumping from the oppressed place, to become two people.

  • 飛び出た - to stand out, jump out, run away;
  • とこ - short for ところ place
  • へこんだ - drowned, sank, be forced, oppressed [凹む];
  • 二人 - two people, together;
  • なってく - become [なる];
時にぶつかり すり減って そして また 埋めあっていけばいい
Tokini butsukari surihette soshite mata ume atte ikebaii

Sometimes it wears out but then fills up again;

  • 時に - by the way, sometimes
  • (ぶ)打つかり - collide, bump, push;
  • すり減って - wearing down, reducing;
  • そして - and then, like this, now, finally
  • また - again, also, yet;
  • burying, filling [埋める];
  • いけば - proceed;
  • いい - good;
daisuki na anata ga

Are you favorite or lovable

そばにいないときに ほら 胸が痛くなって
Soba ni inai toki ni hora mune ga itaku natte

When you're not close to me, my chest hurts;

  • そばに - on my side, close;
  • いない - not here;
  • ときに - when, sometimes;
  • ほら - look at me, here, look;
  • 胸 - chest or heart;
  • 痛くなって - it hurts, it becomes painful, it hurts;
あなたのカタチ 見える 気がしたんだ
Anata no katachi mieru ki ga shita nda
あのね 大好きだよ


何万回も 伝えよう 温かく増えた想いは
Nan man-kai mo tsutaeyou atatakaku fueta omoi wa

Say it a thousand times, feelings warmly rose

  • 何万回も - tens of thousands of times;
  • 伝えよう - let's transmit, tell, communicate;
  • 温かく - warmly, feeling of warmth;
  • 増えた - increase, multiply;
  • 想い - desire, feeling, thought, love, affection;
全部 アイノカタチです
zenbu ai no katachi desu

Every love has its shape

  • 全部 - all, all;
  • アイノカタチ - 愛の形
  • です - Verb "to be", affirmation and confirmation!
ずっと ずっと 大好きだよ
あなたが心の中で 広がってくたび
愛が 溢れ 涙こぼれるんだ

(Repeat of chorus)

星の数ほどの中 ただ一人のあなたが 心にいるんだ
Hoshi no kazu hodo no naka tadahitori no anata ga kokoro ni iru nda

Among countless stars, only one of you is in my heart.

  • 星 - stars;
  • 数 - numbers, quantity, various;
  • ほど - degrees, extent, limits;
  • 数ほど - so many, countless;
  • 中 - in the middle;
  • ただ一人 - just one person;
  • 心にいるんだ - in the heart;
あのね あのね ずっと 大好きだよ
Ano ne ano ne zutto daisukidayo

Hey hey, I'll always love you!

大好きだよ ああ ありがとう
Daisukidayo ā arigatō

I love you, thank you!

Lyrics of the song Ai no Katachi - Romanized

For those interested in just reading the song or singing, we'll leave the romanized lyrics below:

Ano ne itsu no ma ni ka kizuita'n da ai ni moshi katachi ga atte
Sore ga sudeni watashi no mune ni hamattetanara
Kitto zutto kyou yori motto anata no koto wo shiru tabi ni
Sono katachi wa mou anata ja nakya kitto sukima wo tsukutte shimau ne

Ano ne daisuki da yo
Anata ga kokoro no naka de hirogatteku tabi
Ai ga afure namida koboreru'n da

Kore kara takusan no nakiwarai wo shiru tabi ni fuete yuku no
Tobideta toko hekonda toko futari ni natteku
Toki ni butsukari surihette soshite mata umeatte ikeba ii

Daisuki na anata ga
Soba ni inai toki ni hora mune ga itaku natte
Anata no katachi mieru ki ga shita'n da

Ano ne daisuki da yo
Nanmankai mo tsutaeyou atatakaku fueta omoi wa
Zenbu ai no katachi desu

Zutto zutto daisuki da yo
Anata ga kokoro no naka de hirogatteku tabi
Ai ga afure namida koboreru'n da
Hoshi no kazu hodo no naka tada hitori no anata ga kokoro ni iru'n da
Ano ne ano ne zutto daisuki da yo
Daisuki da yo aa arigatou

Lyrics of the song ai ko katachi - japanese

Below you can find all the lyrics of the song ai no katachi [MISIA ft. HIDE/GReeeeN] in Japanese:

あのね いつの間にか 気づいたんだ 愛に もし カタチがあって
それがすでに わたしの胸に はまってたなら
きっとずっと 今日よりもっと あなたのことを知るたびに
そのカタチはもう あなたじゃなきゃ きっと隙間を作ってしまうね

あのね 大好きだよ
あなたが心の中で 広がってくたび
愛が 溢れ 涙こぼれるんだ

これから沢山の 泣き笑いを 知るたびに増えていくの
飛び出たとこ へこんだとこ 二人になってく
時にぶつかり すり減って そして また 埋めあっていけばいい

そばにいないときに ほら 胸が痛くなって
あなたのカタチ 見える 気がしたんだ

あのね 大好きだよ
何万回も 伝えよう 温かく増えた想いは
全部 アイノカタチです

ずっと ずっと 大好きだよ
あなたが心の中で 広がってくたび
愛が 溢れ 涙こぼれるんだ
星の数ほどの中 ただ一人のあなたが 心にいるんだ
あのね あのね ずっと 大好きだよ
大好きだよ ああ ありがとう