Komi-san Can't Communicate - Communication Disorder

Nihongo, Otaku

Per Kevin

Komi-san wa, Komyushou desu is a manga written by Tomohito Oda that won a TV adaptation in 2021. In this anime we face a disease that may seem ridiculous to some, but it's real, a disorder called Komyushou.

In this article we are going to talk a little about the anime Komi-san, a little about the Communication Disorder and also tips for learning Japanese using this anime full of phrase balloons.

See the Anime page: Komi-san is a communication disorder.

About the Anime Komi-san wa, Komyushou Desu

The English and Portuguese anime is translated as Komi-san cannot speak, but the original Japanese name carries the disorder, which can also mean the same thing.

In the anime, we follow the story of Tadano, a shy and ordinary young boy in a school full of crazy people, until one day he discovered that Komi-san has difficulty talking and making friends.

Despite Komi-san being super popular for her beauty and style, she can't speak any words and gets stuck in any communication situation. Throughout the anime we also meet other characters who have some complexes.

The anime has beautiful animation, great comedy scenes and some very interesting memes. Unfortunately the anime didn't have the success it deserves in Japan, but it's booming in the west.

Komi-san and the komyushou - communication disorder

What does Komyushou mean?

Komyushou [コミュ症] is the miscellaneous name for the communication disorder known as Komyunikēshon shōgai [コミュニケーション障害]. It is a word commonly used for people who are not good at communicating with other people.

It does not refer to people who have difficulty speaking, but to a social phobia in which the person has perfect communication alone or with family members, but has extreme difficulty talking to strangers.

It may seem like an uncommon disease in the West, but in Japan there are constant reports of people who have difficulty speaking and need to resort to electronic means to express themselves. Others cannot even converse through certain electronic text means.

This disease is known clinically, we warn you not to be confused with Communication Disorder where the only change in the word is in the last ideogram [コミュ障].

Although they have the same spelling and pronunciation, the second refers more to a communicative deficiency or temporary difficulty, while the word the focus of this article refers to a complex and social disorder.

Read also: 10 Challenges of learning the Japanese language

Komi-san and the komyushou - communication disorder

Studying Komi-san's Phrases

For a more advanced class, we recommend visiting skdesu.com/curso-de-japones/!

  • 隣 - Next to; Beside;
  • 席 - Wallet; Sitting on the wallet;
Komi-san and the komyushou - communication disorder


  • お弁当 - Lunch box; Snack;
  • 食べられなかったんです - I couldn't eat;
Komi-san and the komyushou - communication disorder

To be honest, I really want to .

  • 本当 - Truly; Certainly;
  • しゃべりたい - Want to Talk;
Komi-san and the komyushou - communication disorder

I get so nervous when I'm in front of people that my expression becomes stiff, and I find it scary.

  • 私 - I;
  • 人 - Person;
  • 前 - Front;
  • 出る - Leave;
  • 緊張きんちょう - Nervous;
  • 表情ひょうじょう- Facial Expression;
  • かたまってしまって - Harden;
  • 怖い - Scary; Fear;
  • 思うん - Think, find;

When I go out in public, my expression hardens with tension, and I find it frightening.

Komi-san and the komyushou - communication disorder

But when I approach , the 相手 gets 緊張 or even 失神, and I’ve even had them do 土下座 to me.

  • でも - But; However;
  • きんづく - Approach;
  • 相手あいて - Opponent;
  • 緊張 - Nervous;
  • 失神しっしん - Fainting
  • 土下座 - Dogeza;

But when I approached, the other part was nervous and passed out. I was kneeling on my knees.

Komi-san and the komyushou - communication disorder

かったんです。 お弁当の時間が 一人でごを食べるのが

  • つらかったんです - It was difficult;
  • 時間 - Time;
  • 一人 - One Person; Alone;
  • ご飯 - Lunch;

It was hard, it was difficult, all this time eating alone;

Komi-san and the komyushou - communication disorder

をかけることが 出来なかったんです。

  • 声 - Voice;
  • かける - Throw it out;
  • 出来る - To get;

I wanted to be able to express my voice;

Komi-san and the komyushou - communication disorder


  • 一緒 - Together;
  • 言い - Speak; Say;

I wish I had said: Let's eat together!

Komi-san and the komyushou - communication disorder


  • 他の人 - Other people;
  • みんな - Everyone;
  • 出来る - To get;
  • Everyone else did it, but I couldn't!
Komi-san and the komyushou - communication disorder

Anyway, I thought I had to .

  • とにかく - In any case; in any case;
  • あやまらな - Apologize;

Anyway, I thought I had to apologize.


Komi-san and the komyushou - communication disorder
  • 今日 - Today;
  • いい - Good;
  • 天気 - Time;

Good thing the weather is nice today, right?


Komi-san and the komyushou - communication disorder

What's your dream Komi-san?

Komi-san and the komyushou - communication disorder

The goal is to make 100 friends.

  • つくる - To do;
  • 友達 - Friend;

Make 100 friends;

Well, I'll be your first friend, and I'll help you make 99 more friends too.

Komi-san and the komyushou - communication disorder
  • じゃあ - So;
  • 僕 - I;
  • 一人目 - First;
  • 手伝う - Help;

Then I'll be your first friend and help you make 99 more friends.

Komi-san and the komyushou - communication disorder


I count on your help!

Meaning and Definition: daiku
Meaning and Definition: amai