Dekiru: Unlock Your Potential with this Motivational Phrase

In today's article we will know the simple verb dekiru (出来る). Probably some of you already know how to use it, but in this article we will include some examples and useful information.

The verb able it means "to be able", "to succeed" or a possibility of doing something or not. It's a "power and not power in Japanese". Like any Japanese verb, it is conjugated as follows:

Form Japanese Romaji
Dictionary 出来る able
polished 出来ます dekimasu
Negative 出来ない dekinai
polished negative 出来ません I cannot
Past 出来なかった dekinakatta
past tense 出来ませんでした dekimasendeshite
Passive 出来られる dekirareru
polished passive 出来られます dekiraremasu
Causative 出来させる dekisaseru


  • 勉強をする (Benkyō o suru) = Study 勉強
  • 勉強ができる = I am able to study

Note that when you use dekiru or some potential form in the verb, you need to change the particle を(wo) to が(ga) or は(wa).

  • こんなうるさいところでは勉強ができません
  • Kon'na urusai tokorode wa benkyō ga dekimasen
  • I cannot study in such a noisy place.

You can also use dekiru to ask for permission by adding the か(ka) and asking a question.できますか gives an idea of “can I do something?”.

  • これ, 試着できますか?
  • Kore shichaku dekimasuka?
  • Can I try?

More formal phrases - You can make the sentence more formal by using "ことができる(koto ga dekiru)".

  • この漢字を読むことができます.
  • I can read this kanji;
  • I am able to read this kanji.

Remembering that there is another way to indicate ability to do an action, which is using -eru. Dekiru is used to replace the verb “suru” and is more formal than just using the -eru form of the verb.

When you want to show some contrast you use the particle は(= wa) between こと and できる which becomes ことはできる

  • 返品することはできません
  • Henpin suru koto wa dekimasen;
  • You cannot return the item;

When you want to say that you've finished or completed something, you use 出来た! / Dekit! / I finished! / I made it! / It's done!

  • やっと, 宿題ができた.
  • Finally, homework is done;
  • I finally finished my homework.

Of course, there are many other principles inside the verb 出来る, like saying you were good or bad at something, example: 出来が悪い. (dekigawarui) I was bad, I was bad (at something). You simply need to know Japanese verb functions and grammar and you will automatically discover new things with できる。 If you have any examples, leave them in the comments to help readers.

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