Quotes from Naruto, Dragon Ball, and others

In addition to a lot of action, exciting fights, lessons in friendship and trust, we found many phrases worthy of respect in anime, especially the famous ones like Naruto, One Piece, Death Note, Dragon Ball and others.

Anime phrases are often motivators, sad or make us think and reflect on our life. In this article we will see several phrases of famous and not famous anime characters. A complete list!

These phrases can even brighten our days, and you can put it in the status or caption of that photo. Many are even philosophical and strong. Some of the phrases in this article can help you in your day or with a problem.

There are many anime phrases of this type, but not all of them will fit in these posts. For this reason I separated the article by anime, so you can find the phrases of your favorite characters. To help with the search we will leave a summary.

Naruto anime quotes

"Living is painful if you lose your dreams and nobody needs you" - HaruNaruto);

“All people live trusting in their wisdom and their knowledge, and they are stuck with them. They call it "reality". Entertaining wisdom and knowledge are ambiguous, thus, reality is nothing but an illusion. People live based on their own beliefs. Isn't it pleasant to think about?”- Itachi Uchiha;

When you love, there is a risk of hating. - Naruto

Being strong isn't all that. Being strong means that you will become arrogant and selfish. Even if you never wanted it. - Uchiha Itachi

No matter how powerful you become, never try to do everything yourself, otherwise you will fail. - Uchiha Itachi

No matter what kind of human we are, it is only at the time of death that we discover our true nature, the true reason for our existence. - Uchiha Itachi

You don't have to forgive me… No matter what you decide to do from now on, I will always love you. - Uchiha Itachi

Those who are unable to accept who they really are destined to fail. Just like I failed in the past. - Uchiha Itachi

If you want to kill me… Hate me, curse me, and run, run… Live a miserable life running and hiding. So when you have the same eyes as me, look for me. – Uchiha Itachi

You and I are flesh and blood, I will always be there for you, even if it's just an obstacle for you to overcome. Even if you hate me, that's what older brothers do. – Uchiha Itachi

We don't know what kind of people we really are until a moment before our death. As soon as death comes to embrace you will realize what you are.- Uchiha Itachi

Sticking to the group, sticking to the clan, sticking to the name. These are things that limit our ability. And also, see the future. Fearing and hating the unknown…are silly things. – Uchiha Itachi

"The fear of taking risks is what prevents you from evolving." - Uchiha Itachi.

You don't know anything about me... How much hate I carry inside me... and how strong I've become because of this hate. You don't know me at all. - Sasuke

Naruto anime quotes, dragon ball and others

One Piece anime quotes

The strongest blade is the one that can protect what you want to protect and cut what you want to cut. - Roronoa Zoro

Don't wanna be a hero, heroes share your drink... - Roronoa Zoro

Only those who have suffered for a long time can see light through the shadows. - Roronoa Zoro

It doesn't matter what the world says about me, what matters is that I've never done anything that goes against my principles and I never will. - Roronoa Zoro

I don't want to be a hero, heroes share their drink... - Roronoa Zoro

Until I defeat him and become the best swordsman in the world, I will never be defeated again! There's something wrong with that KING OF PIRATES! - Roronoa Zoro

Only those who have suffered for a long time can see light through the shadows. - Roronoa Zoro

Naruto anime quotes, dragon ball and others

Dragon Ball anime quotes

Strong people don't knock others down, they help them up.

My heart is pure... pure evil! - Vegeta

One chance in a million is better than no chance!

Power arises in response to a need, not in response to a desire.

Boundaries only exist if you let them exist.

Nightmares don't last forever. One day you wake up and they're gone.

You are not defeated when you lose, but when you give up. - Vegeta

I ask the Earth, the sky, the sea, to give me some of their energy, I am not asking for myself. I do this for everyone's sake!

It's beautiful when a planet disappears, no matter what it is.

I can sense danger and chaos and no one will frighten me now. With my mind I go to a thousand places, and imagination gives me the strength to fly.

Naruto anime quotes, dragon ball and others

The article is still halfway through, but we recommend also reading:

Death Note anime quotes

“No matter how hard you try, you alone cannot change the world. But this is the beautiful side of the world.” - L

No one can say what is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is bad. Even if there was a God and I had His teachings in front of me, I would reflect on them and decide what is right and wrong for me.

If you're alive you can start over. Nobody has the right to take that away from you.

Look around you and you will see that there are people without whom the world would be better off.

You can never win if you are always defending yourself. To win, you have to attack!

In this world, there are very few people who really trust each other.

First, I never make mistakes. Second, if I get it wrong, go back to the first rule. - L

If you can't win the game... If you can't solve the riddle... You're just another loser... - L

Keep all important information just in your mind.

Humans are not perfect. We all lie. So much so that I've been careful not to speak lies that hurt others.

Justice always wins.

Naruto anime quotes, dragon ball and others

Some motivating anime quotes

"Scars don't close up when you try to forget them, because trying to forget them makes you remember them." Your Lie in April ";

"What's important is not what others think of you, but how you act about it" - Meliodas The Seven Deadly Sins;

“Flowers are born and then wither... the stars shine, but someday they die out... Compared to this, the life of man is nothing more than a single blink of an eye, a brief moment.” - Virgo Shaka (Knights of the Zodiac);

"There are people in this world who prefer solitude, but there is no one who can stand it." - Makarov (Fairy Tail);

“People's feelings change easily, and everything we see can be an illusion, nothing is completely certain. Even if the moon doesn't appear, the truth is that it is always there, just changing its shape. Never forget that" - Nana Komatsu (Nana);

"Heart? You humans quote this naturally. It even looks like something you can have in the palm of your hand. This eye of mine is capable of seeing everything. Nothing can hide. Something that cannot be seen does not exist. This is how I believed and fought until now. What is a feeling? If I open your chest, is that something I'll see? If I shatter your head, will I be able to see you?” – Ulquiorra (Bleach);

"Don't judge who you are, just accept it, if you want to change and be a better person, you will have to accept who you once were."- Hunter x Hunter;

” But I always think that I will keep all my memories in my heart until the end. Even if they are sad memories that hurt me a lot. Even if they're so sad I want to forget about them forever. If I can bear them and not run from them, then one day… One day it will make me a stronger person. I want to believe it. I want to believe that no memory should be forgotten forever.”- Momiji (Fruits Basket);

''Fear is not bad, it tells you where your weakness is. Once you know your weaknesses, you become stronger and kinder at the same time.'' - Natsu (Fairy Tail)

"How can a world be so cruel and so beautiful at the same time?" - Mikasa (Shingeki no Kyojin);

Videos about anime quotes

Let's start by leaving some videos about anime phrases for you to watch:

Did you like the phrases? Did you remember any? Want to see a part two? Tell us in the comments and share with friends.

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