Beach Vocabulary in Japanese

To make the most of your trip to the beach in Japan, it's essential to learn some useful beach-related words and phrases in Japanese. This article will help you to enrich your vocabulary and make your experience even more enjoyable. So, get ready to dive into Japanese beach vocabulary!

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How do you say Beach in Japanese?

In Japanese, the word "beach" can be translated as "海辺" (Umibe). The word is the combination of Beira [辺] and sea [海]. This word reflects the idea of ​​a coastal area where the earth finds the sea or seaside.

In addition, there are some variations and synonyms to refer to the beach, such as:

  1. 海岸 (Kaigan) - coast or seaside
  2. 砂浜 (Sunahama) - sand beach
  3. ビビチ (bīchi) - beach (word borrowed from the English "beach")

These words can be used to describe different aspects or characteristics of a beach, but they all relate to the general concept of a beach.

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Beach Vocabulary in Japanese

Now let's share some beach-related words for you to use on your trip:

Words related to the beach

  1. Beach (海辺) - Umibe
  2. Ocean (海) - UMI
  3. Sand (砂) - SUNA
  4. SOL (太陽) - Taiyō
  5. Wave (波) - Nami
  6. Concha (貝殻) - Kaigara
  7. Shadow (日陰) - Hikage
  8. Towel (タオル) - Taoru
  9. Wardhouse (日よけ) - Hiyoke
  10. Beach Chair (ビビチチェア) - Bīchichea
Okinawa beach

beach activities

  1. Swim (泳ぐ) - Oyogu
  2. Dive (潜る) - MOGURU
  3. Surf (ササフィンする) - Sāfin Suru
  4. Sun (日光浴をを) - Nikkōyoku o suru
  5. Building Sandcastles (砂の城を作る) – Suna no shiro o tsukuru
  6. Play beach volleyball (ビーチバレーをする) – Bīchibarē o suru

beach items

  1. Bikini (ビキニ) - Bikini
  2. Swimsuit (水着) - Mizugi
  3. SUNGA (男性用水着) - DANSEI -Yō Mizugi
  4. Sunglasses (サングラス) - Blood
  5. Sunscreen (日焼け止め) - Hiyakedome
  6. Buoy (浮き輪) - ukiwa
  7. Surf board (ササボボボド) - Sāfubōdo
  8. Beach Hat (ビビチハット) - Bīchihatto
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Phrases to Use at the Beach in Japanese

Where can I rent a surfboard?

Sāfubōdo wa doko de kariraremasu ka?

Where is the nearest beach?

Ichiban chikai umibe wa doko desu ka?

Can we swim here?

Koko de oyoide mo ii desu ka?

The water is cold?

Mizu wa tsumetai desu ka?

The sea is calm today.

Kyō, umi wa odayaka desu.

Where is the lifeguard?

Raifugādo wa doko ni imasu ka?

Is there a snack bar close by?

Chikaku ni keishokuya wa arimasu ka?

Can I use this parasol?

Kono hiyoke o tsukatte mo ii desu ka?

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