The Advancement of Android Robots in Japan

Over the years, the Japanese have always tried to create a human robot, and currently they are already getting close. In this article I will leave some videos showing a little about the advancement of robotics in Japan.

We will focus only on android nodes (robots with human appearance). We will notice several videos showing a little of how Androids were presented, and how their advancement in technology, in terms of speech and movement, is.

It is worth remembering that one of the ways to designate a robot in female form is actually gynoid.

A robot to train dentists!

Showa University created Showa Hanako to help trainees in dentistry to train their profession.

talking robots

It was a big step forward in 2010 when talking robots were introduced, but with a huge limitation. The Video has been showing a little bit of the presentation, you must know English or Japanese to understand.

Robot that imitates movements

The article is still halfway through, but we recommend also reading:

Report and interview with two robots


Asuna is a robot with more human-like movements, which was introduced in 2014 and 2015, showing a great advancement in robotics. Despite not being completely realistic yet, and sometimes even scary, we can notice in the dialogue below, her ability to answer questions easily and even confirmations in an informal way...

In the dialogue, the Japanese asks her name, she answers and even says her age. When Japanese says: 18 years old? She also confirms: “juugosai Dayo” this has already caught my attention.

She was also presented at a fair in February 2015 a little differently.

We see that his appearance resembles a persocon that is part of an anime chobits.

Robot that sings and dances

The female robot HRP-4C featured in the videos below is capable of Singing and Dancing.

That way soon the vocaloids come to life.

These were some videos I found, to give you an idea of how Androids are advancing in Japan. What do you think? Will it take a while for them to build a more human robot?

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