Breaking Down Music - Brave Heart

In today's article we are going to break down the music of the Digimon anime digivolutions, the classic Brave Heart by Ayumi Miyazaki. Finally you will understand every feeling and emotion of every word that the song tries to convey.

This article is being written in conjunction with our friend Rafael's website How to Learn Japanese. I wrote a second article breaking up the song ButterFly, the digimon opening sung by the late Kouji Wada. To access click here. 

We recommend using the extension Insert Furigana to view the reading of Kanji you don't know. (Download Google Chrome).

"Letra da música" translates to "Lyrics" in English.

逃げたりあきらめるコトは 誰も
一瞬あればできるから 歩き続けよう

君にしかできないコトがある 青い星に

知らないパワーが宿る ハートに火がついたら
どんな願いも 嘘じゃない
Show me your brave heart - Show me your brave heart! Believe in your heart - Believe in your heart!

晴れの日ばかりじゃないから たまに
冷たい雨も降るけれど 傘ひろげよう
生き方に地図なんかないけど だから自由
どこへだって行ける 君も

知らない勇気が眠る ハートに気がついたら
きっと止むから… means "It will surely stop..." in English.

熱い鼓動 武器になるから
believe in your heart

Dissecting the music

Pay attention to the lyrics, we will not repeat the translation of a phrase or word that has already appeared.

Nigetari akirameru koto wa daremo
If they give you a second, anyone can give up and run

  • 逃げたり - nigetari - run away
  • あきらめる - akirameru - give up, abandon (諦める)
  • コト - koto - thing, matter
  • 誰も - anyone, nobody

一瞬あればできるから 歩き続けよう
Isshun areba dekiru kara arukitsuzukeyou
So just keep walking

  • 一瞬 - isshun - moment, instant
  • あれば -areba - if any
  • できる - dekiru - to be able, to be ready, to be able
  • 歩き - aruki - walk
  • 続けよう - tsuzukeyou - continue, keep up

君にしかできないコトがある 青い星に 光がなくせぬように
There is something that only I can do, so that the light never goes out on the blue planet
There's something only you can do so this blue planet doesn't lose its light

  • 君にしかできないコトがある – kimi ni shika dekinai koto ga aru
    • 君 - kimi - you
    • しかできない - only you can, only you can
    • コトがある - there is something only you can
  • 青い - aoi - blue
  • 星 - hoshi - star, planet
  • 光 - hikari - light
  • 無くす - nakusu - lose

つかめ! 描いた梦を まもれ! 大事な友を
Tsukame! egaita yume wo mamore! daiji na tomo wo
Go after your dreams, protect your beloved friends!

  • つかめ - tsumake - learn, seek, catch, grab (掴む)
  • 描いた - egaita - to draw, sketch, design, create image in mind
  • 夢 - yume - dream
  • まもれ - mamore - protect, defend (守る)
  • 大事 - daiji - important, valuable
  • 友 - tome - friend(s)

You can become true to yourself
you can get stronger

  • たくましい - takumashii - Strong; resistant; indomitable; willpower
  • 自分 - jibun - yourself, myself..;
  • なれるさ - narerusa - to become, mature, familiarize

知らないパワーが宿る ハートに火がついたら
Shiranai pawaa ga yadoru haato ni hi ga tsuitara
Unknown powers come out of your heart when your light is turned on

  • 知らない - not knowing, not knowing
  • パワー - pawaa - power  I cannot translate this.
  • 宿る - dwell, remain
  • ハート - haato - heart (eng)
  • 火がついたら - hi ga tsuitara - catch fire, rise

どんな願いも 嘘じゃない きっとかなうから…
Those are lyrics from a Japanese song, so I cannot translate them.
Any wish, it's true, will certainly come true...

  • どんな - whatever, what
  • 願い - wish, request, prayer
  • 嘘じゃない - use jyanai - It's not a lie, it's true
  • きっと - kitto - certainly, without a doubt
  • かなうから - kanau kara - come true, come true
  • Show me your brave heart!

晴れの日ばかりじゃないから たまに
Not always, just now and then
Not every day is sunny

  • 晴れ - clear, sunny weather
  • 日 - hi - day
  • ばかり - bakari - unique; just; ever; nothing but (許り)
  • じゃない - jyanai - negative (in verb bakari - not always)
  • たまに - tamani - occasionally; from time to time (偶に)

冷たい雨も振るけれど 伞ひろげよう
Tsumetai love mo furu keredo kasa hirogeyou
So sometimes even if a cold rain is falling just open your umbrella

  • 冷たい - tsumetai - cold, icy
  • 雨 - love - rain
  • 振る - furu - to fall, tremble
  • けれど - but, however, despite, so
  • 伞 - kasa - umbrella
  • ひろげよう - hirogeyou - open, unfold, extend, expand

生き方に地図なんかないけど だから自由 どこへだって行ける、君も
I don't have a map for life, but that's why I can go anywhere freely, just like you
There's no map of how to live, so we're free, you can go anywhere

  • 生き方 - ikikata - way of life
  • 地図 - chizu - map
  • なんかない - there is - things like, or something
  • だから - dakara - then
  • 自由 - jiyuu - freedom, free
  • どこへだって行ける - free to go anywhere
  • 君も - kimi mo - you too

はしれ! 风より速く めざせ! 空より遠く 新しい自分に逢えるさ
Hashire! kaze yori hayaku. Mezase! sora yori tooku. Atarashii jibun ni aeru sa
Run faster than the wind! Go towards the sky! Find your other "I"!

  • はしれ - hashire - run
  • 風 - kaze - wind
  • より - like the
  • 速く - hayaku - fast
  • めざせ - mesase - objective
  • 空 - sora - sky, empty
  • 遠く - far, distant
  • 新しい - aratashi - new
  • 逢えるさ - aerusa - find

知らない勇気が眠る ハートに気がついたら
Shiranai yuuki ga nemuru haato ni ki ga tsuitara
Unknown courage sleeps in your heart and when you realize

  • 勇気 - yuuki - courage
  • 眠る - nemuru - sleep
  • 気がつい - kigatsui - to notice, perceive

胸の中のどしゃ降りも きっと止むから…
The downpour in my heart will surely stop...
The sadness in your heart will surely stop...

  • 胸 - mune - chest 中 - naka - middle (middle of chest - heart)
  • どしゃ降り - doshaburi - downpour, sadness, rain
  • 止む - yamu - cease, stop
  • Show me your brave heart!

つかめ! 眩しい明日を まもれ! 爱する人を たくましい自分になれるさ
Tsukame! mabushii asu wo mamore! ai suru hito wo takumashii jibun ni nareru sa
Go towards tomorrow! Protect those you love! You can get stronger!

  • つかめ - learn, catch, grab, lay hands on (掴む)
  • 眩しい - mabushii - dazzling; radiant
  • 明日 - asu - ashita - tomorrow
  • まもれ - mamore - protect, defend
  • 愛する - ai suru - to love
  • 人 - hito - people

こわせ! 弱気な君を くずせ! ぶつかる壁を 熱い鼓動 武器になるから
Kowase! yowaki na kimi wo kuzuse! butsukaru kabe wo atsui kodou buki ni naru kara
Destroy your weak side! Break down the barriers that block you! The warm beat of your heart will be your weapon!

  • こわせ - kowase - break, destroy
  • 弱気 - weak side
  • くずせ - kuzese - destroy, demolish, change
  • ぶつかる - butsukaru - block, collide, against, hit
  • 壁 - kabe - wall, barrier
  • 熱い - atsui - hot
  • 鼓動 - beat; palpitation; pulsation; beat 
  • 武器 - buki - weapon
  • Believe in your heart

This article was written in conjunction with our friend Rafael's website How to Learn Japanese. I wrote a second article breaking up the song ButterFly, the digimon opening sung by the late Kouji Wada. To access click here. Or see others breaking up songs clicking here. 

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