Do Japanese eat only with Hashi (chopsticks)?

Everyone knows that in Japan and other Asian countries they use chopsticks (箸) which are 2 chopsticks made of wood, bamboo, ivory, metal or plastic to eat. But that leaves some doubts like: Do they eat everything with chopsticks? Do they not use cutlery? How do they do it? In this article, we will analyze and answer these questions.

Nobody knows for sure the real origin of chopsticks, but it is a very old instrument and used by several countries even outside Asia. The fact is that this instrument is not difficult to handle, and it becomes a kind of very practical and simple tweezers.

How do the Japanese manage to eat with Hashi?

You must imagine that chopsticks are practical for eating pasta like noodles, picking up sushi, leaves and some other foods. But how can the Japanese eat rice with Hashi? First, it is noticed that the Japanese separate their food in bowls instead of using a single plate as in Brazil.

The Japanese rice It's usually sticky, so it won't fall off the chopsticks when you pick it up. Even though it is sticky, Japanese rice is not like Brazilian rice. It is sticky but gives the impression that it is loose, in addition to being very tasty. I don't like papa rice but I had no problems with Japanese rice.


It is much easier to shave the rice bowl with a chopstick than with a fork, the Japanese eat it down to the last grain, the shape of the bowl and chopsticks go a long way in accomplishing this. In the case of wet dishes like soup, the person simply drinks straight from the bowl or a spoon is served at the table.

When Japanese people are eating something like fried rice and some other dishes, it is very normal for Japanese people to use cutlery. Especially when the cuisine is native to another country, like an Italian restaurant. That is, the Hashi is not used on all occasions. Trying to eat western rice with chopsticks is like trying to get flour with them.


What are the advantages of Hash?

It's much easier to pick things up with chopsticks. Once you're good at using them, eating a salad is much easier than eating a fork. Eating pasta is also much easier. Forks and knives make noises and scratch ceramic bowls, so chopsticks are much better.

On the other hand, it's much harder to cut something with chopsticks like a tough steak. But in most cases the dish is served already cut, otherwise you will have a knife and fork at your disposal.

We can come to the conclusion that using chopsticks is not difficult, but it is something easy and really practical. If you're still afraid of these chopsticks, don't worry that with time everything will work itself out and you'll feel their ease and practicality.

We recommend reading our article: 15 rules when eating with chopsticks

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