Naghol - Jump in the river to become an adult


Per Kevin

Have you noticed that in anime many characters jump off a bridge in the river to overcome something, let go of sadness or become an adult? In this article, we're going to talk a little about this tale of jumping into the river, clothes and all.

Searching for any information on this subject didn't lead me to any results, but I don't believe it's just an anime cliché. Several Japanese stories show teenagers in school clothes jumping into the river and getting wet.

My research also resulted in a ritual called Naghol from a rather unknown island. Japanese people may also find themselves celebrating by swimming in an icy river or jumping off a bridge on Seijin no Hi (coming of age day).

Why do anime characters jump into the river?

Perhaps these events and legends of children jumping into the river from a bridge, happen due to the large number of rivers that circulate all cities in Japan. Anime portray this thousands of times with characters on the banks of urban rivers.

Jump in the river to become an adult

In the 60's the government invested in several infrastructure projects and beautification of the city and the rivers with their sloping banks along with a footpath trail spread all over Japan.

When we don't see 2 characters talking on the bank of the river, we see them entering the water with clothes and all, or simply jumping off a bridge as in Shigatsu wa kimi nouso.

This scene also happens in Koe no Katachi, non non biyori and recently in Nande Koko ni Sensei ga. It was exactly because of the scene I saw in Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso that I wanted to write this article.

Naghol - Leaping from a Tower to become an adult

Naghol is a cultural tradition practiced by the inhabitants of the island of Pentecost, in Vanuatu, in the South Pacific. It is known as “jumping from the tower” and is performed as a form of homage to ancestors.

In tradition, men build tall towers with wood and jump from them with a vine rope tied to their legs. They fall freely, at incredible speed, to the ground. This is considered an act of courage and valor, and is performed to honor ancestors and commemorate the harvest.

Naghol is an ancient tradition and is seen as an important part of Pentecost Island culture. Although it can be dangerous, it is a joyous and lively celebration that is very important to the islanders.

Pentecost, Vanuatu July 17, 2014, traditional land diving ritual (nangol) com cipós amarrados em seus pés, origem do moderno bungee jumping, editorial

Do Japanese people also jump into the river from a bridge?

The mayor of Osaka warned football fans not to jump off the bridge in Dōtonbori just because the football team won the game. There were occasions when 500 people jumped into the river at once due to a victory.

Jumping in the river is kind of a Japanese tradition that not even they themselves know about. Since childhood, college students probably hear rumors and legends about jumping into the river with their clothes on and everything makes them an adult or helps to overcome problems.

Jump in the river to become an adult

These tales and scenes in anime end up influencing some children who have already jumped into the river out of nowhere, putting their lives in danger and making their parents super worried.

It was hard to find any information about this clichê nos animes or legends, as when searching for jumping from a bridge into the river in Japanese, I only found information related to accidents and suicides.

The fact is, I've watched scenes of characters jumping off a bridge into the river, wearing clothes and all, many times. Have you also observed this scene in other movies and anime? Remember, don't forget to comment and share the article.

Meaning and Definition: meichuu
Information about the Anime: Dragon Ball Kai