8 things about Japan the rest of the world might want

Looking back at history, Japan has been developing its uniqueness for many years due to its “island” location. Now, the country has come to have many advantages and great points that other countries can envy. 

1 - Delicious and healthy food

Japanese cuisine is one of the most delicious and healthy in the world, resulting in good health and a high life expectancy. On the other side we have a food industry rich in varieties and flavors of everything you can imagine. In Japan there is no lack of choice for sweets, snacks, drinks, chocolates, etc.

Kaiseki cuisine 802

2 - Nature - 4 Seasons

Japan is one of the few countries in the world where you can really appreciate the 4 seasons. You will notice the presence and change of nature in your city, in the fields, in the mountains. While some countries snow or heat for a long time, Japan shows its beauty in many different colors and climates.

Four Seasons

3 - Modesty, politeness, respect

Many Japanese are modest by nature, the Japanese are characterized by their simple, unpretentious and humble way of being. The Japanese don't tend to value themselves, their actions or achievements so much. The country teaches from the cradle to have respect, modesty and education. It teaches you to think about others and then about yourself.

Of course there are many who have a false modesty, the fact is that in some countries being modest is not common, causing modesty to die. In Japan it's the opposite, those who don't want to be modest feel obliged to act that way to avoid being different.

8 things about Japan that the rest of the world may want

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4 - Vending machines

Vending machines in Japan reach extreme levels. It is possible to find machines in the middle of the woods, in front of supermarkets, machines on every corner. There are machines of all types that sell: drinks, food, sweets, ice cream, rice, eggs, and much more... It is so convenient.

Vending machine

5 - Lots of translations, lots of reading

Japan highly values reading. There are thousands of original Japanese books, manga, even games have many texts. It is said that Japanese is the language that has the most translated versions of foreign books. If you know Japanese, a new world of reading is available to you.


6 - Compulsory social health insurance

In Japan there are no public hospitals, this is not a problem, because we know how they are... In Japan everyone is obliged to take out a health plan or insurance that covers up to 80% of all hospital expenses.


Low crime rate

Life in Japan is very safe, so safe that the police don't even need weapons. It is rare to come across a firearm in Japan, murders with firearms are almost nil. The country has law, even criminals feel ashamed of stealing and often steal stealthily. The country is so safe that it is possible to leave your things lying around somewhere and pick up hours later. (but don't take any chances.)

8 things about Japan that the rest of the world may want

8 - Security

Japan has several earthquakes a year, but it rarely causes any problems. Traffic-accidents? People follow all the laws, so it's easier for you to die in a bathtub than in a car accident. After the incidents of World War II, Japan has been working hard to provide security for its population.

8 things about Japan that the rest of the world may want

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