In today's article, we will present to you the song Brilha Brilha Estrelinha in the Japanese version. For those who don't know, the song brilha brilha estrelinha is a very famous lullaby. Its original version is called Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star and was written by British poetess Jane Taylor.
The Japanese version is called kira kira boshi きらきら星 and is in the public domain. This has led to many different versions of this song emerging in Japanese and other languages. Below is a video with the simplest and most famous version in Japanese.
Table of Content
The lyrics of the song - きらきら星
Repeat the first chorus.
Kira Kira Boshi
kira kira hikaru
o sora no hoshi yo
mabataki shite ha
minnna wo miteru
kira kira hikaru
o sora no hoshi yo
kira kira hikaru
o sora no hoshi yo
minnna no uta ga
todoku to iina
kira kira hikaru
o sora no hoshi yo
Repeat the first chorus.
Desmembering Music
Below we will break down the Japanese version of the song:
- きらきら - Shines
- ひかる - light, shine
- 空 - sky
- 星 - star
- まばたき - twinkle (of stars)
- 見てる - see look
- みんな - people, everyone
- 歌 - song
- 届くと - reach, cross
We can notice some different phrases like:
- Shine, shine, star in the sky;
- She keeps blinking and everyone is watching;
- The song of everyone will reach;

Brazilian Version - Twinkle twinkle little star
- When the blazing sun is gone,
- How I wonder what you are!
- Pretend it's just mine.
- Just for you, I will sing.
- When the blazing sun is gone,
- Shine, shine up in the sky
- Then you show your little light,
- Twinkle, twinkle, all the night
The Japanese version is similar to the Brazilian version in some ways, but the expressions change places. In the Japanese version, we also do not find the expression of Santa Claus, probably because there are not many Christians in Japan and Christmas is different. In the Japanese version, we also do not find the expressions "sleep" or "pretend it's just mine."
other japanese versions
Another Japanese version of the song is below. Let's quickly try to see her translation.
- ぴかぴか - shine
- ほしさま - Mr. Star
- あちら - direction, there, beyond, far
- そらで - in the sky
What did you think of the Japanese version of the song shines, shines little star? Do you know another popular version of the song? We look forward to your comments and shares.