Karoshi - Morte due to overwork in Japan


Per Kevin

Karoshi (過労死) or death from overwork is not uncommon in Japan. This happens due to its work culture and various other factors. We have already written several articles about work in Japan, but today we will specifically talk about karoshi.

The main medical causes of death from karoshi are heart attack and stroke due to stress. There are also malnutrition and suicide, where work is one of the main causes. Japan is the only country with a separate category to report deaths from overwork. Karoshi has been part of public consciousness since 1980.

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What causes Karoshi?

The main factor that causes death at work is overtime. Despite the government or some companies setting a limit on overtime, many end up exceeding it even if they are not being paid. Some people in the corporate world end up working even when they get home for the simple pleasure of getting the job done right away.

Karoshi - death from overwork in japan

The overwork culture emerged after the second world war where people were encouraged to work 12 hours a day up to 7 days a week to boost the country's economy. Nowadays this is not necessary, but the 25% of overtime ends up catching the attention of many people.

It is not just stress or health problems that will cause death by work, but rather suicide. Unemployment accounts for 57% of all suicides, with work-related stress (such as prolonged overtime), workplace fatigue, and work-related depression as the other main factors leading to suicide. It is worth remembering that jobs are not lacking in Japan, but simply the loss of position or job drives a Japanese person to wish to give up on life.

There are several cultural factors that make people work more than they should. Things like pride, honor, shame, and the desire to do your best end up making Japanese people work harder than they should without even realizing it. Japanese people who work more than 80 hours of overtime per month are subject to karoshi. Even those Japanese who don't work too hard end up neglecting their health. They just leave work and go out for drinks or spend the night at the computer, leaving no time to rest.

Karoshi - death from overwork in japan

When will Karoshi end?

It is sad to say, but karoshi will not disappear anytime soon. The government has imposed fines and set limits, but unfortunately the problem is the desire of the Japanese to work. Some companies have tried to combat the phenomenon with various programs, but change must start at the cultural level, which can take decades. As long as the Japanese continue to work overtime excessively by their own will, cases of karoshi will continue to happen. And you? What do you think about this subject? We await your comment.

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