10 Weird Services That Exist in Japan

Japan is famous for its ease, everything in Japan can be solved in simple but sometimes strange ways. Of course, not everything is automatic as some might imagine, sometimes people are hired to do strange things and services that we don't imagine. In this article, we're going to look at 10 weird services that exist in Japan that you didn't even know existed.

Oshiya. – At some stations during peak hours there are oshiya. These employees are hired to push people inside the trains when necessary.

Homework service. – A professional does the homework, even imitating handwriting and saving the person from getting low grades in school.

Apology service. - Need to hire someone to apologize for you, in Japan there are companies that do this for you.

Advertisements on women's bodies. – Some women end up selling advertising through tattooing on bold parts like thighs and breasts, they wear short clothes to attract customers' attention.


Wipe sumo wrestler's ass. – There are reports that a sumo wrestler is unable to clean his buttocks, so people are hired to do this. This is a legend that circulates in Japan, we don't know its veracity but sumo wrestlers really have assistants.

Archive memories of old relationships. - The company Miniku Love stores your memories, like gifts, photos and letters, so you don't have to throw them away or cause problems in your new relationship.

Weird services for the needy

Cuddle. – This service promises to relieve the needy a little. A beautiful young man or woman is hired to sleep with you. However, she is paid only to sleep, without sexual services, the most one receives is a petting. This service may also be known as soine ソイネ.

Ear cleaning. - In this service, the person works dressed in kimono cleaning people's ears with a cotton swab, serving tea and chatting with the customer.


Fake friend. - Rental of friends - In Japan there are sites where you can hire a friend or even a girlfriend (the) of lies. why do that? Some are lonely and want to make a good impression, and instead of making friends they pay to have company, take pictures and go out. Some say they charge about 8,000 yen for 2 hours of service.

Solo wedding service. – Girls who want to get married but can't find a spouse, can hire a fake wedding service and alone with the right to dress, makeup, ceremony and even honeymoon. In addition to this service, there is also another service where people can hire invited to a wedding.

Finally, let's leave a video of our friend Velberan talking about some of these services:

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