Many say that Japanese and other Asians are much smarter than Westerners, etc. Is this really true? When we talk about Japan, we see a society full of technology and innovative inventions, 90% of the population trained in higher education, and a civilized and educated people. Really the intelligence of the Japanese is quite seen in the world.
In this article, we will try to understand what makes the Japanese so smart. Let's try to see if there really is a difference between the intelligence of Westerners and Easterners. Do they really have an extra IQ and are they superior to Westerners?
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Do Japanese have an extra IQ?
Many articles or people tend to say that Japanese or Asians in general have a higher IQ than Westerners and other races. A completely erroneous and racist idea that harms both Westerners and the Japanese themselves.
This general idea that the Japanese are intelligent ends up creating an obligation for Japanese that does not exist, especially for those who live in the West. There are already a lot of complaints from descendants who receive criticism and demands.
Not to mention that IQ is individual and not defined by race or appearance. The Japanese can have a high IQ, as well as Brazilians, Mexicans, Africans and others, it all depends on the brain and the life that the person leads.
Now there is no scientific study that claims that Japanese people have a high IQ naturally, genetically or whatever you are imagining. In fact, the creative capacity of Brazilians impresses me much more.
It's not intelligence, it's effort and education
There is no difference in IQ or superiority between Japanese and Westerners. All this intelligence that draws the attention of the whole world is the result of education and culture. Anyone can have that Japanese intelligence, the important thing is to have the effort!
If we think from another angle, the Japanese should not be intelligent. Japan isolated itself for a long time from the rest of the world, lived in war, uses ideograms in their language which is also really simplistic and still eats with chopsticks.

Every Japanese culture and education they receive influences their lifestyle. If we look at it from another angle, we can ask, are the Japanese intelligent or is our nation too stupid?
We live in a country where most young people don't care at all about gaining knowledge, they just waste their lives selfishly drinking, using drugs, stealing and filling their minds with immoral and violent crap like music, TV and computer.
We find young adults who are not even able to read properly, not to mention the number of ignorant and uneducated people that exist, people who only think about themselves, only complain, do not want to accept or hear the opinions of others, they are easily influenced without don't even think about life or the future. These kind of people exist all over the world, and they are really dumb.
It is because of this that Japanese people and Asians have a reputation for being intelligent. They live a completely different lifestyle than ours, practicing omotenashi, being humble, polite, and thinking of others instead of themselves. Of course, there are exceptions!

Other influences on Japanese intelligence
The Japanese language stimulates memory - Japanese writing makes them have a better memory, an intelligence of another level, they can see a world that we don't see, really understand the meaning of each word due to the junction of ideogram and word formation of the Japanese language.
oriental food – Orientals really eat well, fish and vegetables are very good for physical and mental health. They avoid fat, salt and sugar and season their food differently and still very juicy. Japanese cuisine is rich in omega 3 and several other vitamins that even help keep you young.
Independence since childhood From childhood, children are encouraged to be independent and responsible. They go to schools alone and clean the rooms and even bathrooms. This independence and responsibility greatly influences a person's decision and life, so they focus on doing really useful things.

Group cooperation - Contrary to what people think, the Japanese are not usually individual, but always work together. In Japan, one helps the other, and it's worth remembering that 2 heads are better than one. Japan has a great spirit of teamwork.
Everything in Japan makes it easy – Everything in Japan is made to make life easier for the Japanese, train stations, convenience stores, restaurants and lunchboxes, vending machines and much more. Having life easy helps a lot when using the brain for more important things that require intelligence.
Are all Japanese people like that?
Let's not generalize, just as many Brazilians lead a polite and respectful lifestyle, many Japanese lead a stupid and selfish lifestyle. It's not just because the person is Japanese that he will be straight, likes to study and obeys all the rules.
Japan is one of the countries with the biggest problems of bullying, many suicides are committed due to the social pressure that people endure. Not to mention that there is still traditionalism and hierarchy within the country.

Japan has big problems with gambling, horse betting, anime and gaming addictions. The result of this is many people isolated at home, without work and being supported by their parents.
Not to mention the number of men who have exchanged their relationships with women for machines and virtual characters. We cannot define people or country because of a few, all people are different.
Shame – One of the things that make the Japanese strive, dedicate and give their best is shame. Some avoid making mistakes and are ashamed of becoming failures. This is something that has existed in Japan since the time of the samurai, some even committed suicide by performing the seppuku by making a serious mistake.
Ethical and moral values - As already mentioned, my opinion is that the main reason Westerners are less intelligent than Easterners is that they do not value ethical and moral values as much.
This is very important in life, it is the lack of it that has destroyed everyone today. Even imperfect Japanese strive to give the best service to the public, be fair and honest, work as a team, strive and improve, be humble, respect and have gratitude. All the intelligence and success of the Japanese is due to this.