Tips for developing a growth mindset in students

As pessoas muitas vezes se enganam com o pensamento de que grandes conquistas são resultados de muito trabalho, habilidade, talento e sorte. Certamente, estes contribuem amplamente para o sucesso, mas não podemos negar o poder da autoconfiança; a crença em nossas capacidades, habilidades e aptidões. Nossa opinião interna sobre nós mesmos nos leva a trabalhar mais diariamente e antecipar realizações.

From an educational point of view, importance has always been given to a growth mindset. However, there are challenges when it comes to how it can be adopted.

What is a growth mindset?

A growth mindset is a belief that through optimal effort, hard work and dedication it is possible to improve each individual's intellect and abilities. The only thing a person needs to believe is that an individual's talent or capabilities can be enhanced.

During the start of an academic session, professors often tend to try to introduce and promote a growth mindset for students, however over time students get stuck under academic pressure and this becomes their priority. Additionally, teachers prioritize course completion and off-course teaching as they have limited time and a vast curriculum to cover. So developing a growth mindset is of little importance.

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Ways to develop a growth mindset in students

1 - Set achievable goals

Set different micro-goals for each student in the classroom that is attainable. This keeps them motivated and empowers them to work towards achieving their goals for which they have to put effort and work hard. 

Focus on what they did to reach the goal, how difficult it was for them, what they gained from it, and how they felt after achieving it. Also, after examining all of this, set your next goal accordingly.

2 - Allow them to ask for help

We all need help at some point in our lives and so do our students. People who have a growth mindset are not worried or afraid to ask for help as they focus on learning, focusing and gaining knowledge.

Students will only learn if they ask questions and don't keep their doubts to themselves. Make your students understand that asking for help is a way to learn and improve skills and is not demeaning.

3 - Compliment them

Praising your students boosts their confidence. You know they are trying so praise them. However, praise the learning process and not just the efforts they are making.

4 - Choose not to rate them

A growth mindset focuses on procedure rather than results. Rating students based on their results is not in line with theory. Students who try, but fail to do well on tests, start to disregard themselves and consider themselves inferior to toppers. Even though each student has a different IQ level, it is important to recognize the efforts and focus on the procedure. Most low-achieving students usually start out getting good grades with constant support and adopting a growth mindset.

Instead of grading, give feedback and teach them to learn from their mistakes. Make them realize the importance of self-knowledge.

5 - Group Learning Activities

Even if you use a mobile teacher app to teach your students, always focus on group learning activities. This is because students learn a lot from collaborative learning. 

As there are many students in a group, this motivates each of them to try their best to do their best. It embodies communication skills, a better understanding of different personalities and confidence in them.


Incorporating growth mindset strategies into the classroom brings out the best in students and improves their academic performance and helps them do well in life.

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