Japanese Adverbs of Manner - List and Importance

Adverbs (or 副詞 - fukushi) are words that characterize a verb. In other words, they explain the way in which an action is performed. If on the one hand we have adjectives, which characterize nouns, on the other hand we have adverbs, which, as said before, are responsible for giving characteristics to verbs. For example, we can say things like: "I ran quickly" (速く走った, Hayaku hashitta) instead of just saying "I ran". That is, we are characterizing the "run" action.

In general, adverbs in the Portuguese language usually end with the suffix "mind". Another possibility is when we say that so -and -so ran "quickly" (which in essence means the same as "quickly").

Another example of adverb in a way is the term ちゃんと (chuno) that means, among other things, "correctly", "right", "the right way".

Read also: Fukushi – List of Adverbs in Japanese

Japanese - Adverbs of Manner in Japanese – List and Importance

In Japanese, the adverbs of manner perform the same function, that is, they indicate the way in which the action is performed, but there are some peculiarities in relation to the structure, such as the insertion of the particle と after some of them. Furthermore, many onomatopoeia can also behave as adverbs of manner, depending on the sentence construction and context.

In addition to the adverbs of manner, there are adverbs of intensity and adverbs of time (frequency), as in the case of たくさん (takusan), とても (totemo) and 時々 (tokidoki), respectively.

In this article, we will look at some important adverbs of manner in the Japanese language. So, get your paper and pen ready and let's go together!

List of Adverbs of Manner in Japanese

  • さっぱり = Sappari = Refreshing, clean, thoroughly, without reservation.
  • ぼんやり = Bonyari = Vaguely, unfocused, purposeless.
  • ぴったり = Pittari = Perfectly, exactly, without surplus or lack.
  • ぐっすり = Gussuri = Deeply, well asleep.
  • うっかり = Ukkari = By accident, inadvertently, unintentionally.
  • こっそり = Kossori = Secretly, furtively, sneakily.
  • きっちり = Kicchiri = Precisely, rigorously, without mistakes.
  • がっちり = Gacchiri = Strongly, forcefully, solidly.
  • がっしり = Gasshiri = Firmly, solidly, reliably.
  • がっくり = Gakkuri = Disappointed, discouraged.
  • くっきり = Kukkiri = Distinctly, clearly, sharply.
  • ぎっしり = Gisshiri = Full, crowded, packed.
  • きっぱり = Kippari = Decisively, resolutely, with determination.
  • うんざり = Unzari = Tired, bored, fed up.
  • じっくり = Jikkuri = Carefully, meticulously.
  • ずらり = Zurari = In a row, in a row, in series.
  • ずばり = Zubari = Precisely, frankly, directly.
  • ばったり = Battari = By chance, unexpectedly, suddenly.
  • うっすら = Ussura = Vaguely, faintly, indistinctly.
  • やんわり = Yanwari = Softly, gently.
  • あっさり = Assari = Light, weightless, without fat or heavy seasoning.
  • がんがん = Gangan = Vigorously, forcefully, without hesitation.
  • ぴりぴり = Piripiri = Tingling, spicy, fiery.
  • 整然 (せいぜん) = Seizen = Neatly, in order, well organized.
  • 断然 (だんぜん) = Danzen = Decidedly, with a big difference, no doubt.
  • とっとと = Tottoto = Quickly, immediately, without delay.
  • 矢鱈 (やたら) = Yatara = Excessively, disorderly, randomly.
  • 突如 (とつじょ) = Totsujo = Suddenly, abruptly, unexpectedly.
  • だんこ = Danko = Firm, robust, strong.
  • かっこ = Kakko = Cool, impressive, elegant.
  • こっこく = Kokkoku = Continuously, without interruption, without stopping.
  • さっそく = Sassoku = Immediately, without delay, promptly.
  • 生き生き (いきいき) = Ikiiki = Vivacious, lively, vibrant.
  • ぞくぞく = Zokuzoku = One after another, in rapid succession, in large numbers.
  • 着々 (ちゃくちゃく) = Chakuchaku = Progressively, steadily, without interruption.
  • 堂々 (どうどう) = Doudou = Imposing, majestic, dignified.
  • 点々 (てんてん) = Tenten = Scattered here and there, in sparse spots.
  • しみじみ = Shimijimi = Deeply, wholeheartedly, with great feeling.
  • つくづく = Tsukuzuku = Thoroughly, deeply, carefully.
  • 伸び伸び (のびのび) = Nobinobi = Freely, relaxed, unrestricted.
  • 愚図愚図 (ぐずぐず) = Guzuguzu = Slowly, lazily.
  • ぶらぶら = Burabura = Aimlessly, wandering, idly.
  • オドオド = Odoodo = Nervously, afraid, hesitant.
  • ひらり = Hirari = Light, delicate, graceful.

List of adverbs so they appear a lot

Below, a video explaining in detail the difference between the adverbs ちゃんと (chanto), きちんと (kichinto) and しっかり (shikkari) that confuse many students. Note: The video it's all in japanese!

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