Why does Japanese have 50 Words for Rain?

There is a myth that the Eskimos have 50 words for snow, but experts say that this is a lie. On the other hand, the Japanese language has a high number of words to describe rain.

There are at least 50 words for the Japanese to describe rain, and today we are going to examine them. That way you will have an idea of how much the japanese language is complex. Why are there so many words for rain in Japanese?

All of this is a result of amount of kanji which represents rain, water, fall and similar words, not to mention the multiple readings that each ideogram has. Japanese also uses kanji junctions to create words that in English would be sentences.

I hope you make good use of this list of Japanese words for rain. If you like the article, don't forget to share and leave your comments. Follow the list of words below separated by categories.

rain in japanese

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白雨はくうhakuurain shower
急雨きゅうkyuurain shower
俄雨にわかあめniwakaamerain shower

Intensity Rain in Japanese

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弱 雨じゃくうjakuulight rain
小雨こさめKosamelight rain
小降りこぶりkoburilight rain
微雨びうbiulight rain
小糠雨こぬかあめkonukaamelight rain
煙雨えんうenulight rain
細雨さいうIt went outdrizzle
多雨たうtauHeavy rain
大雨おおあめwoahHeavy rain
強雨きょううkyouuheavy rain
篠突く雨しのつくあめshinotsukumeheavy rain
集中豪雨しゅうちゅうごううshuuchugouusevere localized downpour
Why does Japanese have 50 words for rain?

Japanese rain combos

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風雨ふ うfuuwind and rain
雨氷うひょうuhyoufreezing rain
雨後雪あめのちゆきamenochiyukirain then snow
雪交じりゆきまじりyukimajirisnow and rain
雨混じりの雪あめまじりのゆきamemajirinoyukisnow and rain
晴後雨はれのちあめharenochiameof course, then rain
雨露うろurorain and dew

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cold rain in Japanese

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涼 雨りょううryouucool rain
冷雨れいうkingcold rain
寒雨かんうKanucold winter rain
氷雨ひさめHisamevery cold rain or hail

Types of Rain in Japanese

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夜雨やうyaunight rain
梅雨前線ばいうぜんせんbaiuzensenseasonal rain
春霖しゅんりんshun rinspring rain
春雨しゅんうshun usoft spring rain
緑雨りょくうryokuuearly summer rain
五月雨さみだれSamidareearly summer rain
秋雨あきさめAkisameautumn rain
秋霖しゅうりんshuu rinautumn rain
凍雨とううbyewinter rain
十雨じゅううwhoorefreshing rain once in ten days
恵雨けいうkeiuwelcome rain
人工雨じんこううjinkouuartificial rain
放射能雨ほうしゃのううhoushanouuradioactive rain
天 泣てんきゅうtenkyuurain from a cloudless sky
Why does Japanese have 50 words for rain?

Weather and Rain in Japanese

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雨模様あまもようlove yourain signs
雨催いあまもよいamoyoithreat of rain
雨上りあまあがりamaagariafter the rain
雨後うごugoafter rain
雨間あまあいlovebreak in the rain
晴一時小雨はれいちじこさめhareichijikosamebrief light rain
ながめNagamelong rain
霖雨りんうlaughlong rain
長雨ながめNagamelong rain
陰霖いんりんinrinlong rain
夕立ゆうだちYuudachisudden rain at night

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