Meaning of: 高い - takai

Romaji: takai

Kana: たかい

Type: adjective

L: jlpt-n5


Meaning: high; high; Dear

Meaning in English: tall;high;expensive

Table of Content
- Etymology
- Writing
- Synonyms
- Example Phrases

Explanation and Etymology - (高い) takai

"高い" is a Japanese word that means "tall" or "expensive". It is composed of the characters "高" (taka) which means "tall" and "い" (i) which is an adjectival suffix that indicates the quality of something. The word can be used to describe the height of an object or the quality of something that is considered expensive or valuable. The correct pronunciation is "takai".

How to Write in Japanese - (高い) takai

See below a step-by-step guide on how to write the word by hand in Japanese (高い) takai:

Synonyms and Similar - (高い) takai

See below a list of Japanese words that have the same meaning or is a variation of the word we are studying on this page:

高価; 高額; 高値; 高め; 高級; 高度; 高貴; 高尚; 高嶺; 高峰


Words containing: 高い

See also other related words from our dictionary:


Kana: なだかい

Romaji: nadakai


famous; celebrated; well-known

Words with the same pronunciation: たかい takai

Example Sentences - (高い) takai

Below are some example sentences:


Takai yama ga miemasu

I can see a high mountain.

You can see a high mountain.

  • 高い: adjective that means high or high compared to a standard
  • 山: noun that means mountain
  • が: particle that marks the subject of the sentence
  • 見えます: verb that means to see or be seen, conjugated in the present and polite time


Unchin ga takai desu ne

The Fare is Expensive

The fare is high.

  • 運賃 (うんちん) - Transport rate
  • が - subject particle
  • 高い (たかい) - Dear
  • です - polite way of being
  • ね: final particle indicating confirmation or seeking agreement


Watashi no jisonshin wa takai desu

My self -esteem is high.

My self -esteem is high.

  • 私: personal pronoun meaning "I" in Japanese
  • の: particle indicating possession or belonging
  • 自尊心: noun meaning "self -esteem" or "own pride"
  • は: particle that indicates the topic of the sentence
  • 高い: adjective which means "high" or "high" and, in this context, is used to describe the level of self -esteem
  • です: verb "be" in the present, used to indicate that the sentence is in the present time and that self -esteem is high


Watashi no tōkyū wa takai desu

My level is high.

My grade is high.

  • 私: personal pronoun meaning "I"
  • の: particle indicating ownership, equivalent to "of"
  • 等級: noun meaning "classification" or "level"
  • は: particle that indicates the topic of the sentence, equivalent to "about"
  • 高い: adjective meaning "high" or "elevated"
  • です: verb to be/being in polite form, equivalent to "is"


Kanojo no nihongo nouryoku wa takai teido da

Her Japanese Language Proficiecy is at the High Level.

Your Japanese skill is high.

  • She
  • の (no) - Possession particle
  • 日本語 (nihongo) - Japanese language
  • nouryoku - Ability, capacity
  • は (wa) - Topic particle
  • 高い (takai) - Tall
  • 程度 (teido) - Grade, level
  • だ (da) - Informal form of the verb to be


Taiki wa hayashi no naka de ichiban takai desu

The large tree is the highest of the forest.

The large tree is the highest of the forest.

  • 大木: means "big tree" in Japanese.
  • は: Japanese topic particle, indicating that "大木" is the theme of the sentence.
  • 林: means "forest" in Japanese.
  • の: Possession particle in Japanese, indicating that "林" is the owner of something.
  • 中: means "in the middle" in Japanese.
  • で: Japanese location particle, indicating that "林" is where something happens.
  • 一番: It means "the most" in Japanese, indicating that "大木" is the highest tree.
  • 高い: means "high" in Japanese, indicating the characteristic of "大木".
  • です: verb "being" in Japanese, indicating that the sentence is a statement.


Kokusansha no kuruma wa totemo shinraisei ga takai desu

Carros nacionais são muito confiáveis.

Household cars are very reliable.

  • 国産: means "produced in Japan"
  • の: particle indicating possession or relationship
  • 車: means "car"
  • は: particle that indicates the theme of the sentence
  • とても: adverb meaning "a lot"
  • 信頼性: means "reliability"
  • が: particle that indicates the subject of the sentence
  • 高い: adjective meaning "high" or "elevated"
  • です: verb that indicates the polite way of affirming or asking


Wariai ga takai desu ne

The proportion is high

The percentage is high.

  • 割合 (Wariai) - Proportion
  • ga - subject particle
  • 高い (Takai) - Alto
  • is/are - polite form of to be
  • ね (ne) - confirmation particle


Kono ekitai no nōdo wa hijō ni takai desu

The concentration of this liquid is very high.

The concentration of this liquid is very high.

  • この: demonstrative pronoun meaning "this one"
  • 液体: noun meaning "liquid"
  • の: particle indicating ownership or relationship between words
  • 濃度: noun meaning "concentration"
  • は: particle that indicates the topic of the sentence
  • 非常に: adverb meaning "very"
  • 高い: adjective meaning "high" or "elevated"
  • です: verb "to be" in polite form


Kono busshitsu no mitsudo wa hijō ni takai desu

The density of this substance is very high.

The density of this substance is very high.

  • この: demonstrative pronoun meaning "this one"
  • 物質: noun meaning "substance"
  • の: particle indicating possession or relationship
  • 密度: noun meaning "density"
  • は: particle that indicates the theme of the sentence
  • 非常に: adverb meaning "very"
  • 高い: adjective meaning "tall"
  • is: verb "to be" in the present

Phrase Generator

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Other words of the same type: adjective

See other words from our dictionary that are also: adjective


Kana: くわしい

Romaji: kuwashii


knowing very well; detailed; complete; necessary


Kana: そそっかしい

Romaji: sosokkashii


careless; unlucky


Kana: はなばなしい

Romaji: hanabanashii


bright; magnificent; Amazing

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

There are different ways of expressing the idea of "high; high; Dear" in the Japanese language.

A way of saying "high; high; Dear" é "(高い) takai". Throughout this page you will find information and alternatives.
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On this page you will find precious information about the Japanese word "(高い) takai", you can take advantage of the phrases available on this page and add them to a memorization program or Flashcard. You can also see their writing, meanings and synonyms.