Do I need to know Japanese to travel to Japan?

Many people want to travel to Japan, but are afraid or ashamed of not knowing how to speak the language. In this article, you will understand why you don't have to worry about Japanese language to get by in Japan, as well as some useful tips that will help your trip.

Japan is a country made entirely for tourists and foreigners. Everywhere you will find signs with English words or Roman letters (Romaji). Things like traffic signs, train stations, neighborhoods, restaurants, shops, menus, products, etc.

We have prepared a video below of our friend Rodrigo Pedraça who will talk more about this subject and leave some tips for you not to be lost when visiting Japan without speaking the Japanese language:

Why is it not necessary to speak Japanese?

In Japan everything is done to make life easier for everyone, so you will rarely need to communicate to solve problems. Brazilians are so accommodated with this facility that many have lived in the country for more than 20 years and have not learned to speak the language.

The Japanese are already used to foreigners, they can understand the basic gestures and words of English that tourists usually use. You should at least learn some basic little words that can help you get around when it comes to squeezing. As mentioned in the video, you should at least say:

  • Konnichiwa- Good afternoon, Hi;
  • Sumimasen - Excuse me, I'm sorry;
  • Arigatou Gozaimasu - Thank you;
  • Wakarimasen - I don't understand;

If you want to go deeper into basic words read our articles below:

Do I need to know Japanese to travel to Japan?

Do you need to know how to speak English to get by in Japan?

You also don't need to know how to speak English to visit Japan, since most Japanese people don't speak English. Sometimes a fluent English speaker suffers much more than someone who knows the basics of Japanese.

An ATM of convenience stores automatically adapts to the English language when placing the credit card. In public places you can find a lot of material, information and signs in the English language.

It is necessary to remember that most of the signs are not full of phrases in English, only words converted to Roman letters, allowing those who cannot read Japanese to orient themselves.

Do I need to know Japanese to travel to Japan?

You can travel smoothly to Japan without knowing absolutely any English and Japanese. Your trip will continue to be fun and you will be able to go to the most remote and isolated places without fear of getting lost thanks to the current technology of GPS, maps and smartphones.

You can also use gestures to explain and point out what you want. Don't worry, when you're there you'll see how easy it is to get around in Japan! I hope you enjoyed the tips in this article. We appreciate comments and shares.

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