Japanese Era Names and Japanese Imperial calendar

In ancient Japan, years were counted according to the reign of an emperor, this system is known as nengō or Imperial Japanese Calendar.

But in the Meiji Reform, which took place in 1873, the government announced the adoption of the Gregorian calendar (which we use).

Even today, the system nengō it is used among the Japanese, being required in some official government documents. Let's get to know a little about this system and the eras (or periods) that are vital in the use of the Imperial Japanese Calendar.

The era (periods) of Japan

At era of Japan (元号; gengō ou - or nengō) is a means of counting time which starts from the beginning of an emperor's reign to the end of his reign. The Japanese used to use this count to indicate their year of birth, or the year they lived in.

Exampleit was Heisei began in 1989 with the reign of Emperor Akihito. I was born in 1995, so in the Imperial Japanese calendar I was born in year 7 of the Heisei era (平成7年). And in 2016 we are in year 28 of the Heisei era (平成28年).

In the table below you find the beginning of each era, starting from the Meiji or Modern Japan:

Period / Era Kanji Emperor Calendar / Start - End
Meiji 明治 Emperor Meiji 1868-1912
Taishō 大正 Emperor Taishō 1912-1926
Shōwa 昭和 Emperor Showa 1926-1989
Heisei 平成 Emperor Akihito 1989... (Current Emperor)

Throughout Japan's history, thousands of internal wars have taken place, and many Emperors have had a short period of reign. So, the Periods (or era) that we will see in the table below, were counted according to historical events and not under the reign of an Emperor.

This counting system was adopted in 645 by Emperor Kotoku, the first being known by the name Taika which is present in the Asuka Period.

Era (Period) Beginning of the Era end of era
Asuka period 538 710
Nara period 710 794
Heian period 794 1185
Kamakura period 1185 1333
Daikakuji and Jimyoin -- --
Muromachi period 1392 1573
Sengoku period 1467 1573
Azuchi-Momoyama period 1573 1603
Edo period 1603 1867

At the end of the article we will leave a list with the name of all the eras according to the reign of each emperor.

It is worth remembering that the name of the Era or Period is not the same as the Emperor's name, he can determine the name, and sometimes after his death he ends up being called the name he gave to his reign period.

Imperial Japanese Calendar

As already explained, the Japanese Imperial Calendar is calculated by the regnal year of each emperor. It's not very difficult to understand.

The Gregorian calendar we use in Brazil is indicated by the Day/Month/Year in Japan they invert and use Year 年/Month 月/Day 日. The Japanese imperial calendar is represented by the year of the period or era.

The Number comes after the Era Kanji and then the year kanji 年. Example: 昭和7年/12月/ 21日

Meiji 明治
Taishō 大正
Shōwa 昭和
Heisei 平成

If you need to know what year you were born in the Japanese imperial calendar. We recommend this website (click here), or see the table below which is in descending order:

Gregorian Year Imperial Year  Gregorian Year Imperial Year 
2014 Heisei 26 1970 Showa 45
2013 Heisei 25 1969 Showa 44
2012 Heisei 24 1968 Showa 43
2011 Heisei 23 1967 Showa 42
2010 Heisei 22 1966 Showa 41
2009 Heisei 21 1965 Showa 40
2008 Heisei 20 1964 Showa 39
2007 Heisei 19 1963 Showa 38
2006 Heisei 18 1962 Showa 37
2005 Heisei 17 1961 Showa 36
2004 Heisei 16 1960 Showa 35
2003 Heisei 15 1959 Showa 34
2002 Heisei 14 1958 Showa 33
2001 Heisei 13 1957 Showa 32
2000 Heisei 12 1956 Showa 31
1999 Heisei 11 1955 Showa 30
1998 Heisei 10 1954 Showa 29
1997 heisei 9 1953 Showa 28
1996 heisei 8 1952 Showa 27
1995 heisei 7 1951 Showa 26
1994 heisei 6 1950 Showa 25
1993 heisei 5 1949 Showa 24
1992 heisei 4 1948 Showa 23
1991 heisei 3 1947 Showa 22
1990 heisei 2 1946 Showa 21
1989 Showa 64 / Heisei 1 1945 Showa 20
1988 Showa 63 1944 Showa 19
1987 Showa 62 1943 Showa 18
1986 Showa 61 1942 Showa 17
1985 Showa 60 1941 Showa 16
1984 Showa 59 1940 Showa 15
1983 Showa 58 1939 Showa 14
1982 Showa 57 1938 Showa 13
1981 Showa 56 1937 Showa 12
1980 Showa 55 1936 Showa 11
1979 Showa 54 1935 Showa 10
1978 Showa 53 1934 Showa 9
1977 Showa 52 1933 Showa 8
1976 Showa 51 1932 Showa 7
1975 Showa 50 1931 Showa 6
1974 Showa 49 1930 Showa 5
1973 Showa 48 1929 Showa 4
1972 Showa 47 1928 Showa 3
1971 Showa 46 1927 Showa 2
1970 Showa 45 1926 Taisho 15 / Showa 1
1969 Showa 44 1925 Taisho 14
1968 Showa 43 1924 Taisho 13
1967 Showa 42 1923 Taisho 12
1966 Showa 41 1922 Taisho 11
1965 Showa 40 1921 Taisho 10
1964 Showa 39 1920 Taisho 9
1963 Showa 38 1919 Taisho 8
1962 Showa 37 1918 Taisho 7
1961 Showa 36 1917 Taisho 6
1960 Showa 35 1916 Taisho 5
1959 Showa 34 1915 Taisho 4
1958 Showa 33 1914 Taisho 3
1957 Showa 32 1913 Taisho 2
1956 Showa 31 1912 Taisho 1

The table below shows all periods of the Imperial calendar since 645:

Year Period Kanji
645 Taika 大化
650 Hakuchi 白雉
686 Shuchō 朱鳥
701 Taihō 大宝
704 Keiun 慶雲
708 Wadō 和銅
715 Reiki 霊亀
717 Yōrō 養老
724 Jinki 神亀
729 Tempyō 天平
749 Tempyōkampō 天平感宝
749 Tempyōshōhō 天平勝宝
757 Tempyōjōji 天平宝字
765 Tempyōjingo 天平神護
767 Jingokeiun 神護景雲
770 Hōki 宝亀
781 Ten'ō 天応
782 Enryaku 延暦
806 Daidō 大同
810 Kōnin 弘仁
823 Tenchō 天長
834 Jōwa 承和
848 Kashō 嘉祥
851 ninja 仁寿
855 Saikō 斉衡
857 Ten'an 天安
859 Jōgan 貞観
877 Gangyō 元慶
885 girl 仁和
889 Kampyō 寛平
898 Shōtai 昌泰
901 engineering 延喜
923 fill 延長
931 Jōhei 承平
938 Tengyō 天慶
947 Tenryaku 天暦
957 trytoku 天徳
961 Ōwa 応和
964 Kōhō 康保
968 Anna 安和
970 Tenroku 天禄
974 Ten'en 天延
976 Jōgen 貞元
979 Tengen 天元
983 Eikan 永観
985 Kanna 寛和
987 Hey 永延
989 Here 永祚
990 Shōryaku 正暦
995 Chōtoku 長徳
999 Chōhō 長保
1004 Kankō 寛弘
1013 Chōwa 長和
1017 Kannin 寛仁
1021 Jian 治安
1024 Manju 万寿
1028 Chōgen 長元
1037 Chōryaku 長暦
1040 Chōkyū 長久
1045 Kantoku 寛徳
1046 Eishō 永承
1053 Tengi 天喜
1058 Kōhei 康平
1065 Jiryaku 治暦
1069 Enkyū 延久
1074 Jōhō 承保
1078 Jōryaku 承暦
1081 hey 永保
1084 Ōtoku 応徳
1087 Kanji 寛治
1095 Kahō 嘉保
1097 Eichō 永長
1098 Jōtoku 承徳
1099 Kōwa 康和
1104 Chōji 長治
1106 Kajō 嘉承
1108 Tennin 天仁
1110 Tennei 天永
1113 Eikyū 永久
1118 Gen'ei 元永
1120 Hōan 保安
1124 Tenji 天治
1126 Daiji 大治
1131 Tenshō 天承
1132 Chōshō 長承
1135 Hōen 保延
1141 Eiji 永治
1142 Kōji 康治
1144 Ten'you 天養
1145 Kyūan 久安
1151 Nimpei 仁平
1154 Kyūju 久寿
1156 Hōgen 保元
1159 Heiji 平治
1160 Eiryaku 永暦
1161 Ōhō 応保
1163 Chōkan 長寛
1165 Hey man 永万
1166 Nin'an 仁安
1169 Kaō 嘉応
1171 Shōan 承安
1175 Angen 安元
1177 Jisho 治承
1181 Yōwa 養和
1182 Juei 寿永
1184 Genryaku 元暦
1185 Bunji 文治
1190 Research 建久
1199 Shōji 正治
1201 Kennin 建仁
1204 Genkyū 元久
1206 ken'ei 建永
1207 Jōgen 承元
1211 Kenryaku 建暦
1214 Kempō 建保
1219 Jōkyū 承久
1222 Jōō 貞応
1225 Gennin 元仁
1225 Karoku 嘉禄
1228 Ante 安貞
1229 Kanki 寛喜
1232 Jōei 貞永
1233 Tempuku 天福
1235 Bunryaku 文暦
1235 Katei 嘉禎
1239 Ryakunin 暦仁
1239 En'ō 延応
1240 ninja 仁治
1243 Kangen 寛元
1247 Hōji 宝治
1249 Kenchō 建長
1256 Kōgen 康元
1257 Shōka 正嘉
1259 Shōgen 正元
1260 Bun'o 文応
1261 Kōchō 弘長
1264 bun'ei 文永
1275 Kenji 健治
1278 Kōan 弘安
1288 Shōō 正応
1293 Einin 永仁
1299 Shōan 正安
1303 Kengen 乾元
1303 Kagen 嘉元
1307 Tokuji 徳治
1308 Enkyō 延慶
1311 Ōchō 応長
1312 Shōwa 正和
1317 bump 文保
1319 Gen'ō 元応
1321 Genkō 元亨
1325 Shōchu 正中
1326 Karyaku 嘉暦
1329 Gentoku 元徳
1331 Genkō (Southern) 元弘
1332 Shōkei 正慶
1334 Kemmu (Southern) 建武
1336 Eigen (Southern) 延元
1338 Ryakuō 暦応
1340 Kōkoku (Southern) 興国
1342 Kōei 康永
1345 Jōwa 貞和
1347 Shōhei (Southern) 正平
1350 Kan'ō 観応
1352 Bunna 文和
1356 Dew 延文
1361 Kōan 康安
1362 Jōji 貞治
1368 Ōan 応安
1370 Kentoku (Southern) 建徳
1372 Bunchū (Southern) 文中
1375 Hey 永和
1375 Tenju (Southern) 天授
1379 Kōryaku 康暦
1381 Eitoku 永徳
1381 Kōwa (Southern) 弘和
1384 Shitoku 至徳
1384 Genchū (Southern) 元中
1387 Kakei 嘉慶
1389 Kōō 康応
1390 Meitoku 明徳
1394 hey 応永
1428 Shōchō 正長
1429 Eikyō 永享
1441 Kakitsu 嘉吉
1444 bun'an 文安
1449 Hōtoku 宝徳
1452 Kyōtoku 享徳
1455 Kōshō 康正
1457 Chōroku 長禄
1461 Kanshō 寛正
1466 Bunshō 文正
1467 Ōnin 応仁
1469 boommei 文明
1487 Chōkyō 長享
1489 Entoku 延徳
1492 Quite 明応
1501 Bunki 文亀
1504 Eishō 永正
1521 Daiei 大永
1528 Kyōroku 享禄
1532 Tembun 天文
1555 Kōji 弘治
1558 Eiroku 永禄
1570 Genki 元亀
1573 Tenshō 天正
1593 Bunroku 文禄
1596 Keichō 慶長
1615 Genna 元和
1624 Kan'ei 寛永
1645 Shōhō 正保
1648 Keian 慶安
1652 Jōō 承応
1655 Meireki 明暦
1658 Manji 万治
1661 Kambun 寛文
1673 In powder 延宝
1681 Tenna 天和
1684 Jōkyō 貞享
1688 Genroku 元禄
1704 Hōei 宝永
1711 Shōtoku 正徳
1716 Kyōhō 享保
1736 Gembun 元文
1741 Kampō 寛保
1744 Enkyō 延享
1748 Kan'en 寛延
1751 Hōreki 宝暦
1764 Meiwa 明和
1773 an'ei 安永
1781 Temmei 天明
1801 Kansei 寛政
1802 Kyōwa 享和
1804 Bunka 文化
1818 Bunsei 文政
1831 Tempo 天保
1845 Kōka 弘化
1848 Kaei 嘉永
1855 I longed 安政
1860 man'ei 万延
1861 Bunkyū 文久
1864 Genji 元治
1865 Keiō 慶応
1868 Meiji 明治
1912 Taishō 大正
1926 Shōwa 昭和
1989 Heisei 平成

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