Swiss Sakura Roll Recipes and curiosities

On this page you will learn the recipe and some information about the Japanese dish Swiss Sakura Roll Also known as Sakura Suisu Rooru.

Table of Content
- About
- Origin
- Information
- Ingredients
- Preparation
- Related

All about Sakura Suisu Rooru

The Sakura cherry blossom swiss roll cake is a typical dish of Japanese cuisine that has been increasingly captivating taste buds around the world. With its delicate appearance and unique flavor, this dessert is a true work of gastronomic art. The Sakura cherry blossom swiss roll cake is a rolled cake made with a light and soft batter, filled with whipped cream and decorated with preserved cherry blossoms, known as sakura. This combination of flavors and textures results in an irresistible dessert, which enchants not only the palate but also for its visual beauty. To prepare this delicacy, skill and patience are required, as the batter must be baked in a rectangular pan and then carefully rolled with the filling. In addition, attention must be paid when decorating the cake with sakura flowers, as they are fragile and must be placed carefully to prevent breakage. The Sakura cherry blossom swiss roll cake is a popular dessert during spring in Japan, a time when cherry blossoms bloom and beautify the country. Furthermore, the dish is also served on special occasions, such as weddings and traditional festivals. In addition to being a delicious dessert, the Sakura cherry blossom swiss roll cake is also considered a symbol of Japanese culture and tradition. The sakura flowers represent the beauty and transience of life, and their presence in the dish brings a special meaning and a connection with nature. Currently, it is possible to find the Sakura cherry blossom swiss roll cake in various pastry shops and Japanese restaurants around the world. Furthermore, many people have been venturing to prepare this recipe at home, following tutorials and tips on the internet. In summary, the Sakura cherry blossom swiss roll cake goes far beyond the flavor; it is a complete experience that enchants the senses and promotes an immersion in Japanese culture. If you have the opportunity, do not miss the chance to taste this delicacy and be enchanted by the delicacy and sophistication of this very special dessert.

Swiss roll with cherry blossom

Origin and history of Rolo Suíço de Sakura

The Sakura cherry blossom swiss roll cake is a Swiss roll cake with a touch of sakura cherry, a typical Japanese flower. This combination of flavors and ingredients is a tribute to Japanese tradition and culture.

Swiss roll cake, also known as rocambole cake, is an ancient recipe that appeared in Europe, probably in the 19th century.

The story of Sakura cherry blossom swiss roll cake is a fusion of these two traditions. The Swiss roll cake has been adapted with the use of sakura cherry, resulting in a delicate and tasty dish that has won the taste of many people around the world.

About the recipe

  • Name of the plate: Swiss Sakura Roll
  • Name of the dish in English: Sakura cherry blossom swiss roll cake
  • Name of the plate in Japanese: 桜スイスロール
  • Name of the Romanian dish: Sakura Suisu Rooru

Information about preparation

  • Time to prepare: 90 minutes
  • Time of Cooking: 20 minutes
  • Difficulty: COMPLEX
  • It suits: 3-4 people
  • Occasions:

Ingredients – Ingredients

Check out the necessary and optional ingredients Swiss Sakura RollIt makes sense to improvise

  • The horse bread:
  • 30g of wheat flour
  • 30g of Joshinko rice flour
  • 2 eggs, separated
  • 60 g of sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • 20ml of milk
  • 25g of Sakura-um cherry blossom bean paste
  • Red food colour
  • Syrup:
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar
  • 1 cup of hot water
  • Filled with cream:
  • 80ml of milk cream
  • 20ml of condensed milk
  • 80g of Sakura-um Cherry Flower Bean Pasta (optional)

Watch a video of the recipe:

YouTube video

Recipes - How to Prepare

Now that you know the ingredients to make the recipe Swiss Sakura Roll. Follow the instructions below in the preparation mode or step by step.


Bite the clear ones:

In a clean, dry bowl, beat the eggs in soft spikes. Add 30g of sugar and beat until solid spikes form, creating a merengue.

Mix the strawberries and sugar:

In another bowl, mix the strawberries and 30g of sugar. Beat until you get a homogeneous mixture and the color changes to a light yellow (about 3 minutes).

Prepare the mass:

Add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 20ml of milk, 25g of Sakura-An and food dye to the gem mixture and mix well. Add 30g flour and 30g rice flour and mix until it is fully incorporated. Add enough food dye to get a light medium pink color.

Add the merengue to the gem mixture:

Carefully add half the merengue to the gem mixture and gently mix. Then add the other half and gently mix until it gets well combined. Be careful not to mix too much, so that the sponge becomes light and smooth.

Pull the pasta into a baker:

Cook a Swiss roll pan or baker with butter paper and evenly spread the pasta.

6 in the oven:

Cook for 15-20 minutes at 160°C and let it cool a little.

Make the syrup:

Mix sugar and hot water and brush gently over the cooled sponge.

Prepare the cream:

Bite the cream until it forms soft peaks and add the condensed milk, beating until it forms firm peaks. Spread evenly over the sponge, leaving about 1 cm of space on one side.

Add the Sakura-an to the filling:

For an extra cherry taste, add a little Sakura-an to the cream.

Wrap the sponge cake:

Start on the side with the cream and gently wrap the Swiss roll-shaped cake, removing the butter paper while wrapping. Press gently and wrap the cake into butter paper to keep its shape.

Take it to the refrigerator:

Let the cake cool in the refrigerator for an hour before cutting and serving with tea.
