Tofu ice cream Recipes and curiosities

On this page you will learn the recipe and some information about the Japanese dish Tofu ice cream Also known as Tofu Aisu Kurīmu.

Table of Content
- About
- Origin
- Information
- Ingredients
- Preparation
- Related

All about Tofu Aisu Kurīmu

Tofu ice cream is a Japanese dessert that has become increasingly popular around the world. It is made from tofu, a soy food that is widely used in Asian cuisine. Tofu is known to be a healthy and nutritious food, and when combined with other ingredients, it can result in delicious dishes such as tofu ice cream.

To make tofu ice cream, it is necessary first to prepare tofu. It is crushed and mixed with sugar, milk and other ingredients, such as cream or fruit. The mixture is then placed in a freezer, where it is left until it becomes consistent.

The final result is a creamy and tasty ice cream, with a light and soft texture. The taste of tofu is softened by sugar and other ingredients, resulting in a unique and refreshing taste. Tofu ice cream can also be served with covers, such as chocolate broth or fresh fruit, making it even more delicious.

Tofu ice cream is a great choice for those who are looking for a healthier dessert with fewer calories. It is rich in protein and contains less fat than traditional ice cream. In addition, tofu is a good source of calcium, iron and vitamins, which makes this dessert a nutritious option.

In addition to being a healthier option, tofu ice cream is also a great alternative for people who are lactose intolerant or who follow a vegan diet. It does not contain milk or animal products, making it an inclusive option for all tastes and food needs.

In short, tofu ice cream is a delicious and healthy Japanese dessert, which has gained more and more fans around the world. Combining the soft taste of tofu with sweet and refreshing ingredients, this dessert is a great choice for those who want to refresh themselves and enjoy a lighter option after meals. Try and discover why tofu ice cream has won so many tastes!

Tofu ice cream

Origin and history of Sorvete de tofu

Tofu ice cream is a dish originally from Asia, more specifically from Japan and China. It is made with tofu, a traditional food from these countries, which is made from coagulated soy milk.

Its history dates back more than 2000 years, when tofu was considered a sacred food and was consumed mainly by Buddhist monks.

The idea of turning tofu into ice cream originated in the 1980s, when the Japanese began to try new ways to consume the food. Today, tofu ice cream is a very appreciated dish and can be found in various versions and flavors, being a healthier and low-fat option compared to traditional ice cream.

About the recipe

  • Name of the plate: Tofu ice cream
  • Name of the dish in English: Tofu ice cream
  • Name of the plate in Japanese: 豆腐アイスクリーム
  • Name of the Romanian dish: Tofu Aisu Kurīmu

Information about preparation

  • Time to prepare: 15 minutes
  • Time of Cooking: 30 minutes
  • Difficulty: SIMPLE
  • It suits: 1-2 people
  • Occasions: Fast and easy, you will

Ingredients – Ingredients

Check out the necessary and optional ingredients Tofu ice creamIt makes sense to improvise

  • 300g of soft tofu
  • 60 g of sugar
  • 2 eggs (clear and separate eggs)
  • Essence of Vanilla

Watch a video of the recipe:

YouTube video

Recipes - How to Prepare

Now that you know the ingredients to make the recipe Tofu ice cream. Follow the instructions below in the preparation mode or step by step.

Preparation mode:

Remove tofu and reserve.

In a bowl, beat the clear and sugar until it forms rigid peaks.

Add tofu to the mixture and mix until it becomes homogeneous.

Add the gems and beat again.

Add the essence of vanilla and mix.

Throw the mixture into a plastic bathtub and bring it to the freezer.

Every hour, mix the mixture 2-3 times until it is well frozen.

If you prefer, divide the mixture into individual portions before freezing.

Before serving, let the ice cream rest for a few minutes and mix well.