Where to start studying Japanese? As? in what order?


Per Kevin

This is a very delicate question, each one studies in a different way, and gets a different performance and result. In this article, we are going to do a little analysis on what can be studied and how. Remembering that these are my tips and opinions.

To get started, abandon the romaji, learn the hiragana and katakana at once. If you do not want to give up romaji and do not want to learn hiragana, you shouldn't even start studying Japanese, you will waste your time. A little effort and in 1 week you could already be able to learn hiragana and thousands of doors will open, and you could already be able to read most texts in Japanese, and any text that has furigana.

Now let's start looking at a little bit of each thing to be studied in Japanese, and a good suggestion and way to accomplish this. There is no order of what to study first, it all depends on your need and priority, let's talk about that too.

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Essa é a parte principal do aprendizado de japonês, você deve focar em aprender palavras. para isso você deve focar na leitura, ouvir o máximo possível, e aprender e memorizar de maneira correta. Não tente jogar novas palavras no seu vocabulário de maneira forçada, tente de forma natural aprende-las, basta estudar conteúdos.

Increasing your vocabulary is a great way to start learning Japanese, if you focus on it, you will automatically learn other things like kanji, grammar, etc. But remember, don't force the bar! Focus on the ability to remember, not memorize.

How to increase my vocabulary naturally? Listening to music, using anki, reading and browsing Japanese websites, studying Japanese material, using apps and dictionaries. There are thousands of ways to increase your vocabulary, but don't be in a hurry.

Start by learning the verbs that are the most important, by learning them, you may be able to understand and create sentences without difficulties. But don't forget to learn adjectives, nouns and others simultaneously. Learning the verbs is just a priority suggestion that you should have.

Be careful, Japanese words have different meanings and uses. Only time and immersion in the language will solve this great difficulty.



The great enemy of learning Japanese, sometimes worse than kanji itself. Japanese grammar is very easy, but it is completely different from our Portuguese, and has thousands of things that we don't know. Verbs are conjugated differently, word order in a sentence, particle usage and much more.

For this reason, avoid using automatic translation tools, as they will always make mistakes in grammar or in the use of the correct word. The first step is to learn in detail the particles, and the conjugation of verbs. Then focus on absorbing content, reading texts, listening to phrases. The more sentences you hear, the more sentences you will be able to create without making grammar mistakes.

If you have difficulty with any part of Japanese grammar, like particles, verbs, focus on that. You have to focus on your weaknesses. Weak points will only get weaker, and will always slow you down. Don't forget to delve deeply into the details and differences that the language will present along the way.



Os ideogramas japoneses levam uma eternidade para aprender. Muitos tem pavor deles, mas não tenha medo. Os kanji são necessários na leitura e escrita japonesa.

Se você quer aprender japonês de forma rápida, e não quer virar nenhum artista shodo, então deixe o aprendizado da escrita em segundo plano. Aprender a escrever kanji por kanji só vai atrasar em anos o seu aprendizado, e não vai ajudar você a memoriza-los. Depois que eu parei de tentar aprender kanji por kanji, sem perceber eu já aprendi milhares apenas lendo e estudando.

Grab a text with furigana and start reading. When learning words, be sure to learn them with kanji, especially verbs. Verbs use a large number of kanji and are easier to memorize.

Learning whole words is more beneficial than learning to read each kanji, because what's the point of learning to read if when you read the word, you read it wrong? Therefore, the correct way to learn kanji is not to worry so much about them, but about reading and absorbing content.

One thing that you must learn and study in detail are radicals. Learning the radicals makes it easier to memorize the kanji, and even write them down.

Chalk on the blackboard full of Chinese and Japanese characters. Japanese words have random meanings.


When studying Japanese, keep in mind that you will make mistakes, you will fail, you will get frustrated, you will get discouraged, you will forget... Remember that all of this is part of the learning process.

There is no correct order to learn Japanese, there is a correct way. There is an order where you prioritize your learning, I do it as follows:

  1. Read
  2. To listen
  3. Absorb
  4. Understand
  5. Write

My study priority:

  1. Vocabulary
  2. Verb
  3. Phrases
  4. Grammar
  5. Kanji
  6. Writing

In my opinion, this is the most effective way to learn Japanese. If you follow this priority, you will automatically learn everything else. Is that you? How do you learn Japanese? What is the order and priority of your study method?

Meaning and Definition: ohayou
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