Have you ever been curious to know what a market is like in Japan? What is sold there? And how much does it cost? Many have the habit of saying that everything in Japan is expensive, but they don't take the country's economy and salary. Today these doubts will be resolved in this article.
The Japanese usually do their shopping weekly. All products sold in Japan, have the value with tax and without tax, and currently this tax is 8%.
The Japanese minimum wage is between 150 to 300 thousand yen, approximately 4,000 to 6,000 reais. Taking into account this important factor, we cannot say that a product is expensive, just because it is 10R$ more expensive than in Brazil. Japan's economy and currency is totally different from the Real.
Unlike Brazil, you hardly find a butcher shop in Japan. The meats are sold in trays, and usually cost between 30 and 100 reais a kilo depending on the meat.
Fruits and vegetables are also usually sold individually. It's not a high value, but it's also not expensive as people imagine. With 6 reais you buy a bunch of banana, or an apple. Don't forget that the minimum wage is much higher than ours, so fruits are necessarily consumed normally. Mainly vegetables that are part of most Japanese recipes.
It is also worth mentioning the konbini, convenience stores that most often replace the need to go to the supermarket.
A huge list of products and prices would be nice, unfortunately this is quite difficult. Prices change by province and season. So let's leave below some videos that helped you to know the inside of a market in Japan, and the prices and comparisons of the products.
The Velberan Video below, is quite recent and explanatory, shows details about the products and their values.
The video below shows shopping inside the super market.
Another video that shows shopping inside a slightly older market.