Ashi-waza [足技] is a set of Japanese foot therapy techniques. Ashi literally means feet, while Waza means technique. This art was used both in fights and in body therapies, in this article we will talk about both.
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Ashi Waza as Fighting Techniques
Ashi waza is considered a major part of karate, judo, and other types of fighting, which involves the study of techniques with the feet. Foot positioning to withstand impact and defense or attack techniques in a broad sense.
In Karate, the parts of the feet and legs are named and specified for each type of fighting technique. Fukurahagi refers to the calf, Futomomo refers to the thigh, Hiza corresponds to the knees, while the feet are called Soku.
Soku is the main member of Japanese foot techniques, where it is used to deliver and receive blows and impacts. These areas are called Haisoku, Kakato, Koshi, Teisoku, Sokuto, Tsumasaki and Sune.
Any technique that uses the feet or legs in any type of Japanese fighting can end up being classified as ashiwaza, as this word means nothing more than a technique with the feet.

Ashi-Waza as therapy
Foot therapy was developed in 2003 at the TOYO SEITAI SENMON GAKUIN (Oriental School Specialized in Spinal Alignment Techniques), located in Shizuoka (Japan) by master Daisuke Sugiyama.
He combined the techniques of Thai Massage and Seitai (Body Organization), extracting the best from both techniques, thus developing his own method called Sugiyama Ashigi.
The technique provides a new experience for those who need therapeutic care and at the same time benefits the person who applies the technique. There are numerous benefits for both those who receive or apply the techniques.
Benefits for those receiving foot therapy:
- Increase the range of joint motion;
- From the soles of the feet, "Ki" (vitality energy) is emanated, which is often greater than that of the hands;
- The pleasurable rhythm generates a comfortable stimulus throughout the body;
- It is possible to massage and release tension throughout the body, not just specific points;
- Improves blood circulation;
- Boosts and improves metabolism;
- Remove the toxins;
- The flow of lymph fluid becomes smooth, improving health;

Unlike what the image above shows, foot therapies are done using the feet and not the feet.
Benefits for Therapists:
- You therapists those who apply the technique receive Self-preservation;
- It reduces physical wear and improves productivity;
- Development of balance;
- Improves and reeducates your posture;
- Stimulates the areas and reflexes of the feet;
- Improves sensitivity in the soles of the feet;
- Strengthens the lower limbs;
- Relieves water retention in the lower limbs;
- Improved blood circulation;
- Burning fat in the lower limbs;
Helio Nakaura was the first foreign student to study and practice this method in Japan, and now he intends to spread this technique to benefit the greatest number of people. He even took an online and face-to-face course for this, you can see details by going to his website below: