N2 JLPT Kanji List

In this article, we are going to see a complete list of N2 ideograms or Kanji used in the JLPT, Japanese language proficiency test. A total of 387 Kanji arranged by the JLPT table with their kun and on readings and their meanings. 

We didn't put the romanized readings, because it doesn't make much sense to do that. If you are already studying N2, your minimum obligation is to know how to read hiragana and katakana.

List of kanji for N2 JLPT

Does Kanji N2 have meanings? 

We don't want you to be looking for the meaning of Japanese characters, because they don't exist. Most of the time they just convey a certain idea or concept according to the words in which they compose. 

An ideogram alone will not convey the idea of absolutely anything, the meanings that you will see in this article are just some of the words and similar in which they compose. Get out of your head that ideograms have meanings!

There are exceptions where isolated ideograms are used literally as words as in the case of mouth [口] which means mouth, chikara [力] which means strength, inu [犬] meaning dog and many other exceptions.

Lists ideograms and Kanji N2

The translation is done from English to Japanese and has several meanings in a single ideogram. This doesn't necessarily mean that this kanji means that, but that perhaps a compound word with that kanji has that meaning.

Japanese ideograms usually convey the idea of something, it may not make sense to imagine this idea in isolation. The translations may not be 100% accurate, if you want to dig further we recommend the jisho.

Responsive Table: Scroll the table sideways with your finger >>
トウparty, faction, clique
ソウgeneral, all, everything
ward, district
リョウjurisdiction, domain
ケンtown hall
セツもう(ける)establishment, provision
ホ、ホウたも(つ)protect, guarantee, keep
カイあらた(める)reform, change, modify
ダイno number
ケツむす(ぶ)、ゆ(う)tie contract
faction, group, party
district, urban prefecture, government office
ゆだ(ねる)committee, entrust the
グンarmy, force, troops
アンplan, suggestion, draft
サクscheme, plan, policy
ダン、トンgroup, association
カクおのおのeach; or
カクかわleather; skin; reform; to become serious
ソンむらtown; city
セイいきお(い)forces; energy; military force
ゲンへ(る)decay; decrease; reduce
サイ、 サふたた(び)again, twice, second time
ゼイtax; duty
エイいとな(む)occupation; camp; execute; build; conduct business
くら(べる)compare; race; reason
ボウふせ(ぐ)distance; defend; protect; resist
おぎな(う)supplement; provide; displacement; compensate
キョウさかいboundary, border, region
ドウみちび(く)orientation; driving; conduct; arranger
フクvice-; assistant; advisor; duplicado; copy of
サンそろcalculate; guessing; number; probability
ユ、 シュcarry, send, be inferior
ジュツの(べる)mention; state; speak.
センline; track
ノウagriculture; farmers
シュウstate; province
ブ、 ムたけ(し)warrior; military; cavalry; arms
ショウ、 ゾウかたど(る)elephant; pattern after; image; shape
イキreach; region; limits; stage; level
ガクひたいforehead; board; framed image; sum; amount; volume
タンかつ(ぐ)、 にな(う)shoulders; carry; lift; bear
ジュンじゅん(じる)、 なぞら(える)semi-; corresponds to; imitate
ショウほ(める)prize; reward; praise
ヘンあた(り)、 ほと(り)surroundings; border; proximity
ゾウつく(る)I create; I do; structure; physical
こうむ(る)、 かぶ(る)incur; cover; shelter; dress; place
わざskill; art; build; skill; vocation; arts
テイひく(い)lower; short; humble
フクまたrestore, return to, revert
うつ(る)change, move, change
individual; article counter
モンかど、 とpo1TP28So
chapter, lesson, section, department
ノウbrain; memory
キョク、 ゴクきわ(める)poles; settlement; conclusion; end
ガンふく(む)contain; include
ゾウくらwarehouse; hide; own; have; possess
リョウはか(る)quantity; measurement; weight; amount.
ケイかたtype; model
キョウまし(て)disease; situation
シンはりneedle; pin; clip; sting
センもっぱ(ら)specialty; exclusive; mainly; solely
コクたに、 きわ(まる)okay
history; chronicle
カイladder; counter to build a story
カンくだtube; wind instrument; to control; jurisdiction
ヘイ、 ヒョウつわものsoldier; private; troops; army
セツつ(ぐ)touch; contact; adhere; join
サイほそ(い)、 こま(かい)thin; limit; detailed; accurate
コウき(く)merit; effectiveness; efficiency; benefit
ガンまる、まる(い)return; complete (month); perfection
ワンいりえgulf; bay; entrance
セイ、 ショウかえり(みる)、 はぶ(く)focus; government department; to preserve
キュウふる(い)、 もとold times; old things; ancient; ex-
シュウまわ(り)circumference; the circuit; neck
ザイlumber, log, wood
door; counter for houses
オウcenter; middle
ヘンあ(む)compilation; knit; braid; twist; edition
ソウさが(す)research; look at; locate
チョウこ(える)transcend; super-; ultra
ヘイな(み)、なみ、なら(べる)line and in addition
リョウheal; cure
サイと(る)choose; take; search; assume
シンもりforest, woods
キョウ、 ケイきそ(う)、 せ(る)compete with; bidding; contest; race
カイjailed; shellfish; mediate
コンroot; radical
ハンmarketing, sale, trade
レキresume; continuation; passage of time
ショウまさ(に)、 はたleader; commander; general; admiral
フクはばhanging roll; width
ハンcarrier; to carry; all; general; to order; type
貿ボウtrade; exchange
コウlecture; club; association
リンはやしgrove; forest
ソウ、 ショウよそお(う)costume; dress; pretend; disguise
ショもろseveral; many; of several; together
ゲキdrama; touch
コウsail; sail; cruise; fly
Newborn baby; child
キンprohibition; banishment; to prohibit
インしるしstamp; seal; brand; symbol; trademark
ギャクさか(らう)inverted; reverse; opposite
カンか(える)exchange; period; change; convert; replace; renew
キュウ、 クひさ(しい)a long time; ancient history
タンみじか(い)short; guilt; flaw; weakness
あぶらoil; fat
ボウ、 バクあば(く)explosion; strength; violence
リンwheel; ring; circle; connection; cycle; counter for wheels and flowers
センし(める)、 うらな(う)fortune telling; divination; prediction
ショクう(える)to plant
セイきよ(い)pure; purify; clean
バイdouble; twice; fold
キンなら(す)level; average
オクcem milhões; 10 ** 8
アツお(す)pressure; push; overload; oppress
ゲイtechnique; art; to build; performance; performance.
ショsignature; government office; police station
シンの(びる)expand; stretch; enlarge
テイと(める)stop; stopping
バクは(ぜる)pump; burst open
リク、 ロクおかearth; six
ギョクたまgem; ball
タイお(びる)sash; belt; obi; zone; region
エンの(びる)prolong; stretching
は、 わ、 はねfeathers; counter for birds, rabbits
かた(める)harden; set; clot; curdle
ソクのっと(る)rule; follows; based on
ランみだ(れる)tumult; war; disturbance; disturb
あまね(く)universal; generally
ソクはか(る)survey; plan; scheme; tailor-made
ホウ、 ブゆた(か)、 とよabundant; excellent; rich
コウあつ(い)thick; heavy; rich
レイよわい、 としwas
かこ(む)to search; cabinet; to preserve; to maintain
ソツそっ(する)graduated; soldier; private; to die
リャクほぼabbreviation; omission; outline; shorten
ショウうけたまわ(る)listen; be informed; receive
ジュンobey; order; turn; occasion
ガンいわpebble; rock; cliff
レンね(る)practice, polish, train, drill, polish, refine
ケイかる(い)slightly; insignificant; unimportant
リョウcomplete; finish
チョウやくしょgovernment office
ジョウ、 セイしろcastle
カンわずら(う)distress; illness; suffer from; be sick
ソウstratum; social class; layer; history; ground
ハンprint block; edition; printing; label
レイorders; command; decree
カクかど、 つのangle; corner; square
ラクから(む)interlace; coil around; be caught
ソンそこ(なう)damage; loss; disadvantage; hurt; injure
つの(る)recruit; campaign
うらback; reverse; inside; rear
ブツほとけbuda; the dead
セキexploits; achievements
チクきず(く)manufacture; build
shipping; goods; property
コンま(じる)mix; mixture; confuse
いけlake; swimming pool; reservoir
エイなが(い)eternity; long
チョ、 チャクあらわ(す)、 いちじる(しい)renowned; publish; write
document; records
コ、 クくらstorage
カンpublish; sculpt; engrave
ゾウstatue; scenario; image; figure
コウ、 キョウかお(り)incense; smell; perfume
ハンさかslope; tilt; hill
テイそこinferior; unique; depth; low price
ぬの、 し(く)linen; cloth; propagation; distribute
てらBudhist temple
roofs; covering; house; sky
キョgigantic; large; wide; great
シンふる(う)earthquake; move; shake; tremor
まれ、 こいねが(う)hope; plead; request; pray
ショクふ(れる)、 さわ(る)contact; touch; feel; beat; proclaim; announce
イ、 エよ(る)dependent; depend; consequently; therefore;
セキsign up; registration; membership
よご(す)、 きたな(い)、 けが(す)dirty; pollute; disgrace; canyon
マイ、 バイsheet of...; counter for thin flat objects
フクduplicate; double; compound; multiple
ユウsend; stagecoach stop
チュウなかintermediate; relationship
エイさか(える)flourish; prosperity; honor
サツふだticket; paper currency; bills; note
ハン、 バンいたsurfboard; edge; plate; stage
コツほねskeleton; bone; remains; frame; frame
ケイかたむ(く)skinny; lean; tendency; bias
カイとど(ける)deliver; reach; arrive; report
カンま(く)、 まきscrolling; volume; book; part; to roll; to finish; coil; text counter (or book scrolls)
ネンも(える)burn; flame; shine
セキあとtracks; brand; printing
ホウつつ(む)、 くる(む)wrap; package; cover; hide
チュウstop; to live in; resident
ジャクよわ(い)weak; fragile
ショウintroduce; inherit; help
やと(う)to employ; to hire
タイか(わる)exchange, spare, substitute
あず(ける)deposit; custody; leave with; entrust to
ショウや(く)"asse; burning"
カンえら(ぶ)simplicity; brevity
ショウbadge; chapter; composition; poem
ゾウはらわたentrails; viscera; entrails
リツ、 リチrhythm; law; regulation; under control
ゾウおく(る)gifts; to send; give to; prize for
ショウて(る)illuminate; brightness; compare
ハクうす(い)dilute; fine; weak tea
グンむ(れる)、 むら(がる)herd; group; crowd; herd
ビョウAccording to
オウおくheart; interior
キツつ(める)packed; close; reprimand; guilt
ソウふたpair; set; comparison; pair counter
さ(す)、 さし、 とげthorn, pierce, stab, sting
ジュンgenuine; purity; innocence
ヨクthe following; next
カイこころよ(い)happy; pleasant; comfortable
ヘンかたunilateral; piece
ケイうやま(う)fear; respect; honor; revere
ノウなや(む)problem; concern; in pain; anguish; illness
センいずみspring; source
かわskin; hide; leather
ギョ、 リョウあさ(る)fishing; fishing
コウあら(い)、あ(れる)Rude; wild
チョた(める)savings; store
コウかた(い)rigid; difficult
マイう(める)bury; to be filled; embedded
チュウはしらpillar; to post; cylinder; support, stand
サイまつりritual; offer prayers; celebrate
タイふくろbag; purse
ヒツふでwriting brush; paint brush; calligraphy
クンよ(む)、くん(ずる)instruction, explanation, read
ヨクあ(びる)bathe; be favored with; warm
ドウわらべyouth; child
ホウたからtreasure; wealth; valuable objects
フウ、 ホウseal; closure
キョウむねbreast; chest; heart; feelings
サ、 シャすなsand
ケンかしこ(い)intelligent; sensible; wisdom; intelligence
ワンうでarm; ability; talent
チョウきざ(す)trillion; plate; omen; symptoms
ショウとこ、 ゆかbed; bed counter; floor; filling; tatami
モウskin; hair; feather
リョク、 ロクみどりgreen
ソンとうと(い)revered; valuable; precious; noble
シュクいわ(う)celebrate; congratulate
ジュウ、 ニュウやわ(らかい)contest; weakness; kindness; softness
殿デンとの、 どのMr.; corridor; mansion; palace; temple; sir
ノウこ(い)concentrated; thick; somber; undiluted
エキfluid; liquid; juice; sap; secretion
イ、 エころも、 きぬapparel; clothes; dressing
レイぜろzero; spill; overflow; nothing
bagagem; carga; frete luggage; cargo; freight
ハクと(まる)overnight stay
コウ、 オウyellow
カンあま(い)sweet; coaxial; treats; sugary
シン、 ジンseal; subject
センあさ(い)shallow; superficial; frivolous
ソウは(く)sweep; brush
ウンくもa cloud
クツほ(る)excavation; dive; dig
シャす(てる)discard; throw away; abandonment
チン、 ジンしず(む)sink; be submerged; decrease; be depressed
トウこお(る)、 こご(える)frozen; refrigerate
ニュウちち、ちmilk, breasts
レンこい(しい)romance; in love; yearn for; miss
コウ、 クべに、 くれないcrimson; dark red
コウperiphery, suburb, rural area
ヨウこしloins; hips; waist
ヨウおど(る)jump; dance; leap; jump
サツbook counter; volume
ユウいさ(む)courage; cheer up; bravery; heroism
カイcontraption; machine; tool
サイvegetable; side dish; green
チンめずら(しい)rare; curious; strange
キツの(む)consume, eat, drink, smoke, receive
カンほ(す)、 ひ(る)dry; very dry
チュウ、 キむしinsect; error
サツす(る)、 は(く)impressão; brush
トウhot water; shower; hot spring
ヨウと(ける)foundry; dissolve; defrost
コウあらがねmineral; ore
ルイなみだtears; sympathy
ヒツひきsmall animal counter
ソンまごgrandson; descendants
エイするど(い)Pointy; sharpness; edge; weapon; sharp; violent
えだbranch; branch; branch; member; counter for branches
ぬ(る)、 ぬ(り)paint; smudge; coating
ケンのきapartments; balcony for houses
ドクpotion; germ; damage
キョウさけ(ぶ)shout; exclaim; scream
ハイおが(む)adoração; worship; pray to
ヒョウこおり、 ひice; greet; freeze
カンかわ(く)dry; dry; drink; sky
ボウstaff; stick; cane; pole
いの(る)pray; desire
シュウひろ(う)get; gather; find
フンこなflour; powder; dust
カンあせsweat; perspire
ドウあかがねcobre - copper
湿シツしめ(る)moist; wet; moist
ビンかめ、 へいbottle; jar; jar; urn
ショウめ(す)call; send to; wear; buy, eat, drink
カンかまcan; container
セキvessels; counter for ships; fish; one of a pair
あぶらfat; grease; lard
ジョウ、 セイむ(す)steam; heat; foster
はだtexture; skin; body; grain
コウたがや(す)until; plow; cultivate
ドンにぶ(い)、 なまく(ら)tedious; slow; foolish; blunt
デイどろmud; adhere to; be attached to
グウすみcorner; nook
トウひ、とも(す)lamp; a light; light counter
シンから(い)、 つら(い)spicy; hot
みが(く)grind; Polish; improve; brush teeth
バクむぎbarley; wheat
セイ、 ショウlast name
トウつつcylinder; tube
はなnose; snout
リュウつぶgrains; loose; tiny particle counter
part of speech; words
stomach; harvest
ジョウ、 チョウたたみtatami mat; folding
つくえtable; chart
はだskin; body; texture
タクすす(ぐ)laundry; to wash; to rinse
トウPagodatower; bell tower
フツわ(く)see the; boil; ferment
カイはいashes; cremate
sweet; cakes; fruit
ボウcap; helmet
か(れる)wilt; die; dry up; be seasoned
リョウすず(しい)refreshing; good and cool
シュウふねboat; ship
symbol; plate; brand
ゾウにく(む)hate; detest
ベイさら、 ざらdish; a help; dish
コウがえんじ(る)agreement; consent; comply with
チクlivestock; domestic birds and animals
ボウ、 ボッboy priest
キョウはさ(む)pinch; between
ドンくも(る)cloudy weather
テキしずく、 したた(る)dripping; loose
うかが(う)visit; ask; investigate; issue

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