Meat and Mushroom Dashi Recipes and curiosities

On this page you will learn the recipe and some information about the Japanese dish Meat and Mushroom Dashi Also known as Gyuuniku tokino kono dashi nikomi shichuu.

Table of Content
- About
- Origin
- Information
- Ingredients
- Preparation
- Related

All about Gyuuniku tokino kono dashi nikomi shichuu

The beef and mushroom dashi stew is a traditional Japanese dish that is based on dashi bouillon, made with kombu (marine alga) and katsuobushi (cool dried and smoked fish). The dish is a combination of beef and mushrooms, slowly cooked in dashi bouillon until they become soft and tasty.

Dashi is an essential element in Japanese cuisine, being used in various dishes such as soups, sauces and sausages.It is known for its umami flavor, the fifth basic flavor, which is described as a salty and sweetened flavor at the same time.

To prepare the beef and mushroom dashi stew, first it is necessary to make the dashi bouillon. The kombu alga is placed in cold water and left to sauce for at least 30 minutes, then it is heated until it starts to boil. The katsuobushi is added and the bouillon is left on low fire for about 10 minutes, so that the taste of the fish is released.

In another pot, beef is cooked on low fire until it becomes soft. The mushrooms are added and flooded along with the meat. Then dashi bouillon is added and the dish is cooked for a few more minutes so that the flavors mix and the meat and mushrooms are well cooked.

The beef and mushroom dashi stew is served hot, accompanied by white rice and cooked vegetables. The dish is a healthy and tasty option, as in addition to using natural and fresh ingredients, there is no added fat or artificial spices.

This dish is very appreciated in Japan, especially during the winter, as it is a warm and reassuring meal.In addition, it is a great option for those seeking a balanced diet, as it is rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals.

The beef and mushroom dashi stew is an example of Japanese cuisine, which values simplicity and natural ingredients. It is a dish that delights not only by its taste, but also by its visual appearance, with a delicate and elegant presentation.

If you are a fan of Japanese cuisine or want to try new flavors, try the beef and mushroom dashi stew. A perfect combination of flavors and textures that will surprise you and leave you eager to repeat the recipe.

Meat and Mushroom Dashi

Origin and history of Carne e cogumelo de ensopado Dashi

The beef and mushroom dashi stew is a dish native to Japanese cuisine. It is prepared with a base of dashi, a traditional bouillon made with kombu (marine algae) and beautiful dry flocks. The dish also includes beef and mushrooms, which are widely used ingredients in Japanese cuisine.

The history of dashi stew dates back to the 17th century, when fish bouillon called "dashi" began to be used in Japanese cuisine. Over time, people began to add different ingredients to the bouillon, such as meat and vegetables, thus creating the dashi stew. The dish became popular in Japan during World War II, when the meat was scarce and people needed to find ways to make it more nutritious and tasty.

Today, the beef and mushroom dashi stew is a very appreciated dish in Japan and is also quite popular in other countries, being a healthy and reassuring option for the cold days. It can be found in Japanese restaurants or prepared at home in a traditional way or with variations of ingredients.

About the recipe

  • Name of the plate: Meat and Mushroom Dashi
  • Name of the dish in English: Beef and mushroom dashi stew
  • Name of the plate in Japanese: 牛肉ときのこのだし煮込みシチュー
  • Name of the Romanian dish: Gyuuniku tokino kono dashi nikomi shichuu

Information about preparation

  • Time to prepare: 15 minutes
  • Time of Cooking: 60 minutes
  • Difficulty: SIMPLE
  • It suits: 1-2 people
  • Occasions: Main meals, winter

Ingredients – Ingredients

Check out the necessary and optional ingredients Meat and Mushroom DashiIt makes sense to improvise

  • Meat and roasted Dashi mushrooms:
  • 500g of meat, cubicle
  • 400g of Japanese mushrooms, fresh, clean and cooked
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
  • 80 ml of soy sauce
  • 80 ml of Mirin
  • 2 cups of sugar
  • 2 garlic -porro, cut diagonally into pieces of 4 cm
  • 50g of grain
  • 3 tablespoons of shiitake mushroom powder
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • The White Rice:
  • 210g of basmati rice, or rice of your choice
  • 200 ml of water
  • 200 ml of Dashi, Basic
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • Shiitake and Dashi mushrooms:
  • 40g of dried shiitake mushrooms (about 14 mushrooms)
  • 1 l of water
  • 1 piece of kombu the size of a postcard

Watch a video of the recipe:

YouTube video

Recipes - How to Prepare

Now that you know the ingredients to make the recipe Meat and Mushroom Dashi. Follow the instructions below in the preparation mode or step by step.

Preparation mode:

Step 1: Clean the mushrooms

Start by preparing Dashi mushroom. Use a soft, dry brush to carefully clean 40g of dry shiitake, removing any dirt or sand.

Step 2: Sinking and cooling of mushrooms and Kombu

In a container with a cap, soak the dried mushrooms and a kombu leaf the size of a postcard in cold water. Place the container in the refrigerator and leave the sauce ingredients for 8 hours. Then remove the kombu and leave the sauce mushrooms for another 16 hours at a temperature of 5 °C.

Step 3: Coat the Dashi

After the sauce time, glue the liquid using a thin scissor and reserve for later use.

Step 4: Drain the meat

In a large pot, heat 1 tablespoon of coconut oil on high fire and feed a 500g meat bowl for approximately 15 minutes, occasionally mixing.

Step 5: Prepare the sauce

In a bowl, mix 80 ml of soy sauce, 80 ml of mirin, 2 teaspoons of sugar and 3 teaspoons of shiitake powder (optional) until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.

Step 6: Adding ingredients to the meat

Add the mixture of soy sauce, garlic and 710 ml of Dashi mushroom to the golden meat and cook on low fire for 40 minutes until the meat is soft.

Step 7: Prepare the rice

In the meantime, cook the rice in a medium pot with 100 ml of Dashi and water. Let cook for 10 to 15 minutes on low fire and then rest for another 10 minutes before serving.

Step 8: Add the final ingredients

When it is ready to serve, add the mushrooms to the straw and cook for another 2 minutes. Then add the strawberry, turn off the fire and serve with rice.