Top 60 Japanese Words for Tattoo with Kanji

Many want to get a tattoo in Japanese or Chinese, but have no idea which ideogram to use or what they mean. For that, we made a list of the main ideograms used in tattoos for you to get inspired.

It's important to remember that Japanese tattoos can have deep and culturally significant meaning, so it's important to do in-depth research before choosing a word or symbol to get tattooed. Also, it is important to find a reliable and experienced tattoo artist to ensure that the tattoo is correct and well done.

We recommend reading:

Tattoo in Japanese - what does Japan think about tattoos?

List of Japanese words for tattoo

Here we share a list of Japanese words with their meanings and their ideogram to be tattooed. You must do a search with CTRL + F to find what you want.

We also recommend placing the ideogram in an image editing application and placing it in the desired font and size, in order to present the photo to the tattoo artist, since we share text and not images in this article.

The list below may include, in addition to ideograms, some Japanese words written in katakana and hiragana.

  1. "Family" (家族) - kazoku (family) in Japanese
  2. "Friendship" (友情) - yuujou (friendship) in Japanese
  3. "strength" (力) - chikara (strength) in Japanese
  4. "Peace" (平和) - heiwa (peace) in Japanese
  5. "Harmony" (調和) - chouwa (harmony) in Japanese
  6. "Freedom" (自由) - jiyuu (freedom) in Japanese
  7. "Happiness" (幸福) - koufuku (happiness) in Japanese
  8. "Courage" (勇気) - yuuki (courage) in Japanese
  9. "Honesty" (正直) - shoujiki (honesty) in Japanese
  10. "Loyalty" (忠誠) - chuusei (loyalty) in Japanese
  11. "Hope" (希望) - kibou (hope) in Japanese
  12. "Joy" (喜び) - yorokobi (joy) in Japanese
  13. "Love" (愛) - ai (love) in Japanese
  14. "Luck" (幸運) - kouun (luck) in Japanese
  15. "Respect" (尊敬) - sonkei (respect) in Japanese
  16. "Wisdom" (知恵) - chie (wisdom) in Japanese
  17. "Truth" (真実) - shinjitsu (truth) in Japanese
  18. "Inspiration" (鼓舞) - kobu (inspiration) in Japanese
  19. "Faith" (信仰) - shinkou (faith) in Japanese
  20. "Benevolence" (仁慈) - niji (benevolence) in Japanese
  21. "Gratitude" (感謝) - kansha (gratitude) in Japanese
  22. "Forgiveness" (許し) - yurushi (forgiveness) in Japanese
  23. "Kindness" (善) - zen (kindness) in Japanese
  24. "Compassion" (慈悲) - jihi (compassion) in Japanese
  25. "Inner strength" (内力) - nairiki (inner strength) in Japanese
  26. "Determination" (決心) - kesshin (determination) in Japanese
  27. "Success" (成功) - seikou (success) in Japanese
  28. "Optimism" (楽観) - rakkan (optimism) in Japanese
  29. "Patience" (忍耐) – nintai (patience) in Japanese
  30. "Longevity" (長寿) - chouju (longevity) in Japanese
  31. "Eternal happiness" (永遠の幸福) - eien no koufuku (eternal happiness) in Japanese
  32. "Eternity" (永遠) - eien (eternity) in Japanese
  33. "Immortality" (不死) - fushi (immortality) in Japanese
  34. "Protection" (守り) - mamori (protection) in Japanese
  35. "Growth" (成長) - seichou (growth) in Japanese
  36. "Transformation" (変化) - henka (transformation) in Japanese
  37. "Rebirth" (再生) - saisei (rebirth) in Japanese
  38. "Change" (変わり) - kawari (change) in Japanese
  39. "Evolution" (進化) – shinka (evolution) in Japanese
  40. "Development" (発展) - hatten (development) in Japanese
  41. "Purpose" (目的) - mokuteki (purpose) in Japanese
  42. "Objective" (目標) - mokuhyou (objective) in Japanese
  43. "Mission" (使命) - shimei (mission) in Japanese
  44. "Vision" (ビジョン) - bijon (vision) in Japanese
  45. "Purpose of life" (人生の目的) - jinsei no mokuteki (purpose of life) in Japanese
  46. "Light" (光) - hikari (light) in Japanese
  47. "Mirror" (鏡) - kagami (mirror) in Japanese
  48. "Reflection" (反省) - hansei (reflection) in Japanese
  49. "Self-discovery" (自己発見) - jiko hakken
  50. "Kanji" (漢字) - the Japanese writing system using Chinese ideograms.
  51. "Samurai" (侍) - noble warriors of the Japanese feudal period.
  52. "Koi" (鯉) - a very popular freshwater fish in Japan.
  53. "Tora" (虎) - tiger, a symbol of strength and courage.
  54. "Oni" (鬼) - demons or evil spirits in Japanese culture.
  55. "Yin yang" (陰陽) - the Chinese symbol representing balance between opposing forces.
  56. "Sakura" (桜) - cherry blossom, a symbol of beauty and impermanence in Japanese culture.
  57. "Hanya" (般若) - a Buddhist symbol representing wisdom and deep understanding.
  58. "Kokoro" (心) - heart or spirit in Japanese.
  59. "Namaste" (ナマステ) - an Indian saluto meaning "the divine in me salutes the divine in you".
  60. "Arigato" (ありがとう) - "thank you" in Japanese.
  61. "Aishiteru" (愛してる) - "I love you" in Japanese.

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