The popularity of classical music in Japan

While the West, mainly Brazil, is dominated by songs with standardized lyrics and rhythms. Japan remains strong with traditional classical music. Do you know what classical music is?

It does not necessarily indicate symphonies, operas and instruments such as violin and piano. The main characteristic of classical music is its complexity of instrumentation, where we have several musical instruments that create an artistic manifestation.

Just to remind you, we are talking about Western classical music and not traditional Japanese music. Traditional classical music remains strong in Japan as well as popular Japanese music such as J-POP, J-Rock and others use techniques and musical complexities that no other country uses.

About 20% of the world classical music market is located in Japan. All over Japan you can find music art centers and concert halls.

Across Japan, students are encouraged to enjoy classical music through clubs and work involving opera, piano, violin, singing, figure skating, drama, and various extracurricular subjects involving music.

Classical music was introduced to Japan in the Meiji Era (1868-1912). Big names like Bach, Mozart, Beethoven and Wagner influenced all of Japan. The first symphonic performance in Japan took place on February 19, 1887 in Tokyo.

The influence of classical music in japan

Classical music in Japan

In Japan music education begins at age 6, students play instruments and sing. In high school students choose between clubs and can decide to learn to play a variety of traditional or classical instruments.

This means that all students in Japan have been exposed to classical music in some way and play an instrument. While some consider that enjoying classical music is something for the rich and elite, it is increasingly common for Japanese people to enjoy this type of music and attend orchestras.

In Tokyo alone there are more than 4,000 classical music professionals, it is in this city that the largest number of professional orchestras in the world take place. Nowadays classical music can be found in Japan not only in orchestras but in movies, games, anime and dramas.

The world's greatest game composers meet in Japan. Big names like Toru Takemitsu (composer), Seiji Ozawa (conductor), Fujiko Hemming (pianist) were of great importance in the music world. We can mention great game composers like Koji Kondo (Zelda, Mario), Akira Yamaoka and Nobuo Uematsu who influenced everyone.

The influence of classical music in japan

In addition to all anime and games have classic style music as a soundtrack and background sound. Anime and manga also paid attention to classical music through their stories.

great works like April is your lie, "Nodame Cantabile" and several others school anime involving instruments and singing. These are must-have anime for those who want to delve deeper into or get to know classical music better.

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Modern music influenced by classical music

From an early age, Japanese people are encouraged to learn classical instruments such as piano and violin. Nowadays most popular music in Japan is complex and uses multiple instruments.

You can see, take any western music, especially Brazilian ones and compare it with Japanese music, even those from anime. In Japanese music you can find big and complex changes in the middle of the songs, in addition to the use of unconventional instruments in modern music.

Most Japanese songs are considered romantic. There is a great amount of songs that use the piano and violin, in addition to the countless traditional Japanese instruments and synthesized sounds that give the music a gigantic complexity.

Even though classical music has died in many places, Japan remembers it in the traditional way as it shows in its modern music that with complexity, diversity and organization a true art is created. Not to mention the complexity of traditional music and of organizing and performing at festivals.

The popularity of classical music in Japan

I can say this from my own experience. After being influenced by music and soundtracks from movies, games and anime, I got to know Japanese music that can stand out and stand out only with instruments without having to have a voice or lyrics, which are the main things that most people notice. Is that you? What do you think of classical music? I would like to hear your opinion on the matter and thank you for the comments and shares.

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