7 interesting facts about Japanese conversations

Have you ever stopped to think about how Japanese people talk? How are your dialogues? Each language has its own way of communicating. Japanese is a very unique language, many people think that the Japanese are particularly polite because of this. In today's article we are going to see some factors that show how original Japanese dialogue is.

no swearing

There are no profanity and sexual slang in most Japanese dialogue. In fact, there are hardly any swear words in Japanese, there is some insults like: idiot, die, shit, crazy, etc. There are also immoral conversations like jokes that are known as shimoneta (下ネタ). But for the most part the Japanese dialogue is pure, polite and free from any immorality or insult.

In Japanese, there are lots of slang, abbreviations and nicknames, but most of them are polite and respectful. To reverse the case, even a way of speaking you (fear) can become an insult in the language.

7 interesting facts about Japanese conversations

San, Kun, Chan

The Japanese use honorific suffixes after names as a sign of respect, just like Sr or Mrs in English. however the japanese always use it is disrespectful to let a suffix be used after the name. See an article that talks more about these honorific suffixes.

How are you?

Japanese people don't usually ask every time they meet someone "ogenki desuka" sometimes a simple greeting is more than enough.

7 interesting facts about Japanese conversations

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Yes or no?

In casual Japanese conversation, yes is un (うん), and no is uun (ううん). Hai and iie are formal. The casual yes and no is very similar, and this can end up confusing some people, you should pay close attention to how the person is talking.


One of the things that sets the Japanese language apart from the rest is your formality. Keigo are levels of formal conversations. O Keigo It is divided into 3 categories the Polite, Respectful and Humble. There is a different way of talking for every occasion or class of people.

7 interesting facts about Japanese conversations

Similar words

Japanese is full of Similar words making it very difficult to understand the language, and making a conversation in Japanese funny in the eyes of foreigners.

nonsense words

The Japanese usually say words that really have a meaning but that we in our language would not speak. A few words to us is something that if we speak will seem childish and simple. But really the Japanese language is simple, using onomatopoeias in formal conversations, or repeating one word to indicate another. It's the little things that make the language strange in the eyes of foreign students.

There are several other factors that we notice when studying Japanese. Comment here a factor that catches your attention the most.

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